Hayman, Cynthia - HOIBY, L. / ROREM, N. / BURLEIGH, H.H.T. / BARBER, S. / NORDOFF, P. / FARWELL, A. (Where the Music Comes From)

- Titel: Hayman, Cynthia - HOIBY, L. / ROREM, N. / BURLEIGH, H.H.T. / BARBER, S. / NORDOFF, P. / FARWELL, A. (Where the Music Comes From) / Vocal Recital. Barber, Samuel, Komponist -- Beck, John Ness, Komponist -- Blake, William, Dichter/Text -- Burleigh, Henry Thacker, Komponist -- Cummings, E. E., Dichter/Text -- Dickinson, Emily, Dichter/Text -- Dougherty, Celius Hudson, Komponist -- Evans, Mari, Dichter/Text -- Farwell, Arthur, Komponist -- Funk and Wagnalls Students' Standard Dictionary, Dichter/Text -- Griffes, Charles Tomlinson, Komponist -- Hayman, Cynthia, Sopran -- Heym, Georg, Dichter/Text -- Hillyer, Robert, Dichter/Text -- Hoiby, Lee, Komponist -- Hope, Laurence, Dichter/Text -- Hundley, Richard, Komponist -- Jones, Warren, Klavier -- Joyce, James, Dichter/Text -- Lekberg, Sven, Komponist -- Logan, Wendell, Komponist -- Millay, Edna St. Vincent, Dichter/Text -- Moss, Howard, Dichter/Text -- Nordoff, Paul, Komponist -- Prude, Walter, Dichter/Text -- Purdy, James, Dichter/Text -- Rorem, Ned, Komponist -- Symons, Arthur, Dichter/Text -- Whitman, Walt, Dichter/Text
- Person(en): Barber, Samuel [Komposition] ; Beck, John Ness [Komposition] ; Burleigh, Henry Thacker [Komposition] ; Dougherty, Celius Hudson [Komposition] ; Farwell, Arthur [Komposition] ; Griffes, Charles Tomlinson [Komposition] ; Hoiby, Lee [Komposition] ; Hundley, Richard [Komposition] ; Lekberg, Sven [Komposition] ; Logan, Wendell [Komposition] ; Nordoff, Paul [Komposition] ; Rorem, Ned [Komposition]
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Decca, 2006
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Where the Music Comes From 00:02:48 -- See how they love me 00:02:40 -- Among The Fuchsias 00:03:28 -- 3 Lieder op. 45 (bearb. von C. Middleton für Gesang und Klavier) 00:03:06 -- 3 Lieder op. 10 00:03:23 -- Till I Wake 00:04:54 -- Embroidery for a Faithless Friend 00:01:15 -- Early in the Morning 00:02:06 -- Wild Nights! Wild Nights 00:00:35 -- Songs of Devotion 00:03:12 -- Always it's Spring 00:02:05 -- O you to whom I often und silently come 00:00:56 -- Worth While 00:02:48 -- Strings in the Earth and Air 00:02:56 -- Love in the dictionary 00:03:02 -- The Prayer 00:02:23 -- Ice und Fire 00:00:48 -- 3 Gedichte op. 9 (Text von W. Blake) 00:02:26 -- The Spring and the Fall 00:03:31 -- Come ready and see me 00:03:23 --
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