Peer Gynt / Sigurd Jorsalfar (Gothenburg Symphony, N. Järvi)

- Titel: Peer Gynt / Sigurd Jorsalfar (Gothenburg Symphony, N. Järvi) / GRIEG, E.. Alm, Vivika, Horn -- Andersson, Maria, Sopran -- Bonney, Barbara, Sopran -- Buen, Knut, Hardangerfiedel -- Cortese, Paul, Viola -- Einarson, Monica, Sopran -- Eklof, Marianne, Mezzosopran -- Forsberg, Charlotte, Mezzosopran -- Foss, Wenche, Erzähler -- Goran, Per, Horn -- Gosta Ohlins Vokalensemble, Ensemble -- Goteborgs Symphony Orchestra, Orchester -- Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra, Orchester -- Grieg, Edvard, Komponist -- Hermansson, Soren, Horn -- Holmgren, Carl Gustaf, Bariton -- Ibsen, Henrik, Dichter/Text -- Järvi, Neeme -- Malmberg, Urban, Bariton -- Maurstad, Toralv, Erzähler -- Ohlin, Gosta -- Page, Malcolm, Horn -- Sandve, Kjell Magnus, Tenor -- Stokke, Tor, Erzähler
- Person(en): Grieg, Edvard ; Grieg, Edvard [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Gosta Ohlins Vokalensemble ; Goteborgs Symphony Orchestra ; Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Deutsche Grammophon, 1987
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Peer Gynt, Op. 23: Act I: Prelude (I Bryllupsgarden) (At the Wedding); Act I Scene 2: Halling; Act I Scene 3: Springar: Bryllupet pa Hegstad (Springar: The Wedding at Hegstad); I. Ingrid's Lament; Act II Scene 3: Peer Gynt og Saeterjentene (Peer Gynt and the Herd-Girls); ... / Grieg, Edvard 01:25:38 -- Sigurd Jorsalfar, Op. 22: Fanfares; I. Innledning til Akt I; II. Borghild's Dream; III. At the Matching Game; IV. The Northland Folk; ... / Grieg, Edvard 00:34:23 --
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