WORLD OF WEDDING MUSIC (THE) (Te Kanawa, Cleobury, S. Preston, P. Hurford, Rudel, Morris, Karajan)

- Titel: WORLD OF WEDDING MUSIC (THE) (Te Kanawa, Cleobury, S. Preston, P. Hurford, Rudel, Morris, Karajan). Bach, Johann Sebastian, Komponist -- Bible, Dichter/Text -- Bible - New Testament, Dichter/Text -- Bible - Old Testament, Dichter/Text -- Brahms, Johannes, Komponist -- Clarke, Jeremiah, Komponist -- Cleobury, Stephen -- Dilley, Harry, Trompete -- Edmeston, James, Dichter/Text -- Farnes, Richard, Orgel -- Filitz, Friedrich, Komponist -- Franck, Salomo, Dichter/Text -- Goss, John, Komponist -- Gounod, Charles-François, Komponist -- Guest, George -- Hamilton, Newburgh, Dichter/Text -- Handel, George Frideric, Komponist -- Huddersfield Choral Society, Chor -- Hurford, Peter, Orgel -- Jahn, Martin, Dichter/Text -- Karajan, Herbert von -- Karg-Elert, Sigfrid, Komponist -- King's College Choir, Cambridge, Chor -- Lyte, Henry Francis, Dichter/Text -- Mendelssohn, Felix, Komponist -- Molinari-Pradelli, Francesco -- Morris, Wyn -- Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, Komponist -- Palmer, Felicity, Alt -- Preston, Simon, Orgel -- Price, Leontyne, Sopran -- Purcell, Henry, Komponist -- Royal Opera House Chorus, Covent Garden, Chor -- Royal Opera House Orchestra, Covent Garden, Orchester -- Rudel, Julius -- Runnett, Henry Brian, Orgel -- Schubert, Franz, Komponist -- Scott, Walter, Dichter/Text -- St. John's College Choir, Cambridge, Chor -- Stainer, John, Komponist -- Sutherland, Joan, Sopran -- Te Kanawa, Kiri, Sopran -- Utah Symphony Orchestra, Orchester -- Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchester -- Wagner, Richard, Komponist -- Wesley, Charles, Dichter/Text -- White, Peter, Orgel -- Widor, Charles-Marie, Komponist -- Wren Orchestra, The, Orchester
- Person(en): Bach, Johann Sebastian [Komposition] ; Brahms, Johannes [Komposition] ; Clarke, Jeremiah [Komposition] ; Filitz, Friedrich [Komposition] ; Goss, John [Komposition] ; Gounod, Charles-François [Komposition] ; Handel, George Frideric [Komposition] ; Karg-Elert, Sigfrid [Komposition] ; Mendelssohn, Felix [Komposition] ; Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus [Komposition] ; Purcell, Henry [Komposition] ; Schubert, Franz [Komposition] ; Stainer, John [Komposition] ; Wagner, Richard [Komposition] ; Widor, Charles-Marie [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Huddersfield Choral Society ; King's College Choir, Cambridge ; Royal Opera House Chorus, Covent Garden ; Royal Opera House Orchestra, Covent Garden ; St. John's College Choir, Cambridge ; Utah Symphony Orchestra ; Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra ; Wren Orchestra, The
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Decca, 2015
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Lohengrin, Akt III: Hochzeitsmarsch (arr. für Orgel) 00:02:00 -- Praise, My Soul the King of Heaven 00:02:41 -- Ave Maria (arr. C. Hazell for voice and orchestra) 00:02:54 -- Suite in D Major (arr. S. Preston for organ) 00:01:34 -- The Lord's my shepherd 00:03:41 -- Overture (Suite) No. 3 in D Major, BWV 1068: II. Air, "Air on a G String" (arr. for organ) 00:05:23 -- Exsultate jubilate, K. 165 * 00:03:03 -- 66 Choral-Improvisationen (Chorale Improvisations), Op. 65 00:03:43 -- Lead us, Heavenly Father 00:02:17 -- Vesperae solennes de confessore, K. 339 00:04:56 -- Trumpet Tune: Cebell (arr. C.H. Trevor) 00:01:23 -- God Be in My Head 00:02:19 -- 11 Chorale Preludes, Op. 122 00:02:28 -- Love Divine, all loves excelling 00:02:39 -- Ellens Gesang III (Ave Maria!), Op. 52, No. 6, D. 839, "Hymne an die Jungfrau" (arr. G. Sabatini for voice and orchestra) 00:05:32 -- Organ Symphony No. 5 in F Minor, Op. 42, No. 1 00:06:27 -- Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben, BWV 147 00:07:32 -- Samson, HWV 57, Akt III: Let the Bright Seraphim 00:05:58 -- A Midsummer Night's Dream, Op. 61 (arr. for organ) 00:04:17 --
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