ABIDE WITH ME - 50 Favourite Hymns (King's College Choir, St. John's College Choir Cambridge, Paisley Abbey Boys Choir)
- Titel: ABIDE WITH ME - 50 Favourite Hymns (King's College Choir, St. John's College Choir Cambridge, Paisley Abbey Boys Choir). Alexander, Cecil Frances, Dichter/Text -- Allan, Hervey, Bariton -- Anderson, Alexander, Orgel -- Baker, Henry Williams, Dichter/Text -- Baring-Gould, Sabine, Dichter/Text -- Bible - Old Testament, Dichter/Text -- Blades, James, Gesang -- Blake, William, Dichter/Text -- Blyth, Bruce, Sopran -- Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra, Orchester -- Bowen, John, Tenor -- Bridges, Matthew, Dichter/Text -- Brown, Wilfred, Tenor -- Byram-Wigfield, Tim, Orgel -- Choir of St. Mark's Church North Audley Street, Chor -- Choir of the Academy for Protestant Church Music Bayreuth, Chor -- Clarke, Jeremiah, Komponist -- Cleobury, Stephen -- Coffin, Charles, Dichter/Text -- Congregation, The, Chor -- Croft, William, Komponist -- Cruger, Johannes, Komponist -- Dykes, John Bacchus, Komponist -- Edmeston, James, Dichter/Text -- Ellerton, John, Dichter/Text -- Elvey, George Job, Komponist -- Farnes, Richard, Orgel -- Filitz, Friedrich, Komponist -- Fletcher, Phineas, Dichter/Text -- Gibbons, Orlando, Komponist -- Goss, John, Komponist -- Grant, Robert, Dichter/Text -- Guest, George -- Hassler, Hans Leo, Komponist -- Haweis, Thomas, Komponist -- Heber, Reginald, Dichter/Text -- Herbst, Martin, Komponist -- Hill, David -- Horsley, William, Komponist -- Huddersfield Choral Society, Chor -- Hughes, John, Komponist -- John McCarthy Singers, Chor -- John of Damascus, Dichter/Text -- Joyce, Kathleen, Kontraalt -- Kelly, Thomas, Dichter/Text -- Kethe, William, Dichter/Text -- King's College Choir, Cambridge, Chor -- Kingsway Symphony Orchestra, Orchester -- Lyte, Henry Francis, Dichter/Text -- McCarthy Singers, Chor -- McPhee, George -- Miller, Edward, Komponist -- Monk, William Henry, Komponist -- Morgan, Geoffrey, Orgel -- Morris, Wyn -- Moultrie, Gerard, Dichter/Text -- Neale, John Mason, Dichter/Text -- Neander, Joachim, Dichter/Text -- Newman, John Henry, Dichter/Text -- Paisley Abbey Boys Choir, Chor -- Parry, Hubert, Komponist -- Parry, Joseph, Komponist -- Preston, Simon, Orgel -- Purcell, Henry, Komponist -- Redhead, Richard, Komponist -- Rinkart, Martin, Dichter/Text -- Roberts, Roland, Bariton -- Robinson, Richard Hayes, Dichter/Text -- Runnett, Henry Brian, Orgel -- Scholefield, Clement Cotterill, Komponist -- Sibelius, Jean, Komponist -- Smart, Charles -- Smart, Charles D. -- Smith, Walter Chalmers, Dichter/Text -- Smyttan, George Hunt, Dichter/Text -- St. John's College Choir, Cambridge, Chor -- Stainer, John, Komponist -- Stone, Samuel, Dichter/Text -- Sullivan, Arthur, Komponist -- Tallis, Thomas, Komponist -- Tans'ur, William, Komponist -- Teschner, Melchior, Komponist -- Theodulph of Orleans, Dichter/Text -- Toplady, Augustus Montague, Dichter/Text -- U.S.A.F. Protestant Chapel Choir, West Ruislap, England, Chor -- Vaughan Williams, Ralph, Komponist -- Vinden, Maurice -- Watts, Isaac, Dichter/Text -- Waynflete Singers, Chor -- Webbe, Samuel, Komponist -- Wesley, Samuel Sebastian, Komponist -- Wesley, Charles, Dichter/Text -- Wesley Jr., Charles, Dichter/Text -- Whiting, William, Dichter/Text -- Whittier, John Greenleaf, Dichter/Text -- Williams, William, Dichter/Text -- Winchester Cathedral Choir, Chor
- Person(en): Clarke, Jeremiah [Komposition] ; Croft, William [Komposition] ; Cruger, Johannes [Komposition] ; Dykes, John Bacchus [Komposition] ; Elvey, George Job [Komposition] ; Filitz, Friedrich [Komposition] ; Gibbons, Orlando [Komposition] ; Goss, John [Komposition] ; Hassler, Hans Leo [Komposition] ; Haweis, Thomas [Komposition] ; Herbst, Martin [Komposition] ; Horsley, William [Komposition] ; Hughes, John [Komposition] ; Miller, Edward [Komposition] ; Monk, William Henry [Komposition] ; Parry, Hubert [Komposition] ; Parry, Joseph [Komposition] ; Purcell, Henry [Komposition] ; Redhead, Richard [Komposition] ; Scholefield, Clement Cotterill [Komposition] ; Sibelius, Jean [Komposition] ; Stainer, John [Komposition] ; Sullivan, Arthur [Komposition] ; Tallis, Thomas [Komposition] ; Tans'ur, William [Komposition] ; Teschner, Melchior [Komposition] ; Vaughan Williams, Ralph [Komposition] ; Webbe, Samuel [Komposition] ; Wesley, Samuel Sebastian [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra ; Choir of St. Mark's Church North Audley Street ; Choir of the Academy for Protestant Church Music Bayreuth ; Congregation, The ; Huddersfield Choral Society ; John McCarthy Singers ; King's College Choir, Cambridge ; Kingsway Symphony Orchestra ; McCarthy Singers ; Paisley Abbey Boys Choir ; St. John's College Choir, Cambridge ; U.S.A.F. Protestant Chapel Choir, West Ruislap, England ; Waynflete Singers ; Winchester Cathedral Choir
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Decca, 1996
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Praise, My Soul the King of Heaven 00:02:35 -- Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation (arr. of Z. 41) 00:03:58 -- All Glory, Laud and Honor 00:03:41 -- When I Survey the Wondrous Cross 00:03:16 -- The Day of resurrection 00:02:05 -- O God, Our Help in Ages Past 00:02:53 -- Dear Lord and Father of mankind 00:03:38 -- Praise to the Holiest 00:02:37 -- Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation (Hast du denn, Jesu) 00:03:08 -- The Church's one foundation 00:02:52 -- Crown Him with many crowns 00:03:36 -- Love Divine, all loves excelling 00:02:29 -- Holy, holy, holy, "Nicaea" 00:03:02 -- Now Thank We All Our God 00:02:41 -- Abide with Me (arr. S. Cleobury) 00:04:18 -- O Praise Ye the Lord 00:02:42 -- Drop, drop, slow tears 00:01:33 -- Glory be to Jesu 00:01:55 -- There is a green hill far away 00:02:35 -- According to Thy Gracious Word 00:03:39 -- Holy Father Cheer Our Way 00:02:00 -- Glory to thee, my God, this night 00:02:49 -- The Day Thou Gavest, Lord, Is Ended 00:03:21 -- Hark! A Thrilling Voice Is Sounding 00:02:59 -- Jordanis Oras Praebia 00:03:24 -- Onward, Christian Soldiers 00:03:52 -- The Lord's my shepherd 00:03:28 -- Guide Me, o Thou Great Jehovah 00:02:24 -- All people that on earth do dwell (Tune: Old Hundredth) 00:01:50 -- Veni, veni Emmanuel (O come, o come Emmanuel) 00:02:47 -- Forty Days and Forty Nights 00:01:52 -- O sacred head sore wounded (Tune: Passion Chorale: Herzlich thut mich verlangen) 00:02:58 -- Christ The Lord Is Risen Today 00:03:38 -- The head that once was crowned with thorns 00:01:41 -- Rock of ages cleft for me 00:02:55 -- Eternal Father, strong to save (Tune: Melita) 00:03:03 -- All Things Bright and Beautiful 00:03:14 -- Be Thou My Vision 00:02:19 -- Be Still My Soul 00:04:17 -- The King of Love My Shepherd Is 00:03:07 -- Let Us With a Gladsome Mind 00:02:46 -- Sine nomine (For all the saints) 00:04:29 -- O Worship the King 00:03:21 -- Come, thou long expected Jesus 00:01:45 -- Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence 00:03:22 -- Spirit of Mercy, Truth and Love 00:01:33 -- Lead us, Heavenly Father 00:02:09 -- Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise 00:02:36 -- Jesus, Lover of My Soul (arr. for chorus and organ) 00:03:42 -- Jerusalem 00:02:52 --
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