Songs (Bryn-Julson, Murray, R. Tear, Shirley-Quirk, Ensemble InterContemporain, Boulez)

- Titel: Songs (Bryn-Julson, Murray, R. Tear, Shirley-Quirk, Ensemble InterContemporain, Boulez) / STRAVINSKY, I.. Afanasiev, Alexander, Dichter/Text -- Afanasyev, Alexander, Dichter/Text -- Auden, Wystan Hugh, Dichter/Text -- Balmont, Konstantin Dmitriyevich, Dichter/Text -- Boulez, Pierre -- Brandt, A., Dichter/Text -- Bryn-Julson, Phyllis, Sopran -- Ensemble InterContemporain, Ensemble -- Geibel, Emanuel von, Dichter/Text -- Heyse, Paul, Dichter/Text -- Kochno, Boris, Dichter/Text -- Murray, Ann, Mezzosopran -- Shakespeare, William, Dichter/Text -- Sheyn, P.V., Dichter/Text -- Shirley-Quirk, John, Bass -- Stravinsky, Igor, Komponist -- Tear, Robert, Tenor -- Thomas, Dylan, Dichter/Text -- Verlaine, Paul-Marie, Dichter/Text
- Person(en): Stravinsky, Igor [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Ensemble InterContemporain
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Deutsche Grammophon, 2015
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Pastorale / Stravinsky, Igor 00:01:56 -- 2 Poemes de Paul Verlaine op. 9 (Gesungen auf Russisch): No. 1. Gdye v lunnom svyetye (The White Moon); No. 2. Mrachniye sny (Wisdom) / Stravinsky, Igor 00:04:55 -- 2 Stikhotvoreniya Konstantina Bal'monta (2 Gedichte von Konstantin Bal'mont): No. 1. Nezabudochka tsvetochek' (The Little Forget-Me-Not Flower); No. 2. Golub' (The Dove) / Stravinsky, Igor 00:02:51 -- 3 Poesies de la lyrique japonaise (3 japanische Gedichte): No. 1. Akahito; No. 2. Mazatsumi; No. 3. Tsaraiuki / Stravinsky, Igor 00:03:18 -- 3 Pesenki (3 Kleine Lieder) "Iz vospominaniyha yunosheskikh godov" (Erinnerungen meiner Kindheit): No. 1. The Magpie; No. 2. The Rook; No. 3. The Jackdaw / Stravinsky, Igor 00:03:05 -- Pribaoutki: No. 1. Kornilo; No. 2. Natashka; No. 3. Polkovnik (The Colonel); No. 4. Starets i zayats (The Old Man and the Hare) / Stravinsky, Igor 00:04:19 -- Berceuses du chat (Katzenlieder): No. 4. U kota, kota (O Tom-Cat, Tom-Cat); No. 3. Bay-bay (Bye-Byes); No. 2. Kot na pechi (The Tom-Cat on the Stove); No. 1. Spi, kot (The Tom-Cat) / Stravinsky, Igor 00:03:46 -- 4 Chants Russes (4 Russische Lieder): No. 4. Tilim-Bom; No. 3. Geese and Swans; No. 2. A Russian Spiritual; No. 1. The Drake / Stravinsky, Igor 00:04:59 -- 3 Pesenki (3 Kindergeschichten) / Stravinsky, Igor 00:01:12 -- Mavra / Stravinsky, Igor 00:02:10 -- 3 Lieder aus William Shakespeare: No. 1. Musick to heare; No. 2. Full fadom five; No. 3. When dasies pied / Stravinsky, Igor 00:07:10 -- In Gedenken an Dylan Thomas / Stravinsky, Igor 00:07:48 -- Elegie für J.F.K. / Stravinsky, Igor 00:01:47 -- 2 Heilige Lieder (nach H. Wolf): No. 2. Wunden tragst du, mein Geliebter; No. 1. Herr, was tragt der Boden hier / Stravinsky, Igor 00:07:37 --
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