Harmonia Sacra (Gabrieli Consort and Players, McCreesh)

- Titel: Harmonia Sacra (Gabrieli Consort and Players, McCreesh) / PURCELL, H.. Bible - Old Testament, Dichter/Text -- Bonner, Tessa, Sopran -- Chateauneuf, Paula, Theorbe -- Daniels, Charles, Tenor -- Fuller, William, Dichter/Text -- Gabrieli Consort, Chor -- Gabrieli Consort and Players, Ensemble -- Gabrieli Players, Ensemble -- Harvey, Peter, Bariton -- Herbert, George, Dichter/Text -- Jacobs, Fred, Chitarrone -- Jones, Susan Hemington, Sopran -- McCreesh, Paul -- Patrick, John, Dichter/Text -- Philips, Katherine, Dichter/Text -- Podger, Julian, Tenor -- Purcell, Henry, Komponist -- Purves, Christopher, Bass -- Quarles, Francis, Dichter/Text -- Roberts, Timothy, Orgel -- Sandys, George, Dichter/Text -- Smith, Angus, Tenor -- Tate, Nahum, Dichter/Text
- Person(en): Purcell, Henry ; Purcell, Henry [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Gabrieli Consort ; Gabrieli Consort and Players ; Gabrieli Players
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Deutsche Grammophon, 2014
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Lord, what is man Z. 192 "A Divine Hymn" / Purcell, Henry 00:04:54 -- O solitude, my sweetest choice Z 406 / Purcell, Henry 00:04:49 -- In the black, dismal dungeon von despair Z 190 / Purcell, Henry 00:04:11 -- Lord, I can suffer thy rebukes Z 136 / Purcell, Henry 00:04:17 -- Solo G-Dur Z. 720 / Purcell, Henry 00:02:46 -- In guilty night Z 134 / Purcell, Henry 00:08:15 -- Solo C-Dur Z. 717 / Purcell, Henry 00:01:17 -- Plung'd in the confines of despair Z 142 / Purcell, Henry 00:04:21 -- Awake, ye dead, the trumpet calls Z 182 / Purcell, Henry 00:03:04 -- The earth trembled Z 197 "On our Saviour's Passion" / Purcell, Henry 00:01:52 -- My Op'ning Eyes Are Purg'd Eyes / Purcell, Henry 00:04:48 -- With sick and famish'd eyes Z 200 / Purcell, Henry 00:04:26 -- Ground c-Moll Z D221 / Purcell, Henry 00:03:57 -- O, I'm sick of life Z 140 / Purcell, Henry 00:04:22 -- Close thine eyes and sleep secure (Upon a Quiet Conscience) Z 184 / Purcell, Henry 00:03:30 -- Funeral Music for Queen Mary II. (Trauermusik) Z 860i / Purcell, Henry 00:08:12 --
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