MUSIC OF THE WORLD - National Anthems (New Japan Philharmonic, Seiji Ozawa)

- Titel: MUSIC OF THE WORLD - National Anthems (New Japan Philharmonic, Seiji Ozawa). Ahn, Eak Tai, Komponist -- Albrecht, Charles, Komponist -- Alexandrov, Alexander Vasil'yevich, Komponist -- Baumanis, Karlis, Komponist -- Bons, Enric Marfany, Komponist -- Burhonov, Mutal, Komponist -- Campenhout, Francois van, Komponist -- Carnicer, Ramon, Komponist -- Cohen, Samuel, Komponist -- Cristea, Alexandru, Komponist -- Damdinsuren, Bilegiin, Komponist -- Davlesov, Nasyr, Komponist -- Eckert, Franz, Komponist -- Erkel, Ferenc, Komponist -- Fawzi, Mohamed, Komponist -- Gutierrez, Manuel Maria, Komponist -- Hajibeyov, Uzeyir, Komponist -- Hassan, Riyahi, Komponist -- Haydn, Franz Joseph, Komponist -- Heeney, Patrick, Komponist -- Holzer, Johann, Komponist -- Kanachyan, Barsegh, Komponist -- Keil, Alfredo, Komponist -- Kim, Won Gyun, Komponist -- Kroyer, Hans Ernst, Komponist -- Kudirka, Vincas, Komponist -- Lavallee, Calixa, Komponist -- Lightbourne, Robert Charles, Komponist -- Mantzaros, Nikolaos Halikiopoulos, Komponist -- McCormick, Peter Dodds, Komponist -- Monteros, Manuel Espinosa de los, Komponist -- New Japan Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchester -- Nie, Er, Komponist -- Nordraak, Rikard, Komponist -- Novaro, Michele, Komponist -- Nuno, Jaime, Komponist -- Ozawa, Seiji -- Pacius, Fredrik, Komponist -- Paliashvili, Zakharia, Komponist -- Parera, Jose Blas, Komponist -- Premrl, Stanko, Komponist -- Radoslavov, Tsvetan Tsvetkov, Komponist -- Rouget de Lisle, Claude-Joseph, Komponist -- Runjanin, Josip, Komponist -- Sakalouski, Nester, Komponist -- Sestic, Dusan, Komponist -- Silva, Francisco Manoel da, Komponist -- Skalovski, Todor, Komponist -- Skroup, Frantisek Jan, Komponist -- Smith, John Stafford, Komponist -- Sontonga, Enoch Mankayi, Komponist -- Sveinbjornsson, Sveinbjorn, Komponist -- Tagore, Rabindranath, Dichter/Text -- Tulebayev, Mukan, Komponist -- Ucenescu, Gheorghe, Komponist -- Ungor, Osman Zeki, Komponist -- Verbytsky, Mykhailo, Komponist -- Villiers, Marthinus Lourens de, Komponist -- Woods, John Joseph, Komponist -- Zinnen, Jean-Antoine, Komponist -- Zwyssig, Alberich, Komponist
- Person(en): Ahn, Eak Tai [Komposition] ; Albrecht, Charles [Komposition] ; Alexandrov, Alexander Vasil'yevich [Komposition] ; Baumanis, Karlis [Komposition] ; Bons, Enric Marfany [Komposition] ; Burhonov, Mutal [Komposition] ; Campenhout, Francois van [Komposition] ; Carnicer, Ramon [Komposition] ; Cohen, Samuel [Komposition] ; Cristea, Alexandru [Komposition] ; Damdinsuren, Bilegiin [Komposition] ; Davlesov, Nasyr [Komposition] ; Eckert, Franz [Komposition] ; Erkel, Ferenc [Komposition] ; Fawzi, Mohamed [Komposition] ; Gutierrez, Manuel Maria [Komposition] ; Hajibeyov, Uzeyir [Komposition] ; Hassan, Riyahi [Komposition] ; Haydn, Franz Joseph [Komposition] ; Heeney, Patrick [Komposition] ; Holzer, Johann [Komposition] ; Kanachyan, Barsegh [Komposition] ; Keil, Alfredo [Komposition] ; Kim, Won Gyun [Komposition] ; Kroyer, Hans Ernst [Komposition] ; Kudirka, Vincas [Komposition] ; Lavallee, Calixa [Komposition] ; Lightbourne, Robert Charles [Komposition] ; Mantzaros, Nikolaos Halikiopoulos [Komposition] ; McCormick, Peter Dodds [Komposition] ; Monteros, Manuel Espinosa de los [Komposition] ; Nie, Er [Komposition] ; Nordraak, Rikard [Komposition] ; Novaro, Michele [Komposition] ; Nuno, Jaime [Komposition] ; Pacius, Fredrik [Komposition] ; Paliashvili, Zakharia [Komposition] ; Parera, Jose Blas [Komposition] ; Premrl, Stanko [Komposition] ; Radoslavov, Tsvetan Tsvetkov [Komposition] ; Rouget de Lisle, Claude-Joseph [Komposition] ; Runjanin, Josip [Komposition] ; Sakalouski, Nester [Komposition] ; Sestic, Dusan [Komposition] ; Silva, Francisco Manoel da [Komposition] ; Skalovski, Todor [Komposition] ; Skroup, Frantisek Jan [Komposition] ; Smith, John Stafford [Komposition] ; Sontonga, Enoch Mankayi [Komposition] ; Sveinbjornsson, Sveinbjorn [Komposition] ; Tulebayev, Mukan [Komposition] ; Ucenescu, Gheorghe [Komposition] ; Ungor, Osman Zeki [Komposition] ; Verbytsky, Mykhailo [Komposition] ; Villiers, Marthinus Lourens de [Komposition] ; Woods, John Joseph [Komposition] ; Zinnen, Jean-Antoine [Komposition] ; Zwyssig, Alberich [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): New Japan Philharmonic Orchestra
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Decca, 2008
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Germany [Das Lied der Deutschen (The Song of the German), "Unity and Right and Freedom …"] (arr. S. Ikebe) 00:01:14 -- France [La Marseillaise (The March of Marseille), "Arise, children of the fatherland…"] (arr. S. Ikebe) 00:01:01 -- United Kingdom [God Save the Queen, "God save our gracious Queen …"] (arr. S. Ikebe) 00:00:44 -- Het Wilhelmus (The Wilhelmus), "Wilhelmus van Nassouwe ben ik, van Duitsen bloed" (William of Nassau am I, of Dutch descent) (Netherlands) …"] (arr. A. Yasuraoka) 00:00:55 -- Belgium [La Brabanconne (The Song of Brabant), "Noble Belgium, for ever a dear land…"] (arr. Y. Suzuki) 00:00:54 -- Luxembourg (National) [Ons Heemecht - Hymne National, "Where the Alzette water fields…"] (arr. Y. Kanno) 00:01:11 -- Austria [Osterreichische Bundeshymne (Austrian Federal Hymn), "Land of mountains…"] (arr. T. Saruya) 00:01:11 -- Italy [Il Canto degli Italiani (The Song of the Italians), "Italian Brother, Italy has awakened…"] (arr. M. Kitazume) 00:01:07 -- Spain [Marcha Real (Royal March), "Long Live Spain!… "] (arr. Y. Suzuki) 00:01:26 -- Portugal [A Portuguesa (The Portuguese), "Heroes of the sea, noble race…"] (arr. T. Niimi) 00:01:02 -- Norway [Ja, vi elsker dette landet, "Yes, We Love this Country… "] (arr. M. Matsuo) 00:01:00 -- Sweden [Du gamla, Du fria (Thou Ancient, Thou Free), Thou ancient, Thou free, Thou mountainous north… "] (arr. T. Saruya) 00:00:48 -- Denmark [Der er et yndigt land (There Is a Lovely Land), "Der er et yndigt land …"] (arr. R. Suzuki) 00:01:07 -- Finland [Maamme (Homeland), "Our land, our land, our native land…"] (arr. S. Ikebe) 00:00:33 -- Switzerland [Schweizerpsalm, Cantique Suisse, Cantico Svizzero (Swiss Psalm), "When the morning …"] (arr. S. Ikebe) 00:01:02 -- Liechtenstein [Oben am jungen Rhein (High on the young Rhine), "High on the young Rhine Lies Liechtenstein, resting… "] (arr. S. Ikebe) 00:00:43 -- Andorra [Himne Andorra (Andorra Hymn), "The great Charlemagne, my Father…"] (arr. Y. Suzuki) 00:01:02 -- Monaco [Le Marche de Monaco (The March of Monaco), "Principality of Monaco, my country…"] (arr. T. Niimi) 00:01:10 -- Ireland [Amhran na bhFiann (The Soldier's Song), "Soldiers are we…"] (arr. T. Suzuki) 00:01:07 -- Iceland [Lofsongur (Song of Praise), "O God of our land…"] (arr. T. Suzuki) 00:01:13 -- Estonia [Mu isamaa, mu õnn ja rõõm (My Fatherland, My Happiness and Joy), "My native land, my joy and delight… "] (arr. S. Ikebe) 00:00:33 -- Latvia [Dievs, svētī Latviju! (God, Bless Latvia!), "God, bless Latvia!… "] (arr. A. Yasuraoka) 00:00:44 -- Lithuania [Tautiska Giesme (National Song), "Lithuania, land of heroes…"] (arr. M. Matsuo) 00:01:38 -- Poland [Mazurek Dabrowskiego (Dombrowski's Mazurka), "Poland has not yet succumbed…"] (arr. M. Kitazume) 00:00:41 -- Czech Republic [Kde domov můj (Where is My Home), "Where is my home…"] (arr. Y. Kanno) 00:01:07 -- Slovakia [Nad Tatrou sa blýska (Lightning over the Tatras), "There is lightning over the Tatras… "] (arr. Y. Kanno) 00:01:26 -- Hungary [Himnusz (Hymn), "God Bless the Hungarians with good cheer…"] (arr. Y. Suzuki) 00:01:08 -- Romania [Deșteaptă-te, române! (Awaken thee, Romanian!), "Wake up, Romanian, from the sleep of death… "] (arr. Y. Suzuki) 00:01:08 -- Yugoslavia [Hej, Slováci (Hey, Slovaks), "Hey, Slovaks, there still lives... "] (arr. T. Saruya) 00:00:54 -- Slovenia [Zdravljica (A Toast), "My friends, the vines have produced again sweet vine…"] (arr. Y. Kanno) 00:01:35 -- Croatia [Lijepa naša domovino (Our Beautiful Homeland), "Our beautiful homeland,... "] (arr. Y. Suzuki) 00:01:07 -- Bosnia and Herzegovina [Drzavna himna Bosne i Hercegovine (The National Anthem of Bosnia and Herzegovina)] (arr. T. Suzuki) 00:00:56 -- Bulgaria [Mila Rodino (Dear Homeland), "Proudly rise the Balkan peaks…"] (arr. T. Niimi) 00:01:26 -- Macedonia [Denes nad Makedonija (Today Over Macedonia), "Today over Macedonia, is being born... "] (arr. A. Yasuraoka) 00:00:47 -- Greece [Ýmnos is tin Eleftherían (Hymn to Liberty), "I recognize you by the fearsome sharpness,... "] (arr. S. Ikebe) 00:00:41 -- Canada [O Canada, "O Canada!, Our home and native land!" ] (arr. T. Saruya) 00:01:10 -- United States of America [The Star-Spangled Banner, "O say, can you see…"] (arr. S. Ikebe) 00:01:14 -- Mexico [Himno Nacional Mexicano (Mexican National Anthem), "May the divine archangel…"] (arr. A. Yasuraoka) 00:01:29 -- Costa Rica [Himno Nacional (National Anthem), "Noble homeland, your beautiful flag…"] (arr. M. Kitazume) 00:01:14 -- Jamaica [Jamaica, Land We Love, "Eternal Father, bless our land…"] (arr. T. Suzuki) 00:01:05 -- Brazil [Hino Nacional do Brasil (National Anthem of Brazil), "There was heard…"] (arr. Y. Suzuki) 00:01:07 -- Chile [Canción Nacional (National Song), "How pure, Chile, is your blue sky" ] (arr. N. Fukushi) 00:01:09 -- Argentina [Marcha de la patria (March of the Fatherland), "Mortals! Hear the sacred cry…"] (arr. T. Saruya) 00:01:02 -- Russian Federation [Gimn Rossyskaya Federatsiya, "Russia, you are our sacred Power!…"] (arr. S. Ikebe) 00:01:25 -- Belarus [Dziarzauny himn Respubliki Bielarus (State Anthem of the Republic of Belarus), "We are the Belarussians…"] (arr. Y. Suzuki) 00:00:56 -- Ukraine [Shche ne vmerla Ukraina (Ukraine's glory has not perished), "Ukraine's glory has not perished, nor her freedom..." ] (arr. S. Ikebe) 00:01:11 -- Moldova [Limba noastră (Our Language), "A treasure is our language that surges... "] (arr. R. Suzuki) 00:01:07 -- Georgia [Tavisupleba (Liberty), "My icon is my motherland…"] (arr. R. Suzuki) 00:01:13 -- Armenia [Mer Hayrenik (Our Fatherland), "Land of our fathers, free, independent…"] (arr. M. Matsuo) 00:00:36 -- Azerbaijan [Azerbaijan Marzi (Azerbaijan March), "Azerbaijan! Azerbaijan!…"] (arr. T. Suzuki) 00:01:16 -- Kazakhstan ["We are brave people, children of honesty…"] (arr. T. Suzuki) 00:01:07 -- Uzbekistan ["Stand tall, my free country, good fortune…"] (arr. S. Ikebe) 00:01:04 -- Kyrgyzstan ["High mountains, valleys and fields…"] (arr. M. Kitazume) 00:00:56 -- Japan [Kimigayo (His Imperial Majesty's Reign), "May your reign.. "] (arr. M. Kitazume) 00:01:00 -- Korea, South [Aegoog-Ga (Patriotic Hymn), "Tong-Hai Sea and Pakdoo Mountain…"] (arr. M. Kitazume) 00:00:59 -- Korea, North [Aegukka (Patriotic Song), "Let morning shine on the silver and gold of this land…"] 00:01:16 -- China [March of the Volunteers, "Arise, ye who refuse to be slaves!…"] (arr. M. Fukushi) 00:00:42 -- Mongolia ["Our sacred revolutionary country is the ancestral heart of all Mongols…"] (arr. R. Suzuki) 00:00:47 -- Turkey [Istiklal Marsi (Independence March), "Fear not and be not dismayed…"] (arr. T. Niimi) 00:01:25 -- Cyprus [Imnos Eis Tin Eleftherian (Hymn to Freedom), "I shall always recognise you…"] (arr. S. Ikebe) 00:00:41 -- Israel [Hatikvah (The Hope), "While yet within the heart …"] (arr. M. Matsuo) 00:01:19 -- Iran [National Anthem, "Upwards on the horizon rises the Eastern Sun... "] (arr. N. Fukushi) 00:00:57 -- India ["Glory to thee, ruler of our hearts and of India's destiny!…"] (arr. R. Suzuki) 00:01:19 -- Australia [Advance Australia Fair, "Australians all, let us rejoice…"] (arr. Y. Suzuki) 00:00:53 -- New Zealand [God Defend New Zealand, "God of nations, at Thy feet…"] (arr. T. Niimi) 00:00:56 -- Algeria ["We swear by the lightning that destroys…"] (arr. S. Ikebe) 00:00:48 -- South Africa ["God bless Africa" - Die Stem Van Suid-Afrika, "Ringing out from our blue heavens…"] (arr. Y. Kanno) 00:02:19 --
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