Sacred Choral Music (Russian) - BORTNIANSKY, D.S. / CHESNOKOV, P. / GRETCHANINOV, A. / RACHMANINOV, S. (St. Petersburg Chamber Choir, Korniev)

- Titel: Sacred Choral Music (Russian) - BORTNIANSKY, D.S. / CHESNOKOV, P. / GRETCHANINOV, A. / RACHMANINOV, S. (St. Petersburg Chamber Choir, Korniev). Arkhangelsky, Alexander, Komponist -- Bible - New Testament, Dichter/Text -- Bible - Old Testament, Dichter/Text -- Borodina, Olga, Mezzosopran -- Bortniansky, Dmitry Stepanovich, Komponist -- Burgamin, M., Komponist -- Chesnokov, Pavel, Komponist -- Cui, César, Komponist -- Dekhtaryov, Stepan, Komponist -- Gretchaninov, Alexander, Komponist -- Gruber, Franz Xaver, Komponist -- Hieromonk Jonathan, , Komponist -- Hvorostovsky, Dmitri, Bariton -- John Chrysostom,, Dichter/Text -- Kalinnikov, Viktor Sergeyevich, Komponist -- Khristov, Dobri, Komponist -- Korniev, Nikolai -- Kornieva, Natalia, Sopran -- Kosolapov, Alexander, Komponist -- Liadov, Anatol Konstantinovich, Komponist -- Mass Text, Dichter/Text -- Mohr, Josef, Dichter/Text -- Mostovoy, Vladimir, Gesang -- Nikolaev-Stroumsky, Apostol, Komponist -- Rachmaninov, Sergey, Komponist -- Ranne, Alexander, Tenor -- Sakhnovsky, Yuri Sergeevich, Komponist -- Shvedov, Konstantin Nikolaevich, Komponist -- St. Petersburg Chamber Choir, Chor -- Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Il'yich, Komponist -- Tolstyakov, Pavel Nilych, Komponist -- Tsipcalo, Sergey, Bariton -- Yegorov, Alexander, Komponist
- Person(en): Arkhangelsky, Alexander [Komposition] ; Bortniansky, Dmitry Stepanovich [Komposition] ; Burgamin, M. [Komposition] ; Chesnokov, Pavel [Komposition] ; Cui, César [Komposition] ; Dekhtaryov, Stepan [Komposition] ; Gretchaninov, Alexander [Komposition] ; Gruber, Franz Xaver [Komposition] ; Hieromonk Jonathan, [Komposition] ; Kalinnikov, Viktor Sergeyevich [Komposition] ; Khristov, Dobri [Komposition] ; Kosolapov, Alexander [Komposition] ; Liadov, Anatol Konstantinovich [Komposition] ; Nikolaev-Stroumsky, Apostol [Komposition] ; Rachmaninov, Sergey [Komposition] ; Sakhnovsky, Yuri Sergeevich [Komposition] ; Shvedov, Konstantin Nikolaevich [Komposition] ; Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Il'yich [Komposition] ; Tolstyakov, Pavel Nilych [Komposition] ; Yegorov, Alexander [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): St. Petersburg Chamber Choir
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Decca, 2002
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Behold the Bridegroom Comes [Kievan chant, Tone 8] 00:05:07 -- Svete tihiy (Radiant Light) 00:03:02 -- Strastnaya Sedmista (Passion Week), Op. 58 00:06:12 -- Russian Orthodox Service, Op. 40 00:02:26 -- Cherubic Hymn, Op. 27 00:04:18 -- Plotiyu usnuv (In the flesh Thou didst fall asleep) 00:03:05 -- Amin': Khristos voskrese iz mertvïkh (The Paschal Hours) 00:14:25 -- Angel Vopiash (The Angel Crying) 00:03:53 -- Dnes' vsyakaya tvar' (Today all creation) 00:05:38 -- Sacred Concerto No. 15, "Priidite, vospoim lyudiye" (Come, let us sing, o ye people) 00:06:32 -- Vnushi, Bozhe, molitvu moyu (Give Ear to My Prayer), Op. 26 00:11:07 -- Chrysostomus Liturgie Op. 41: II. Short Litany: Glory Be to the Father; Posle pervovo antifona (After the First Antiphon); Heruvimskaya pesn (The Cherubic Hymn); I Believe in One God, The Father, The Almighty; The Mercy of Peace; ... 00:24:48 -- Chrysostomus Liturgie Op. 41 00:02:22 -- Chrysostomus Liturgie Op. 41 00:02:37 -- 9 Sacred pieces 00:08:19 -- 9 Sacred pieces 00:04:11 -- 9 Sacred pieces: No. 5. It is Truly Fitting; No. 6. Otche nash (Our Father) 00:06:22 -- 9 Sacred pieces 00:03:28 -- 9 Sacred pieces: No. 8. Da ispravitsya (Let my Prayer Ascend); No. 9. Nyne sily nebesnyya (Now the powers of Heaven) 00:07:36 -- All-night Vigil, Op. 37, "Vespers": Beginning song: Come let us worship; Psalm 103 (104), "O praise the Lord"; Blessed is the man; O Joyful Light; Song of Simeon: Lord, now let your servant depart; ... 00:55:49 -- Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, Op. 31: The First Antiphon: Bless the Lord, o my soul; The Second Antiphon: Only begotten Son of God; The Third Antiphon: In Thy Kingdom; The Little Entrance: Come and Worship; Trisagion: Lord, We Pray that You May Be Merciful; ... 01:07:58 -- Voskliknite Gospodevi vsia zemlia (O be joyful in the Lord, all the earth), Op. 19, No. 2 00:03:58 -- Bogoroditse Devo 00:02:41 -- To Thee We Sing (Tebe Poyem) 00:03:53 -- Perelozheniya iz obikhoda: No. 1. Slava v v'ishnikh Bogu (Stichira for the Nativity of Christ); No. 2. Rozhdestvo tvoe, Christe bozhe nash (Tropar); No. 9. Khvalite Gospoda s nebes 00:07:24 -- Song of the Most Holy Theotokos, Op. 93, "Pesn' Presvyatiya Bogoroditsi" 00:11:44 -- Deva dnes (arr. K. Nikitin for choir) 00:03:16 -- Presvyataya Bogoroditse, Op. 43, No. 1 00:03:13 -- Miloserdiya dveri otverzi nam, Op. 43, No. 3 00:02:28 -- Ne umolchim nikogda, Bogoroditse, Op. 43, No. 4 00:03:33 -- O Fervent Intercessor, Most Holy Queen, Op. 43, No. 6 00:04:26 -- Dobr'ii vechir Tobi (arr. S. Luther for choir) 00:01:53 -- Rozhdestvo Christovo angel priletel (arr. S. Luther for choir) 00:02:11 -- Nebo i zemlya (arr. S. Luther for choir) 00:01:08 -- Pavochka khodit (arr. A. Avdievs'ky for choir) 00:01:56 -- Stille Nacht (Silent Night) (Sung in Russian) 00:03:15 -- Nova radist' stala (arr. V. Stetsenko for choir) 00:02:00 -- Vzglyani syuda (arr. S. Luther for choir) 00:02:33 -- Rozhdestvo Khristovo ves' mir prazdnuet (Rozhdestvenskoye Chudo) (arr. S. Luther for choir) 00:01:06 -- Bogoroditse Devo (Rejoice, O Virgin), Op. 17 00:01:18 -- K Bogoroditse prilezhno nine pritetsem (Communion Hymn) 00:03:07 -- Cherubic Hymn 00:08:42 -- Nine otpushchayeshi 00:03:01 -- Kheruvimskaja pesn (The Cherubimic Hymn) 00:05:54 -- Pod tvoyu milost pribegayem (Under Thy Merciful Protection) 00:03:36 -- Priidite poklonimsya (O Come Let Us Worship) 00:01:41 -- To Thee We Sing (Tebe Poyem) 00:03:15 -- Otche nash (Lord's Prayer) 00:03:17 -- Svete tikhij (Gladsome Light) 00:03:33 -- Blagoslovi, dushe moya Gospoda (Bless the Lord, O My Soul) 00:02:14 -- Gospodi, spasi blagochestiviya (O Lord, Bless Thine Inherit) - Svyatii Bozhe, svyatii krepkii (Holy God, Holy Mighty) 00:03:47 -- K Bogoroditse prilezhno nine pritetsem (Communion Hymn) 00:05:15 -- Angel vopiyashe (An Angel Cried Out) 00:03:04 -- Come to me, all you who labor 00:05:30 -- The Good Thief (Razboinika blagorazumnago) 00:02:38 -- Khvalite imya Gospodne (Praise the Name of the Lord) 00:03:41 -- Great Doxology 00:12:06 -- Cherubic Hymn 00:04:59 -- Symbol of Faith (Simvol veri) 00:05:57 -- Our Father 00:04:59 -- Blazhen muzh (Blessed is the Man) in Op. 44, No. 2 00:03:57 -- From my Youth 00:03:26 -- Let My Prayer Be Set Forth in Thy Sight (Sung in Russian) 00:07:18 -- Sovet preverchni (Gabriel appeared) 00:03:11 -- Utverdi, Bozhe (Establish, O God) 00:01:55 -- We Praise Thee 00:03:38 --
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