Otter, Anne Sofie von - PURCELL, H. / DOWLAND, J. / MONTEVERDI, C. / FERRARI, B. (Music for a While)

- Titel: Otter, Anne Sofie von - PURCELL, H. / DOWLAND, J. / MONTEVERDI, C. / FERRARI, B. (Music for a While) / Vocal Recital. Busenello, Giovanni Francesco, Dichter/Text -- Caccini, Giulio, Komponist -- Dowland, John, Komponist -- Dryden, John, Dichter/Text -- Ericson, Anders, Theorbe -- Ferrari, Benedetto, Komponist -- Fletcher, John, Dichter/Text -- Frescobaldi, Girolamo Alessandro, Komponist -- Fuller, William, Dichter/Text -- Johnson, John, Komponist -- Kapsberger, Giovanni Girolamo, Komponist -- Lindberg, Jakob, Laute -- Monteverdi, Claudio, Komponist -- Norton, Richard, Dichter/Text -- Otter, Anne Sofie von, Mezzosopran -- Purcell, Henry, Komponist -- Rinuccini, Ottavio, Dichter/Text -- Shadwell, Thomas, Dichter/Text -- Storace, Bernardo, Komponist -- Strozzi, Barbara, Komponist -- Vinikour, Jory, Cembalo
- Person(en): Caccini, Giulio [Komposition] ; Dowland, John [Komposition] ; Ferrari, Benedetto [Komposition] ; Frescobaldi, Girolamo Alessandro [Komposition] ; Johnson, John [Komposition] ; Kapsberger, Giovanni Girolamo [Komposition] ; Monteverdi, Claudio [Komposition] ; Purcell, Henry [Komposition] ; Storace, Bernardo [Komposition] ; Strozzi, Barbara [Komposition]
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Deutsche Grammophon, 2005
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Amanti io vo se dire 00:04:51 -- Se l'aura spira (Beim anmutigen Tanzen der Brisen) 00:02:33 -- Dovro dunque morire 00:02:30 -- Scherzi musicali cioe arie et madrigali SV 246-251 (Anonymer Texter): No. 4. 1a parte: Ecco di dolci raggi il sol armato, SV 249; No. 2. Quel sguardo sdegnosetto, SV 247 00:04:15 -- Intavolatura di chitarone, Buch 4 00:01:27 -- L'incoronazione di Poppea 00:03:34 -- Cantate, ariette e duetti op. 2 00:07:05 -- Ciaccona 00:06:13 -- Sarabande mit Division Z 654 00:01:16 -- Pausanius, the Betrayer of his Country Z 585 00:03:15 -- The Tempest Z 631 "The Enchanted Island" 00:02:01 -- Oedipus, King of Thebes Z 583 00:02:52 -- Rule a Wife and Have a Wife Z 587 00:01:29 -- Now that the sun hath veiled his light Z. 193 "An Evening Hymn on a Ground" 00:03:42 -- Intavolatura di chitarone, Buch 4 00:02:18 -- Liederbuch, Buch 4 "A Pilgrimes Solace": In Darkness Let Me Dwell 00:04:26 -- Liederbuch, Buch 1 00:02:39 -- Liederbuch, Buch 3: Weep you no more, sad fountains; What if I never speed? 00:07:40 -- Fantasie 00:03:42 -- King Arthur or The British Worthy Z 628 00:01:53 --
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