Edition (D'Oyly Carte Opera Company)

- Titel: Edition (D'Oyly Carte Opera Company) / SULLIVAN, A.. Adams, Donald, Bass -- Allister, Jean, Kontraalt -- Ayldon, John, Bass -- Bradshaw, Dawn, Sopran -- Brannigan, Owen, Bass -- Broad, John, Bass -- Burnand, F.C., Dichter/Text -- Conroy, James, Bass -- Conroy-Ward, James, Bass -- Cook, George, Bariton -- D'Oyly Carte Opera Chorus, Chor -- D'Oyly Carte Opera Company, Chor -- Eales, Margaret, Gesang -- Egglestone, Anne, Sopran -- Ellison, Jon, Bariton -- Field, Pamela, Sopran -- Gilbert, W.S., Dichter/Text -- Gill, Daphne, Gesang -- Godfrey, Isidore -- Goss, Julia, Sopran -- Grenadier Guards Band, Ensemble -- Griffiths, Rosalind, Sopran -- Harwood, Elizabeth, Sopran -- Hindmarsh, Jean, Sopran -- Holland, Lyndsie, Countertenor -- Hood, Ann, Sopran -- Jones, Ceinwen, Mezzosopran -- Jones, Peggy Ann, Mezzosopran -- Knight, Gillian, Mezzosopran -- Lawlor, Thomas, Bariton -- Leonard, Patricia, Mezzosopran -- Lilley, Barbara, Gesang -- Lloyd-Jones, Beti, Countertenor -- Mackerras, Charles -- Mason, Ralph, Gesang -- Masterson, Valerie, Sopran -- Merri, Judi, Mezzosopran -- Metcalfe, Jane, Gesang -- Nash, Royston -- New Symphony Orchestra of London, Orchester -- Newman, Yvonne, Mezzosopran -- Palmer, Christene, Mezzosopran -- Palmer, David, Gesang -- Palmer, David, Gesang -- Philharmonia Orchestra, Orchester -- Potter, Philip, Tenor -- Prendergast, Glynis, Sopran -- Raffell, Anthony, Bass -- Rayner, Michael, Bariton -- Reed, John, Bariton -- Reid, Meston, Gesang -- Riley, Stanley, Bass -- Riordan, Joseph, Tenor -- Roach, Jeanette, Kontraalt -- Round, Thomas, Tenor -- Royal Opera House Chorus, Covent Garden, Chor -- Royal Opera House Orchestra, Covent Garden, Orchester -- Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchester -- Sandford, Kenneth, Bariton -- Sansom, Mary, Sopran -- Sargent, Malcolm -- Skitch, Jeffrey, Bariton -- Stephenson, Benjamin Charles, Dichter/Text -- Styler, Alan, Bass -- Sullivan, Arthur, Komponist -- Toye, Jennifer, Sopran -- Wakeham, Michael, Bariton -- Wales, Pauline, Sopran -- Walker, James -- Wilson-Hyde, Eric, Bassbariton -- Wright, Colin, Tenor -- Wright, Joyce, Sopran
- Person(en): Sullivan, Arthur ; Sullivan, Arthur [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): D'Oyly Carte Opera Chorus ; D'Oyly Carte Opera Company ; Grenadier Guards Band ; New Symphony Orchestra of London ; Philharmonia Orchestra ; Royal Opera House Chorus, Covent Garden ; Royal Opera House Orchestra, Covent Garden ; Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Decca, 2011
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: The Gondoliers: Act I: Overture; Act I: List and learn, ye dainty roses (Country Girls, Fiametta, Francesco, Giulia, Antonio, Giorgio, Vittoria, Women, Marco, Giuseppe, Tessa, Gianetta); Act I: Good morrow, pretty maids (Francesco, Antonio, Giorgio, Vittoria, Giulia); Act I: For the merriest fellows are we (Antonio, Chorus); Act I: See, See at Last They Come to Make Their Choice; ... / Sullivan, Arthur 02:08:26 -- The Grand Duke: Act I: Overture; Act I: Opening: Won't it be a pretty wedding? (All, Elsa, Bertha, Olga, Gretchen, Ludwig); Act I: Pretty Lisa, fair and tasty; Act I: Solo: By the mystic regulation of our dark Association (Ludwig, All); Act I: Song: Were I a king, in very truth, and had a son in guileless youth (Ernest); ... / Sullivan, Arthur 01:38:28 -- Ouvertüre di ballo / Sullivan, Arthur 00:10:48 -- Henry VIII: No. 1. March; No. 3. Graceful Dance / Sullivan, Arthur 00:09:38 -- H.M.S. Pinafore: Overture; Act I: We sail the ocean blue (Chorus); Act I: Hail, Men-O'-Wars men - I'm called Little Buttercup (Buttercup); Act I: The Nightingale Sighed for the moon (Ralph, Chorus); Act I: A maiden fair to see (Ralph, Chorus); ... / Sullivan, Arthur 01:38:01 -- Iolanthe: Overture; Act I: An Arcadian Landscape between 1700 and 1882: Chorus: Tripping hither, tripping thither (Celia, Leila, Chorus); Act I: Invocation: Iolanthe! From thy dark exile (Queen, Iolanthe, Celia, Leila, Chorus); Act I: Song: Good morrow, good mother (Strephon, Chorus); Act I: Duet: None shall part us from each other (Phyllis, Strephon); ... / Sullivan, Arthur 01:59:24 -- The Mikado: Overture; Act I: If you want to know who we are (Chorus); Act I: Recitative: Gentlemen, I pray you (Nanki-Poo); Act I: A Wand'ring Minstrel I (Nanki-Poo); Act I: Our great Mikado, virtuous man (Pish-Tush, Chorus); ... / Sullivan, Arthur 01:29:40 -- Patience: Overture; Act I: Twenty love-sick maidens we; Act I: Still brooding; Act I: I cannot tell what this love may be; Act I: Twenty love-sick maidens we; ... / Sullivan, Arthur 01:52:17 -- The Pirates of Penzance: Act I: Overture; Act I: Pour, oh, pour the pirate sherry (Chorus, Samuel); Act I: When Frederic was a little lad (Ruth); Act I: Oh, better far to live and die (King, Chorus); Act I: Oh, false one, you have deceived me! (Frederic, Ruth); ... / Sullivan, Arthur 01:43:35 -- Princess Ida: Act I: Overture; Act I: Search throughout the panorama (Chorus, Florian); Act I: Now hearken to my strict command (Hildebrand, Chorus); Act I: Recit: Today we meet - Ballad: Ida was a twelvemonth old (Hilarion); Act I: From the distant panorama (Chorus) - We are warriors three (Arac, Guron, Scynthius); ... / Sullivan, Arthur 01:23:32 -- Pineapple Poll (bearb. von C. Mackerras): Scene I: Opening Dance; Scene I: Poll's Solo - Pas de Deux; Scene I: Captain Belaye's Solo; Scene I: Pas de Trois; Scene I: Finale; ... / Sullivan, Arthur 00:44:51 -- Ruddigore: Overture; Act I: Fair is Rose as bright May day (Chorus, Zorah); Act I: Sir Rupert Murgatroyd (Dame Hannah, Chorus); Act I: If somebody there chanced to be (Rose); Act I: I know a youth who loves a little maid (Robin and Rose); ... / Sullivan, Arthur 01:25:58 -- Cox and Box: Overture; We sounded the trumpet; Duet: Stay, Bouncer, Stay! (Cox, Bouncer); Song: A Lullaby: Hush'd is the bacon on the grid (Box); Song and Dance: My Master Is Punctual (Cox); ... / Sullivan, Arthur 00:29:30 -- The Sorcerer: Act I: Overture; Act I: Opening: Ring forth, ye bells, with clarion sound (All); Act I: Scene: Constance, my daughter, why this strange depression? (Mrs. Partlet, Constance); Act I: When he is here, I sigh with pleasure; Act I: Ballad: The air is charged with amatory numbers (Dr. Daly); ... / Sullivan, Arthur 01:24:57 -- The Zoo: Introduction; The British Public here - You see; I loved her fondly; And now let's go back to where we were … Ah maiden fair; Where is he?; ... / Sullivan, Arthur 00:38:18 -- Imperial March / Sullivan, Arthur 00:06:32 -- Utopia, Limited: Act I: Introduction; Act I: In lazy langour (Phylla, Chorus); Act I: O make way for the Wise Men! (Chorus); Act I: In every mental lore (Scaphio, Phantis, Chorus); Act I: Let all your doubts take wing (Scaphio, Phantis); ... / Sullivan, Arthur 01:44:26 -- Macbeth: Ouvertüre / Sullivan, Arthur 00:08:17 -- Victoria and Merrie England / Sullivan, Arthur 00:11:14 -- Marmion Ouvertüre / Sullivan, Arthur 00:08:05 -- The Yeomen of the Guard: Act I: Overture; Act I: Song: When maiden loves, she sits and sighs (Phobe); Act I: Tower warders, under orders (Townspeople, Yeomen, A Yeoman); Act I: Song: When our gallant Norman foes (Dame Carruthers, Yeomen); Act I: Trio: Alas, I waver to and fro (Phoebe, Leonard, Meryll); ... / Sullivan, Arthur 01:31:44 -- Trial by Jury: Solo and Chorus: Hark, the hour of ten is sounding (Usher, Chorus); Song and Chorus: When first my old, old love I knew (Defendant, Chorus of Jurymen, Usher); Song: When I, good friends … (Judge, All, Chorus); Chorus of Bridesmaids: Where's the Plaintiff? (Counsel, Usher, Chorus of Bridemaids, Plaintiff); Counsel of Plaintiff: May it please you, m'lud! (All, Counsel, Jury, Plaintiff); ... / Sullivan, Arthur 00:33:02 -- The Gondoliers: Act I: Quartet: From the sunny Spanish shore (Duke, Duchess, Casilda, Luiz); Act I: Duet: There was a time, a time forever gone (Luiz, Casilda); Act II: To help unhappy commoners (Duke); Act I: Then one of us will be a queen (Tessa, Gianetta, Marco, Giuseppe) / Sullivan, Arthur 00:11:06 -- Iolanthe: Act II: Recit: Love, unrequited, robs me of my rest … When you're lying awake (Lord Chancellor); Act I: Duet: None shall part us from each other (Phyllis, Strephon); Act II: Trio: If you go in you're sure to win (Lord Tolloller, Lord Mountararat, Lord Chancellor); Act I: Song: When I went to the bar (Lord Chancellor); Act II: Quartet: Though p'raps I may incur your blame (Phyllis, Lord Mountararat, Lord Tolloller, Private Willis); ... / Sullivan, Arthur 00:12:35 -- Ruddigore: Act I: My boy, you may take it from me (Robin); Act I: I know a youth who loves a little maid (Robin and Rose); Act II: There grew a little flower (Hannah and Sir Ruthven); Act I: The battle's roar is over; Act I: In sailing o'er life's ocean wide; ... / Sullivan, Arthur 00:13:31 -- The Yeomen of the Guard: Act II: Hereupon we're both agreed; Act I: I've jibe and joke; Act II: When a wooer goes a-wooing; Act II: A man who would woo a fair maid / Sullivan, Arthur 00:09:42 --
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