Ubi Caritas / The Spheres / The Crossing / Northern Lights (Voces8, Tenebrae, Gjeilo)

- Titel: Ubi Caritas / The Spheres / The Crossing / Northern Lights (Voces8, Tenebrae, Gjeilo) / GJEILO, O.. Dawson, Hannah, Violine -- Giessen, Simone van der, Viola -- Gjeilo, Ola, Komponist -- Gould, Thomas, Violine -- Hancox, Ben, Violine -- Kvalvaag, Kristian, Gitarre -- London Chamber Orchestra, Orchester -- Mass Text, Dichter/Text -- McCabe, Ciaran, Violine -- Sharp, Matthew, Violoncello -- Silvestri, Charles Anthony, Dichter/Text -- Tenebrae, Chor -- Thorne, Jon, Viola -- Voces8, Ensemble -- Yeats, William Butler, Dichter/Text
- Person(en): Gjeilo, Ola ; Gjeilo, Ola [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): London Chamber Orchestra ; Tenebrae ; Voces8
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Decca, 2016
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Ubi Caritas / Gjeilo, Ola 00:05:22 -- The Spheres "Kyrie eleison" / Gjeilo, Ola 00:04:17 -- The Ground "Ple ni sunt caeli et terra gloria tua" / Gjeilo, Ola 00:03:38 -- Sanctus: London / Gjeilo, Ola 00:04:47 -- The Crossing / Gjeilo, Ola 00:03:37 -- Northern Lights "Pulchra es, amica mea" / Gjeilo, Ola 00:04:08 -- The Lake Isle / Gjeilo, Ola 00:06:18 -- Serenity "O magnum mysterium" / Gjeilo, Ola 00:05:08 -- Tundra / Gjeilo, Ola 00:03:35 -- Reflections / Gjeilo, Ola 00:01:53 -- Sacred Heart / Gjeilo, Ola 00:04:41 --
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