EARLY ONE MORNING - Partsongs and Folk Songs (Brannigan, Louis Halsey Singers, The Elizabethan Singers, Halsey)

- Titel: EARLY ONE MORNING - Partsongs and Folk Songs (Brannigan, Louis Halsey Singers, The Elizabethan Singers, Halsey). Bible - Old Testament, Dichter/Text -- Brannigan, Owen, Bass -- Campion, Thomas, Komponist -- Cavalcanti, Guido, Dichter/Text -- Coleridge, Mary, Dichter/Text -- Cory, William, Dichter/Text -- Davies, John, Dichter/Text -- Delius, Frederick, Komponist -- Donne, John, Dichter/Text -- Elizabethan Singers, The, Chor -- Graves, Alfred Perceval, Dichter/Text -- Halsey, Louis -- Lang, Andrew, Dichter/Text -- Lockhart, John Gibson, Dichter/Text -- Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, Dichter/Text -- Louis Halsey Singers, Chor -- Parry, Hubert, Komponist -- Parry, Wilfred, Orgel -- Partridge, Ian, Tenor -- Shelley, Percy Bysshe, Dichter/Text -- Stanford, Charles Villiers, Komponist -- Symons, Arthur, Dichter/Text -- Tennyson, Alfred, Dichter/Text -- Vaughan, Henry, Dichter/Text
- Person(en): Campion, Thomas [Komposition] ; Delius, Frederick [Komposition] ; Parry, Hubert [Komposition] ; Stanford, Charles Villiers [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Elizabethan Singers, The ; Louis Halsey Singers
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Decca, 2012
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Songs of Farewell: I. My soul, there is a country; II. I know my soul hath power to know all things; III. Never weather-beaten sail; IV. There is an old belief; V. At the round earth's imagined corners; ... 00:32:21 -- 4 Part-Songs, Op. 110 00:02:21 -- 6 Elizabethan Pastorales, Set 1, Op. 49 00:02:39 -- 2 Old Irish Melodies 00:02:13 -- 8 Partsongs, Op. 127 00:02:29 -- 8 Partsongs, Op. 119 00:01:57 -- 6 Elizabethan Pastorales, Set 3, Op. 67 00:01:09 -- Scenes from the Saga of King Olaf, Op. 30 00:02:05 -- My Love Dwelt in a Northern Land, Op. 18, No. 3 00:04:03 -- Go, song of mine, Op. 57 00:04:36 -- 4 Choral songs, Op. 53 (text by P.B. Shelley) 00:03:31 -- 2 Choral songs, Op. 71 00:02:32 -- 2 Choral songs, Op. 73 00:02:47 -- 4 Choral songs, Op. 53 (text by E. Elgar) 00:02:38 -- 2 Choral songs, Op. 71 00:03:06 -- 4 Choral Songs, Op. 53: No. 1. There is Sweet Music; No. 2. Deep in my Soul 00:08:13 -- Midsummer Song 00:01:55 -- On Craig Ddu 00:03:38 -- To be sung of a Summer Night on the Water 00:03:45 -- The splendour falls on castle walls 00:03:14 -- Captain Bover 00:01:46 -- A Fair Maid 00:02:18 -- Matthew, Mark, Luke and John 00:02:32 -- I Sowed the Seeds of Love 00:02:46 -- Wassail Song 00:02:36 -- Bushes and Briars 00:03:09 -- O Waly, Waly 00:03:48 -- Dance To Your Daddy 00:01:40 -- Bobby Shaftoe 00:01:03 -- Adam Buckham O! 00:01:50 -- I Love My Love 00:04:24 -- The Sailor and Young Nancy 00:02:52 -- Our Captain Calls All Hands 00:02:01 -- Bonny at Morn 00:03:25 -- Soul Cake 00:01:43 -- Down Among The Dead Men 00:01:43 -- Brigg Fair 00:03:07 -- Early One Morning 00:02:53 -- Derwentwater's Farewell 00:02:57 --
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