FLOWER OF SCOTLAND - Timeless Scottish Classics from the Land of the Brave

- Titel: FLOWER OF SCOTLAND - Timeless Scottish Classics from the Land of the Brave. Ainsley, John Mark, Tenor -- Allen, Thomas, Bariton -- Anderson, Moira, Sopran -- Beethoven, Ludwig van, Komponist -- Bert Shorthouse Glenlomond Band, Ensemble -- Black Mountain Male Choir, Chor -- Bobby Macleod Highland Dance Band, Ensemble -- Burns, Robert, Dichter/Text -- Czech Film Orchestra, Orchester -- Dickson, Barbara, Gesang -- Donockley, Troy, Pfeife -- Fiddle and Accordion Club, Ensemble -- Fitchet, Angus, Komponist -- Heneker, David, Komponist -- Hogg, James, Dichter/Text -- Kennedy, Calum, Gesang -- Knight, Peter -- Lauder, Harry, Komponist -- Layton, Elizabeth, Violine -- Llewellyn, Grant -- Lott, Felicity, Sopran -- MacCunn, Hamish, Komponist -- Maclennan, G. S., Komponist -- Martineau, Malcolm, Klavier -- Masterson, Cliff -- McLellan, John, Komponist -- Orpheus Chamber Orchestra, Orchester -- Osostowicz, Krysia, Violine -- Roever, Ulrich, Komponist -- Royal Highland Fusiliers Band, Ensemble -- Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchester -- Royal Scots Dragoon Guards, Ensemble -- Scholl, Andreas, Countertenor -- Scotts and Dykehead Caledonia Pipe Band, Ensemble -- Shames, Stacey, Harfe -- Shorthouse, Bert -- Smith, Ursula, Violoncello -- Spence, Nicky, Tenor -- Sutherland, Iain -- Walker, Sarah, Mezzosopran -- Williamson, Roy M. B., Komponist
- Person(en): Beethoven, Ludwig van [Komposition] ; Fitchet, Angus [Komposition] ; Heneker, David [Komposition] ; Lauder, Harry [Komposition] ; MacCunn, Hamish [Komposition] ; Maclennan, G. S. [Komposition] ; McLellan, John [Komposition] ; Roever, Ulrich [Komposition] ; Williamson, Roy M. B. [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Bert Shorthouse Glenlomond Band ; Black Mountain Male Choir ; Bobby Macleod Highland Dance Band ; Czech Film Orchestra ; Fiddle and Accordion Club ; Orpheus Chamber Orchestra ; Royal Highland Fusiliers Band ; Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra ; Royal Scots Dragoon Guards ; Scotts and Dykehead Caledonia Pipe Band
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Decca, 2013
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Scotland the Brave - Flower of Scotland 00:04:48 -- Skye Boat Song 00:04:19 -- Highland Cathedral 00:03:50 -- A Highland Lad 00:02:09 -- Schottisches Medley 00:07:32 -- Blair Drummond (Strathspey) - The Brolum (Reel) 00:02:26 -- Comin' Thru the Rye 00:01:46 -- MacKenzie's Highlanders 00:00:48 -- The Garton Mother's Lullaby 00:02:27 -- Marsch-Medley (Lochanside - Highland Brigade at Magersfontein) 00:02:36 -- 12 Schottische Lieder WoO 156 00:02:10 -- In the Gloamin' - Just a Wee Deoch-an-Doris - Stop Your Tickling Jock - I Love a Lassie - Sailing up the Clyde 00:03:56 -- The Skyline of Skye 00:02:57 -- Muir of Ord - Struan Robertson - Over the Isles to America 00:03:01 -- The Keel row 00:01:35 -- My Love Is Like a Red, Red Rose (bearb. von C Leon für Gesang, Harfe und Orchester) 00:03:55 -- New Rigged Ship - The Rock and the Wee Pickle Tow - A. M. Shinnie - The Drunken Parson 00:02:49 -- 25 Schottische Lieder op. 108 00:01:47 -- Blue Bonnets Over the Border - Scotland the Brave 00:03:08 -- Mrs. MacLeod - The Fairy Dance - Davie Knick-Knack - The Mason's Apron 00:02:18 -- Land of the Mountain and the Flood Ouvertüre op. 3 00:08:37 -- Auld Lang Syne 00:03:59 --
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