Choral and Instrumental Music - DOWLAND, J. / MORLEY, T. / WEELKES, T. (The Tudors) (Purcell Consort of Voices, Burgess)

- Titel: Choral and Instrumental Music - DOWLAND, J. / MORLEY, T. / WEELKES, T. (The Tudors) (Purcell Consort of Voices, Burgess). Brett, Jeremy, Sprecher -- Burgess, Grayston, Countertenor -- Dowland, John, Komponist -- Gibbons, Orlando, Komponist -- Holborne, Antony, Komponist -- Kirbye, George, Komponist -- Morley, Thomas, Komponist -- Pilkington, Francis, Komponist -- Purcell Consort of Voices, Ensemble -- Sidney, Philip, Dichter/Text -- Spencer, Robert, Chitarrone -- Tomkins, Thomas, Komponist -- Vautor, Thomas, Komponist -- Ward, John, Komponist -- Weelkes, Thomas, Komponist
- Person(en): Dowland, John [Komposition] ; Gibbons, Orlando [Komposition] ; Holborne, Antony [Komposition] ; Kirbye, George [Komposition] ; Morley, Thomas [Komposition] ; Pilkington, Francis [Komposition] ; Tomkins, Thomas [Komposition] ; Vautor, Thomas [Komposition] ; Ward, John [Komposition] ; Weelkes, Thomas [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Purcell Consort of Voices
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Decca, 2017
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: The Lady Rich's Galliard, P. 43a 00:00:35 -- Arcadia 00:00:57 -- I Love, Alas, I Love Thee 00:01:28 -- Lady, Your Eye My Love Enforced 00:03:08 -- The Countess of Pembroke's Paradise 00:01:45 -- Sonnets 00:01:02 -- Lady, When I Behold 00:02:36 -- Sing we at Pleasure 00:01:54 -- Sonnets 00:00:39 -- Lock up, fair lids 00:08:24 -- Loth to depart, P. 69 00:02:16 -- Ah dear heart 00:01:52 -- Sonnets 00:00:47 -- My Phyllis bids me pack away 00:01:35 -- See what a maze of error 00:02:09 -- My Lord Willoughby's Welcome Home, P. 66 00:01:20 -- Arcadia 00:00:48 -- Hope of my heart 00:03:07 -- Never did any more delight 00:02:42 -- Come, shepheards, sing with me 00:01:45 -- Arcadia 00:01:18 -- O softly singing lute 00:04:27 -- Sir Philip Sidney's Lamentation 00:02:06 --
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