ANTHEMS FOR SCOTLAND (M. Anderson, C. von Dohnányi, Haitink, B. Sharples)

- Titel: ANTHEMS FOR SCOTLAND (M. Anderson, C. von Dohnányi, Haitink, B. Sharples). 1st Battalion Queen's Own Highlanders, Ensemble -- Academy of St. Martin in the Fields Orchestra, Orchester -- Allen, Thomas, Bariton -- Anderson, Moira, Sopran -- Arthur Spink Band, Ensemble -- Beethoven, Ludwig van, Komponist -- Benedetti, Nicola, Violine -- Bert Shorthouse Glenlomond Band, Ensemble -- Bruch, Max, Komponist -- Burns, Robert, Dichter/Text -- Chung, Kyung-Wha, Violine -- Cooper, Ronald, Komponist -- Czech Film Orchestra, Orchester -- Debussy, Claude, Komponist -- Dohnányi, Christoph von -- Douglas, William, Dichter/Text -- Gow, Phamie, Komponist -- Haitink, Bernard -- Hogg, James, Dichter/Text -- Horner, James, Komponist -- Kempe, Rudolf -- Lady Nairne, Dichter/Text -- London Symphony Orchestra, Orchester -- MacMillan, James, Komponist -- Martineau, Malcolm, Klavier -- Masterson, Cliff -- McKellar, Kenneth, Tenor -- McLellan, John, Komponist -- Mendelssohn, Felix, Komponist -- Ogilvie, Hugh, Komponist -- Osostowicz, Krysia, Violine -- Rankine, Andrew Marshall, Komponist -- Robinson, Timothy, Tenor -- Roever, Ulrich, Komponist -- Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, Orchester -- Royal Highland Fusiliers Band, Ensemble -- Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchester -- Royal Scots Dragoon Guards, Ensemble -- Scott, Alicia, Komponist -- Scotts and Dykehead Caledonia Pipe Band, Ensemble -- Sharples, Bob -- Shorthouse, Bert -- Smith, Ursula, Violoncello -- Spence, Nicky, Tenor -- Tannahill, Robert, Dichter/Text -- Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchester -- Walker, Sarah, Mezzosopran -- Watson, Janice, Sopran
- Person(en): Beethoven, Ludwig van [Komposition] ; Bruch, Max [Komposition] ; Cooper, Ronald [Komposition] ; Debussy, Claude [Komposition] ; Gow, Phamie [Komposition] ; Horner, James [Komposition] ; MacMillan, James [Komposition] ; McLellan, John [Komposition] ; Mendelssohn, Felix [Komposition] ; Ogilvie, Hugh [Komposition] ; Rankine, Andrew Marshall [Komposition] ; Roever, Ulrich [Komposition] ; Scott, Alicia [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): 1st Battalion Queen's Own Highlanders ; Academy of St. Martin in the Fields Orchestra ; Arthur Spink Band ; Bert Shorthouse Glenlomond Band ; Czech Film Orchestra ; London Symphony Orchestra ; Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra ; Royal Highland Fusiliers Band ; Royal Philharmonic Orchestra ; Royal Scots Dragoon Guards ; Scotts and Dykehead Caledonia Pipe Band ; Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Decca, 2014
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Amazing Grace 00:04:57 -- Scotland the brave - The Badge of Scotland - The Meeting of the Waters 00:02:48 -- Die Hebriden D-Dur op. 26 MWV P7 "Fingals Höhle" 00:10:11 -- Braveheart 00:02:51 -- My Love Is Like a Red Red Rose 00:04:49 -- 25 Schottische Lieder op. 108 (Text von J. Hogg) 00:03:15 -- Serie aus Reels: The Tushkar - Tullamore Piper- New High Level - Angus Macleod 00:04:17 -- The Bonny Earl o' Moray 00:02:51 -- Highland Cathedral 00:03:42 -- Blue Bonnets Over the Border - Scotland the Brave 00:03:09 -- Marche ecossaise sur un theme populaire (Fassung für Orchester) 00:06:46 -- Skye Boat Song 00:04:14 -- From Ayrshire 00:05:33 -- Wi' A Hundred Pipers 00:03:32 -- Robin Adair 00:03:06 -- Schottische Fantasie op. 46 00:07:38 -- Scots wha hae wi' Wallace bled 00:02:48 -- Rackwick Bay 00:04:05 -- 25 Schottische Lieder op. 108 (Text von R. Burns) 00:02:54 -- Annie Laurie 00:03:42 -- Marsch-Medley (Lochanside - Highland Brigade at Magersfontein) 00:02:34 -- Hail, Caledonia 00:02:50 -- Blair Drummond (Strathspey) - The Brolum (Reel) 00:02:22 -- Auld Lang Syne 00:03:59 --
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