Orchestral Music - BARANOVIĆ, K. / JANÁČEK, L. / LHOTKA, F. / SLAVENSKI, J. (Springtime in Yugoslavia) (Popovich, Lhotka, Baranović, Huybrechts)

- Titel: Orchestral Music - BARANOVIĆ, K. / JANÁČEK, L. / LHOTKA, F. / SLAVENSKI, J. (Springtime in Yugoslavia) (Popovich, Lhotka, Baranović, Huybrechts). Baranovic, Krešimir -- Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchester -- Bugarinovich, Melanie, Kontraalt -- Huybrechts, Francois -- Janáček, Leoš, Komponist -- Lhotka, Fran, Komponist -- London Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchester -- Popovich, Dushan, Bariton -- Slavenski, Josip, Komponist -- Tzveych, Dushan, Tenor -- Tzveych, Zharko, Bass -- Zagreb National Opera House Orchestra, Orchester
- Person(en): Janáček, Leoš [Komposition] ; Lhotka, Fran [Komposition] ; Slavenski, Josip [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra ; London Philharmonic Orchestra ; Zagreb National Opera House Orchestra
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Decca, 2019
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: The Devil in the Village Suite: I. The Devil plots against the two lovers, Mirko and Yela; II. Dance; III. In Hell; IV. Witches' Sabbath; V. Witches' Orgy; ... 00:24:52 -- Gingerbread Heart Suite: I. At the Fair; II. Boys and Girls enter; III. The Gingerbread figures come to life; IV. Pas de deux of the 2 Gingerbread Hearts; V. Outside the Church; ... 00:20:41 -- Lašské tance (Lachische Tänze) JW VI/17: No. 1. Starodávný (Old-Time Dance); No. 2. Požehnaný (Blessed); No. 3. Dymák (Blacksmith's Dance); No. 4. Starodávný II (Old-Time Dance); No. 5. Celadenský (From Celadra); ... 00:22:16 -- Religiophonia, "Simfonija orijenta" (Sinfonia Orienta): I. Pagans: Prehistoric Music; II. Hebrews: Musica coloristica; III. Buddhists: Musica architectonica; IV. Christians: Musica melodica; V. Moslems: Musica articulatiae; ... 00:43:45 -- Taras Bulba JW VI/15: I. Smrt Andrijova (Death of Andrij); II. Smrt Ostapova (The Death of Ostap); III. Proroctvi a smrt Tarase Bulby (The Prophecy and Death of Taras Bulba) 00:26:05 --
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