Sacre du printemps (Le) (The Rite of Spring) / Chant funèbre (Funeral Song) (Koch, Lucerne Festival Orchestra, Chailly)

- Titel: Sacre du printemps (Le) (The Rite of Spring) / Chant funèbre (Funeral Song) (Koch, Lucerne Festival Orchestra, Chailly) / STRAVINSKY, I.. Chailly, Riccardo -- Koch, Sophie, Mezzosopran -- Lucerne Festival Orchestra, Orchester -- Pushkin, Alexander, Dichter/Text -- Stravinsky, Igor, Komponist
- Person(en): Stravinsky, Igor ; Stravinsky, Igor [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Lucerne Festival Orchestra
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Decca, 2018
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Pogrebal'naya pesn' (Funeral Song), Op. 5 / Stravinsky, Igor 00:10:30 -- Feu d'artifice (Fireworks), Op. 4 / Stravinsky, Igor 00:03:55 -- Fantasticheskoye skertso (Scherzo fantastique), Op. 3 / Stravinsky, Igor 00:11:51 -- Favn' i pastushka (Faune et bergere), Op. 2: La Bergere; Le Faune; Le Torrent / Stravinsky, Igor 00:10:09 -- Le sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring): Part I: Adoration of the Earth: Introduction -; Part I: Adoration of the Earth: The Augurs of Spring - Dances of the Young Girls -; Part I: Adoration of the Earth: Ritual of Abduction -; Part I: Adoration of the Earth: Spring Rounds -; Part I: Adoration of the Earth: Ritual of the River Tribes -; ... / Stravinsky, Igor 00:33:54 --
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