NATIVITY - Christmas Music from Georgian England (Psalmody, The Parley of Instruments, P. Holman)

- Titel: NATIVITY - Christmas Music from Georgian England (Psalmody, The Parley of Instruments, P. Holman). Adams, Thomas, Komponist -- Bible, Dichter/Text -- Byrom, John, Dichter/Text -- Cawood, John, Dichter/Text -- Cennick, John, Dichter/Text -- Cooke, Benjamin, Komponist -- Fawcett, John, Komponist -- Green, Luke, Orgel -- Hill, John, Komponist -- Key, Joseph, Komponist -- Madan, Martin, Komponist -- Marsh, William, Komponist -- Matthews, William, Komponist -- Miller, Edward, Komponist -- Montgomery, James, Dichter/Text -- Oats, , Dichter/Text -- Parley of Instruments, The, Ensemble -- Pike, George, Dichter/Text -- Psalmody, Chor -- Reynolds, Jno, Dichter/Text -- Stephenson, Joseph, Komponist -- Storace, Stephen, Komponist -- Taylor, Richard, Komponist -- Tremain, Thomas, Komponist -- Truswell, T., Dichter/Text -- Wade, John Francis, Komponist -- Wainwright, John, Komponist -- Watts, Isaac, Dichter/Text -- Wesley, Charles, Dichter/Text
- Person(en): Adams, Thomas [Komposition] ; Cooke, Benjamin [Komposition] ; Fawcett, John [Komposition] ; Hill, John [Komposition] ; Key, Joseph [Komposition] ; Madan, Martin [Komposition] ; Marsh, William [Komposition] ; Matthews, William [Komposition] ; Miller, Edward [Komposition] ; Stephenson, Joseph [Komposition] ; Storace, Stephen [Komposition] ; Taylor, Richard [Komposition] ; Tremain, Thomas [Komposition] ; Wade, John Francis [Komposition] ; Wainwright, John [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Parley of Instruments, The ; Psalmody
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Hyperion, 2003
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Strike, Seraphs, Strike Your Harps of Gold 00:04:02 -- Arise and Hail the Sacred Day 00:02:05 -- The Branch, the Mighty Branch Behold, "Nativity" 00:03:55 -- The People That Walked in Darkness 00:06:42 -- Lo! He Comes with Clouds Descending (arr. E. Miller for choir and organ) 00:04:37 -- Ode for Christmas: Extract: Angelic Hymns Thy Natal Day 00:04:22 -- Variationen über Adeste fideles 00:07:58 -- Come Celebrate Th' Auspicious Morn 00:05:16 -- Hosanna to King David's Son, Hosannah 00:01:56 -- In Bethlem Fields as Shepherds Kept 00:03:24 -- Light of Those Whose Dreary Dwelling 00:02:43 -- How Beauteous Are Their Feet, Zion 00:05:59 -- Joy to the World (Comfort) (arr. C. Rider for choir and organ) 00:02:51 -- Hark! What Mean Those Holy Voices? 00:01:40 -- Christians, Awake, Salute the Happy Morn (Tune: Yorkshire) 00:04:43 -- Angels From the Realms of Glory (arr. T. Williams for choir and orchestra) 00:04:20 -- O Come, All Ye Faithful (Adeste fideles) (arr. V. Novello for choir and orchestra) 00:05:13 --
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