CHRISTMAS THROUGH THE AGES (Bowman, Hodges, Holton, Polyphony, Westminster Cathedral Choir, O'Donnell, Layton)

- Titel: CHRISTMAS THROUGH THE AGES (Bowman, Hodges, Holton, Polyphony, Westminster Cathedral Choir, O'Donnell, Layton). Ainsley, John Mark, Tenor -- Best, Matthew, Bass -- Bowman, James, Countertenor -- Brandenburg Consort, Ensemble -- Britten, Benjamin, Komponist -- Capella Portuguesa, Ensemble -- Christophers, Harry, Tenor -- City of London Sinfonia, Orchester -- Clark, Thomas, Komponist -- Corelli, Arcangelo, Komponist -- Cornelius, Peter, Komponist -- Corydon Orchestra, Orchester -- Corydon Singers, Chor -- Cristo, Pedro de, Komponist -- Daquin, Louis-Claude, Komponist -- Darke, Harold, Komponist -- Evans, Robert, Bass -- Francis, Alun -- Gabrieli, Giovanni, Komponist -- George, Michael, Bass -- Goodman, Roy, Gesang -- Guerrero, Francisco, Komponist -- Harper, Celia, Doppelharfe -- Herrick, Christopher, Orgel -- Hill, David -- Hodges, Chris, Bass -- Holton, Ruth, Sopran -- Jackson, Sally, Dulzian -- Judd, Roger, Orgel -- Kenny, Jonathan Peter, Countertenor -- King, Andrew, Tenor -- King, Robert, Sopran -- King's Consort, Chor -- Lassus, Orlande de, Komponist -- Layton, Stephen, Orgel -- Ledger, Philip, Klavier -- Leighton, Kenneth, Komponist -- Lucas, Andrew, Orgel -- Mendelssohn, Felix, Komponist -- Neale, John Mason, Dichter/Text -- Northwest Chamber Orchestra Seattle, Orchester -- O'Donnell, James -- Oxley, James, Tenor -- Padmore, Mark, Tenor -- Parley of Instruments, The, Ensemble -- Polyphony, Chor -- Pott, Charles, Bass -- Poulenc, Francis, Komponist -- Praetorius, Michael, Komponist -- Preston-Dunlop, Emma, Sopran -- Psalmody, Chor -- Rees, Owen -- Rice, Robert, Bariton -- Robinson, Christopher -- Rosetti, Christina, Dichter/Text -- Rossetti, Christina, Dichter/Text -- Rutter, John -- Schütz, Heinrich, Komponist -- Scott, John, Orgel -- Simcock, Iain, Orgel -- Sinfonye, Ensemble -- Sixteen, The, Chor -- St. George's Chapel Choir, Windsor, Chor -- St. Paul's Cathedral Choir, Chor -- Tate, Nahum, Dichter/Text -- Tavener, John, Komponist -- Telemann, Georg Philipp, Komponist -- Vine, Matthew, Tenor -- Webber, Aaron, Sopran -- Wesley, Charles, Dichter/Text -- Westminster Cathedral Choir, Chor -- Williams, Sioned, Harfe -- Wishart, Stevie, Komponist
- Person(en): Britten, Benjamin [Komposition] ; Clark, Thomas [Komposition] ; Corelli, Arcangelo [Komposition] ; Cornelius, Peter [Komposition] ; Cristo, Pedro de [Komposition] ; Daquin, Louis-Claude [Komposition] ; Darke, Harold [Komposition] ; Gabrieli, Giovanni [Komposition] ; Guerrero, Francisco [Komposition] ; Lassus, Orlande de [Komposition] ; Leighton, Kenneth [Komposition] ; Mendelssohn, Felix [Komposition] ; Poulenc, Francis [Komposition] ; Praetorius, Michael [Komposition] ; Schütz, Heinrich [Komposition] ; Tavener, John [Komposition] ; Telemann, Georg Philipp [Komposition] ; Wishart, Stevie [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Brandenburg Consort ; Capella Portuguesa ; City of London Sinfonia ; Corydon Orchestra ; Corydon Singers ; King's Consort ; Northwest Chamber Orchestra Seattle ; Parley of Instruments, The ; Polyphony ; Psalmody ; Sinfonye ; Sixteen, The ; St. George's Chapel Choir, Windsor ; St. Paul's Cathedral Choir ; Westminster Cathedral Choir
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Hyperion, 2001
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: While Shepherds Watched their Flocks by Night 00:03:40 -- Die Geburt unsers Herren Jesu Christi, SWV 435 00:01:25 -- Procedenti puero [Anglo-Norman rondellus, Florence, Biblioteca Mediceo-Laurenziana, 1250] (arr. S. Wishart for vocal ensemble and chamber ensemble) 00:01:44 -- Riu riu chiu [Spanisch, 16. Jahrhundert] 00:02:16 -- La luz de vuestros ojos 00:02:11 -- Overture (Suite) in A Major, TWV 55:a5 00:03:54 -- In the Bleak Mid-Winter 00:04:55 -- Salvator noster a 16 00:04:17 -- A Boy Was Born op. 3 00:04:58 -- 3 Carols op. 25 00:03:13 -- Carol of the Children 00:03:12 -- A Ceremony of Carols op. 28 (Anonymer Texter) 00:02:29 -- 4 Motets pour le temps de Noël FP 152 00:03:19 -- Omnes de Saba venient 00:03:17 -- Concerto grosso g-Moll op. 6 Nr. 8 "Weihnachtskonzert" 00:02:15 -- Festgesang MWV D4 "Gutenberg-Kantate": Nr. 2 (adaptiert von W. H. Cummings als Horcht! Die Herald Engel singen) (bearb. von P. Ledger für Chor und Orgel) 00:03:16 -- L'enfance du Christ op. 25 00:04:43 -- Weihnachtslieder, Op. 8: No. 3. Die Könige (arr. S. Layton) 00:02:50 -- O come, O come, Emmanuel (arr. A. Carter for choir and organ) 00:03:59 -- Nouveau livre de noels op. 2 00:02:34 -- Hodie nobis 00:02:14 -- Quem pastores laudavere 00:06:24 -- God is with us 00:05:26 --
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