Choral Music (Laulu palju - Liederhaufen) (Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir, Kaljuste)

- Titel: Choral Music (Laulu palju - Liederhaufen) (Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir, Kaljuste) / TORMIS, V.. Enno, Ernst, Dichter/Text -- Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir, Chor -- Kaljuste, Tõnu -- Tormis, Veljo, Komponist
- Person(en): Tormis, Veljo [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Carus, 2000
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: 2 Laulu Ernst Enno sonadele (2 Lieder nach Ernst Enno): No. 1. Noore suve muinasjutt (Early Summer's Fairy Tale); No. 2. Kuulmata kuskil kumiseb kodu (Soundless, Somewhere, Murmurings Homeward) / Tormis, Veljo 00:08:00 -- 3 Laulu eeposest Kalevipoeg (3 Lieder aus dem Epos Kalevs Sohn): No. 1. Oh, mu hella eidekene (O My Gentle, Tender Mother); No. 2. Murueide tutred (Daughters of the Meadow Matron); No. 3. Laine veereb (The Wave Rolls) / Tormis, Veljo 00:11:28 -- 3 Setu toolaulu (3 Setu-Arbeitslieder): No. 1. Pesupesemine (Laundry Song); No. 3. Sonnikulaotamine (Spreading Manure); No. 2. Ketramine (Spinning Song) / Tormis, Veljo 00:06:32 -- 4 Sangaste mangud (4 Spiele aus Sangaste): No. 1. Hobusemang (The Horse Game); No. 2. Kosjamang (The Courtship Game); No. 3. Sokumang (The Billy Goat Game); No. 4. Linnamang (Town Game) / Tormis, Veljo 00:07:34 -- 6 Eesti lastelaulu (6 estnische Kinderlieder): No. 4. Hiir soidab metsa (The Mouse Goes to the Forest); No. 5. Kassilaul! (The Cat's Song); No. 6. Koer laheb karja (The Dog Goes Out to Pasture); No. 3. Tihane (Tomtit); No. 2. Kits, karja! (Goat, Go to the Pasture!); ... / Tormis, Veljo 00:05:38 -- 9 Eesti loikuslaulu (9 estnische Erntelieder): No. 6. Lahme uuele eele (Let's Start a New Row); No. 5. Valjad karja kaia (Fields fo the Cattle); No. 4. Viljapeade korjaja (The Repaer of Corn); No. 3. Hea saak (Good Harvest); No. 2. Halb sirp (Useless Sickle); ... / Tormis, Veljo 00:10:35 -- 13 Eesti Luurilist rahvalaulu (13 Estonian Lyric Folksongs): No. 1. Laulu voim (The Power of Song); No. 2. Lauljaid otsitakse (Singers Wanted); No. 10. Pihlapuu (The Rowan Tree); No. 9. Mure murrab meele (Worrying, Breaks the Spirit); No. 8. Orja palk (Serf's Wages); ... / Tormis, Veljo 00:20:24 -- Laulu palju (Massenweise Lieder) / Tormis, Veljo 00:04:57 --
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