Under the Big Top

- Titel: Under the Big Top / GREAT AMERICAN MAIN STREET BAND. Alexander, Russell, Komponist -- Alford, Harry L., Komponist -- Anthony, Bert R., Komponist -- Barnard, George D., Komponist -- Cupero, Edward Victor, Komponist -- Donashevsky,, Komponist -- Duble, Charles E., Komponist -- English, Walter, Komponist -- Fillmore, Henry, Komponist -- Fučík, Julius, Komponist -- Great American Main Street Band, The, Ensemble -- Hall, John T., Komponist -- Hughes, Arthur Wellesley, Komponist -- Jewell, Fred, Komponist -- Kaufman, Mel B., Komponist -- King, Karl, Komponist -- Lake, Mayhew, Komponist -- Lincke, Paul, Komponist -- Mitchell, G. F., Komponist -- Walters, Harold, Komponist
- Person(en): Alexander, Russell [Komposition] ; Alford, Harry L. [Komposition] ; Anthony, Bert R. [Komposition] ; Barnard, George D. [Komposition] ; Cupero, Edward Victor [Komposition] ; Donashevsky, [Komposition] ; Duble, Charles E. [Komposition] ; English, Walter [Komposition] ; Fillmore, Henry [Komposition] ; Fučík, Julius [Komposition] ; Hall, John T. [Komposition] ; Hughes, Arthur Wellesley [Komposition] ; Jewell, Fred [Komposition] ; Kaufman, Mel B. [Komposition] ; King, Karl [Komposition] ; Lake, Mayhew [Komposition] ; Lincke, Paul [Komposition] ; Mitchell, G. F. [Komposition] ; Walters, Harold [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Great American Main Street Band, The
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Warner Classics - Parlophone, 1993
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Einzug der Gladiatoren (The Entry of the Gladiators), Op. 68, "Triumph March" 00:02:16 -- Memphis the Majestic 00:01:40 -- Caesar's Triumphal March 00:02:51 -- Miss Trombone 00:01:27 -- The Cantonians March 00:01:46 -- Broadway One Step 00:02:09 -- Wedding of the Winds 00:02:58 -- Honey Boys on Parade 00:02:00 -- Kentucky Sunrise 00:01:46 -- Jungle Queen Oriental Two-Step 00:02:44 -- The Big Cage 00:01:00 -- Trombone Blues 00:01:27 -- Royal Decree 00:02:20 -- The Booster 00:02:09 -- Russian Circus March 00:02:46 -- Olympia Hippodrome March 00:02:09 -- Clownette 00:02:55 -- The Circus King 00:01:46 -- The Walking Frog 00:02:18 -- A Night in June 00:02:49 -- Stop It! 00:01:57 -- Folies-Bergere 00:01:51 -- Fan-Tan 00:01:58 -- Copa Cabana 00:02:38 -- The Crimson Petal 00:01:46 -- Circus Echoes 00:01:12 -- Storming of El Caney 00:01:36 -- Barnum and Bailey's Favorite 00:02:27 --
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