Best Loved Hymns from York Minster

- Titel: Best Loved Hymns from York Minster. Bible - Old Testament, Dichter/Text -- Bliss, Arthur, Komponist -- Boberg, Carl Gustaf, Dichter/Text -- Croft, William, Komponist -- Ellerton, John, Dichter/Text -- Goss, John, Komponist -- Grant, Robert, Dichter/Text -- Handel, George Frideric, Komponist -- Harwood, Basil, Komponist -- Hatton, John, Komponist -- Herbert, George, Dichter/Text -- Hine, Stuart K., Komponist -- Irvine, Jessie Seymour, Komponist -- Jackson, Francis, Komponist -- Lyte, Henry Francis, Dichter/Text -- Maher, William, Komponist -- Miller, Edward, Komponist -- Monk, William Henry, Komponist -- Morell, Thomas, Dichter/Text -- Newton, John, Komponist -- Newton, John, Dichter/Text -- Pope John XII,, Dichter/Text -- Reinagle, Alexander R., Komponist -- Rowlands, Williams Penfro, Komponist -- Saint Francis of Assisi, , Dichter/Text -- Scholefield, Clement Cotterill, Komponist -- Vaughan Williams, Ralph, Komponist -- Watts, Isaac, Dichter/Text -- Webbe, Samuel, Komponist -- Wesley, Charles, Dichter/Text -- Whiteley, John Scott, Orgel -- York Minster Choir, Chor
- Person(en): Bliss, Arthur [Komposition] ; Croft, William [Komposition] ; Goss, John [Komposition] ; Handel, George Frideric [Komposition] ; Harwood, Basil [Komposition] ; Hatton, John [Komposition] ; Hine, Stuart K. [Komposition] ; Irvine, Jessie Seymour [Komposition] ; Jackson, Francis [Komposition] ; Maher, William [Komposition] ; Miller, Edward [Komposition] ; Monk, William Henry [Komposition] ; Newton, John [Komposition] ; Reinagle, Alexander R. [Komposition] ; Rowlands, Williams Penfro [Komposition] ; Scholefield, Clement Cotterill [Komposition] ; Vaughan Williams, Ralph [Komposition] ; Webbe, Samuel [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): York Minster Choir
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Warner Classics - Parlophone, 2006
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Royal Fanfare (bearb. von B. Ramsey für Orgel) 00:01:48 -- Let all the world in every corner sing 00:01:38 -- Praise, My Soul the King of Heaven 00:03:11 -- Amazing Grace (arr. P. Moore) 00:04:02 -- Lord of All Hopefulness (arr. P. Moore for choir) 00:03:20 -- O for a thousand tongues to sing (bearb. von S. Webbe for Chor) 00:03:21 -- Love divine, all loves excelling 00:03:40 -- How sweet the name of Jesus sounds 00:02:51 -- How Great Thou Art (bearb. von S.K. Hine) 00:03:45 -- Judas Maccabaeus HWV 63 00:03:15 -- Soul of my Saviour 00:02:56 -- Sine nomine (For all the saints) 00:05:07 -- Praise to the Lord, the almighty, the king of creation (bearb. von P. Moore für Chor) 00:03:03 -- Freue dich, der Herr ist König HWV 286 (bearb. von J. Wilson) 00:02:41 -- The Lord's my shepherd 00:03:01 -- O Worship the King 00:03:47 -- All creatures of our God and King (Melodiee: Lasst uns erfreuen) 00:04:34 -- Jesus Shall Reign 00:01:47 -- When I Survey the Wondrous Cross (bearb. von S. Webbe für Chor) 00:03:37 -- Abide with Me 00:04:42 -- The Day Thou Gavest, Lord, Is Ended (arr. P. Moore for choir) 00:03:22 --
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