The Power and the Glory

- Titel: The Power and the Glory. Academy of Ancient Music, Orchester -- Academy of St. Martin in the Fields Chorus, Chor -- Academy of St. Martin in the Fields Orchestra, Orchester -- Ahnsjö, Claes-Håkan, Tenor -- Alagna, Roberto, Tenor -- Allegri, Gregorio, Komponist -- Allen, Thomas Michael, Tenor -- Allsopp, David, Alt -- Ambrosian Singers, Chor -- Ameling, Elly, Sopran -- Aquinas, Thomas, Dichter/Text -- Argenta, Nancy, Sopran -- Atherton, Elizabeth, Sopran -- BBC Symphony Chorus, Chor -- Bach, Johann Sebastian, Komponist -- Baker, Janet, Mezzosopran -- Bartholomew, William, Dichter/Text -- Bavarian Radio Chorus, Chor -- Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Orchester -- Beasley-Murray, Timothy, Sopran -- Bell, David, Orgel -- Berganza, Teresa, Kontraalt -- Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchester -- Best, Matthew, Bass -- Bible, Dichter/Text -- Bible - New Testament, Dichter/Text -- Bible - Old Testament, Dichter/Text -- Blake, William, Dichter/Text -- Blaze, Robin, Countertenor -- Bournemouth Sinfonietta, Orchester -- Brahms, Johannes, Komponist -- Browning, James, Bass -- Charpentier, Marc-Antoine, Komponist -- City of Birmingham Symphony Chorus, Chor -- City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, Orchester -- Cleobury, Stephen -- Collins, Michael, Klarinette -- Concert Choir of the Orchestre de Paris, Chor -- Consortium Musicum, Ensemble -- Cotrubaș, Ileana, Sopran -- Craig, Charles, Tenor -- Cruger, Johannes, Komponist -- Dale, Laurence, Tenor -- Daniel, Paul -- Daniels, Charles, Tenor -- Davis, Andrew, Orgel -- Donath, Helen, Sopran -- Dresden Staatskapelle, Orchester -- English Chamber Orchestra, Orchester -- Esswood, Paul, Alt -- European Union Opera Chorus, Chor -- Evera, Emily Van, Sopran -- Farjeon, Eleanor, Dichter/Text -- Farr, Stephen, Orgel -- Fassbaender, Brigitte, Mezzosopran -- Fauré, Gabriel, Komponist -- Finley, Gerald, Bass -- Fischer, Gyorgy -- Fischer-Dieskau, Dietrich, Bariton -- Francis, Michael -- Franck, César, Komponist -- Franck, Salomo, Dichter/Text -- French National Orchestra, Orchester -- Gardiner, Henry Balfour, Komponist -- Garrett, Lesley, Sopran -- Gedda, Nicolai, Tenor -- Ghiaurov, Nicolai, Bass -- Giulini, Carlo Maria -- Gonnenwein, Wolfgang -- Gounod, Charles-François, Komponist -- Hallé Choir, Chor -- Hallé Orchestra, Orchester -- Halsey, Simon -- Hampson, Thomas, Bariton -- Handel, George Frideric, Komponist -- Handford, Maurice -- Hare, Ian, Orgel -- Harwood, Elizabeth, Sopran -- Hassler, Hans Leo, Komponist -- Haydn, Franz Joseph, Komponist -- Heilmann, Uwe, Tenor -- Hendricks, Barbara, Sopran -- Henrici, Christian Friedrich, Dichter/Text -- Herincx, Raimund, Bariton -- Hermann, Roland, Bariton -- Hill, David -- Holl, Robert, Bassbariton -- Holland, Jon, Trompete -- Hughes, John, Komponist -- Hynninen, Jorma, Bariton -- Irvine, Jessie Seymour, Komponist -- Jahn, Martin, Dichter/Text -- Jenkins, Karl, Komponist -- Jochum, Eugen -- John Alldis Choir, Chor -- Keenlyside, Simon, Bariton -- Kethe, William, Dichter/Text -- King's College Choir, Cambridge, Chor -- Kooy, Peter, Bass -- Krenn, Werner, Tenor -- Lafont, Jean-Philippe, Bariton -- Landman, Sam, Sopran -- Ledger, Philip, Klavier -- Leipzig Radio Chorus, Chor -- Leppard, Raymond -- Lewis, Keith, Tenor -- Liverpool Cathedral Brass Ensemble, Ensemble -- Liverpool Cathedral Choir, Chor -- Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral Choir, Chor -- London Philharmonic Choir, Chor -- London Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchester -- London Session Orchestra, Orchester -- London Symphony Chorus, Chor -- London Symphony Orchestra, Orchester -- Lott, Felicity, Sopran -- Ludwig, Christa, Mezzosopran -- Mackerras, Charles -- Malotte, Albert Hay, Komponist -- Marriner, Neville -- Marsh, Natasha, Sopran -- Marshall, Margaret, Sopran -- Mass Text, Dichter/Text -- Massed Choirs From Merseyside, Chor -- McMunn, John, Tenor -- Mendelssohn, Felix, Komponist -- Michael Collins Orchestra, Orchester -- Morell, Thomas, Dichter/Text -- Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, Komponist -- Murray, Ann, Mezzosopran -- Muti, Riccardo -- National Youth Choirs of Great Britain National Youth Choir, Chor -- Nelson, John -- New Philharmonia Chorus, Chor -- New Philharmonia Orchestra, Orchester -- Newton, John, Dichter/Text -- Nicolai, Philipp, Dichter/Text -- Orchestre de Paris, Orchester -- Pappano, Antonio -- Paris Maitrise Children's Choir, Chor -- Parrott, Andrew -- Parry, Hubert, Komponist -- Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista, Komponist -- Philharmonia Chorus, Chor -- Philharmonia Orchestra, Orchester -- Pope Innocent III, , Dichter/Text -- Popp, Lucia, Sopran -- Poulenc, Francis, Komponist -- Prêtre, Georges -- Puccini, Giacomo, Komponist -- Purcell, Henry, Komponist -- Rachmaninov, Sergey, Komponist -- Racine, Jean, Dichter/Text -- Radio France Choir, Chor -- Radio France New Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchester -- Rigby, Jean, Kontraalt -- Royal Choral Society, Chor -- Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchester -- Rutter, John -- Sawallisch, Wolfgang, Klavier -- Scholze, Hansjurgen, Orgel -- Schonknecht, Christine, Sopran -- Schubert, Franz, Komponist -- Schwarzkopf, Elisabeth, Sopran -- Sotin, Hans, Bass -- South German Madrigal Choir, Chor -- Stockholm Chamber Choir, Chor -- Studt, Richard, Violine -- Swedish Radio Chorus, Chor -- Tavener, John, Komponist -- Taverner Consort, Ensemble -- Taverner Players, Orchester -- Te Kanawa, Kiri, Sopran -- Tear, Robert, Tenor -- Tennstedt, Klaus -- Thirlwell, Fergus, Sopran -- Todi, Jacopone da, Dichter/Text -- Tracy, Ian -- Trevor, Caroline, Alt -- Trotter, Thomas, Orgel -- Valentini-Terrani, Lucia, Mezzosopran -- Vaughan Williams, Ralph, Komponist -- Verdi, Giuseppe, Komponist -- Vivaldi, Antonio, Komponist -- Watkinson, Carolyn, Kontraalt -- Wells, Ian, Orgel -- Welser-Möst, Franz -- Whiteley, John Scott, Orgel -- Williams, William, Dichter/Text -- Wilson-Johnson, David, Bass -- Winchester Cathedral Choristers, Chor -- Winpenny, Tom, Orgel -- York Minster Choir, Chor
- Person(en): Allegri, Gregorio [Komposition] ; Bach, Johann Sebastian [Komposition] ; Brahms, Johannes [Komposition] ; Charpentier, Marc-Antoine [Komposition] ; Cruger, Johannes [Komposition] ; Fauré, Gabriel [Komposition] ; Franck, César [Komposition] ; Gardiner, Henry Balfour [Komposition] ; Gounod, Charles-François [Komposition] ; Handel, George Frideric [Komposition] ; Hassler, Hans Leo [Komposition] ; Haydn, Franz Joseph [Komposition] ; Hughes, John [Komposition] ; Irvine, Jessie Seymour [Komposition] ; Jenkins, Karl [Komposition] ; Malotte, Albert Hay [Komposition] ; Mendelssohn, Felix [Komposition] ; Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus [Komposition] ; Parry, Hubert [Komposition] ; Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista [Komposition] ; Poulenc, Francis [Komposition] ; Puccini, Giacomo [Komposition] ; Purcell, Henry [Komposition] ; Rachmaninov, Sergey [Komposition] ; Schubert, Franz [Komposition] ; Tavener, John [Komposition] ; Vaughan Williams, Ralph [Komposition] ; Verdi, Giuseppe [Komposition] ; Vivaldi, Antonio [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Academy of Ancient Music ; Academy of St. Martin in the Fields Chorus ; Academy of St. Martin in the Fields Orchestra ; Ambrosian Singers ; BBC Symphony Chorus ; Bavarian Radio Chorus ; Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra ; Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra ; Bournemouth Sinfonietta ; City of Birmingham Symphony Chorus ; City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra ; Concert Choir of the Orchestre de Paris ; Consortium Musicum ; Dresden Staatskapelle ; English Chamber Orchestra ; European Union Opera Chorus ; French National Orchestra ; Hallé Choir ; Hallé Orchestra ; John Alldis Choir ; King's College Choir, Cambridge ; Leipzig Radio Chorus ; Liverpool Cathedral Brass Ensemble ; Liverpool Cathedral Choir ; Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral Choir ; London Philharmonic Choir ; London Philharmonic Orchestra ; London Session Orchestra ; London Symphony Chorus ; London Symphony Orchestra ; Massed Choirs From Merseyside ; Michael Collins Orchestra ; National Youth Choirs of Great Britain National Youth Choir ; New Philharmonia Chorus ; New Philharmonia Orchestra ; Orchestre de Paris ; Paris Maitrise Children's Choir ; Philharmonia Chorus ; Philharmonia Orchestra ; Radio France Choir ; Radio France New Philharmonic Orchestra ; Royal Choral Society ; Royal Philharmonic Orchestra ; South German Madrigal Choir ; Stockholm Chamber Choir ; Swedish Radio Chorus ; Taverner Consort ; Taverner Players ; Winchester Cathedral Choristers ; York Minster Choir
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Warner Classics - Parlophone, 2007
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Gloria in D-Dur, RV 589: Gloria in excelsis Deo; Laudamus te 00:04:47 -- Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben, BWV 147 00:03:30 -- Exsultate jubilate, K. 165 * 00:02:55 -- Mass in B Minor, BWV 232 00:04:25 -- Zadok the Priest, HWV 258 00:06:03 -- Thou knowest, Lord, Z. 58C 00:02:31 -- Messe Nr. 18 in c-moll, KV 427, "Große" 00:04:56 -- The Lord's Prayer 00:03:06 -- Guide Me O Thou Great Redeemer 00:02:40 -- Morning Has Broken 00:02:43 -- Amazing Grace (arr. P. Moore) 00:04:06 -- All people that on earth do dwell (Tune: Old Hundredth) 00:04:17 -- The Lamb 00:03:32 -- Gloria, FP 177 00:02:57 -- Messa di Gloria 00:04:33 -- Cantique de Jean Racine, Op. 11 00:05:52 -- Mass No. 11 in D Minor, Hob.XXII:11, "Nelsonmesse", "Imperial Mass", "Coronation Mass" 00:03:27 -- Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Thine Be the Glory, Risen Conquering Son (arr. I. Tracey) 00:03:14 -- Messias, Der, HWV 56 00:04:00 -- Te Deum, H. 146: Prelude (arr. für Orgel) (Richard III) 00:01:45 -- Messias, Der, HWV 56: Teil I: And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed (Chor); Teil I: For unto a child is born (Chor); Teil I: Arie: Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; Teil II: Lift up your heads (Chor) 00:15:08 -- Magnificat in D-Dur, BWV 243 00:02:43 -- Il salmo Miserere mei Deus 00:05:48 -- Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, BWV 140 00:04:48 -- Ave verum corpus in D-Dur, KV 618 00:03:27 -- Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248 00:05:32 -- Requiem in D Minor, K. 626: Introit: Requiem aeternam (Chorus); Kyrie eleison (Chorus) 00:07:02 -- Psalm 23, Op. 132, D. 706 00:04:59 -- Ein deutsches Requiem (A German Requiem), Op. 45 00:06:11 -- Deutsche Messe, D. 872 00:02:31 -- All-night Vigil, Op. 37, "Vespers" 00:02:59 -- O clap your hands (Motette) 00:03:02 -- Requiem, Op. 48 00:03:29 -- Evening Hymn 00:06:06 -- Requiem, Op. 48 00:03:42 -- Messa da Requiem 00:02:11 -- O sacred head sore wounded (Tune: Passion Chorale: Herzlich thut mich verlangen) 00:02:42 -- Messias, Der, HWV 56 00:06:36 -- Kommt, eilet und laufet, BWV 249, "Easter Oratorio" 00:05:10 -- Stabat Mater 00:03:54 -- Jesus Christ is risen today 00:03:06 -- Hear my prayer 00:05:58 -- L'Enfance du Christ (Fausts Verdammnis), Op. 25 00:04:14 -- Te Deum, Op. 22 00:05:40 -- Panis angelicus 00:04:55 -- And did those feet in ancient time (Jerusalem) 00:02:42 -- The Lord's my shepherd 00:03:01 -- Messe solennelle de Sainte Cécile 00:05:29 -- Magnificat 00:06:49 -- The Armed Man, "A Mass for Peace" 00:03:39 -- I was glad when they said unto me, Op. 51, "Psalm 122" 00:06:47 --
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