KIEV CHRISTMAS LITURGY - Celebration of the Nativity


  • Titel: KIEV CHRISTMAS LITURGY - Celebration of the Nativity. Father Amvrozy, -- Moscow Liturgical Choir, Chor
  • Organisation(en): Moscow Liturgical Choir
  • Umfang: Online-Ressource
  • Erschienen: Erato, 2006
  • Anmerkungen: Heiligabend [Kiewer Choral] 00:09:59 -- Komplet - God with Us [Kiewer Choral] 00:06:33 -- Matins - 2 Songs after the Reading of the Psalms [Kiev Chant] 00:05:21 -- Glory to Christmas [Kiewer Choral] 00:03:42 -- Hymn Prokeimenon [Kiewer Choral] 00:09:19 -- Matins - 3 Stichera [Kiev Chant] 00:03:39 -- Ausgewählte Hymnen aus dem Kanon [Kiewer Choral] 00:04:18 -- Canon 9th Ode [Kiev Chant] 00:04:18 -- 2 Songs - The Dismissal [Kiev Chant] 00:07:42 --