111 BALLET MASTERPIECES (Becker, Fistoulari, Fricke, Froment, Goossens, Gruber, Jordá, Landau, Markevitch, Montiel, Rignold, A. Scholz, Siegel)


  • Titel: 111 BALLET MASTERPIECES (Becker, Fistoulari, Fricke, Froment, Goossens, Gruber, Jordá, Landau, Markevitch, Montiel, Rignold, A. Scholz, Siegel). Adam, Adolphe, Komponist -- Antill, John, Komponist -- Ballet Francais Orchestre, Le, Orchester -- Becker, Gerhard -- Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchester -- Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra (Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin), Orchester -- Berlin Symphony Orchestra, Orchester -- Debussy, Claude, Komponist -- Delibes, Léo, Komponist -- Falla, Manuel de, Komponist -- Fistoulari, Anatole -- Fricke, Heinz -- Froment, Louis de -- Ginastera, Alberto, Komponist -- Glière, Reinhold, Komponist -- Goossens, Eugène -- Gounod, Charles-François, Komponist -- Gruber, Josef -- Jorda, Enrique -- Khachaturian, Aram Il'yich, Komponist -- Landau, Siegfried -- London New Philharmonia Orchestra, Orchester -- London Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchester -- London Symphony Orchestra, Orchester -- Luxembourg Radio Orchestra, Orchester -- Markevitch, Igor -- Martínez Sierra, Gregorio, Dichter/Text -- Minnesota Orchestra, Orchester -- Montiel, Pierre -- New York Stadium Symphony Orchestra, Orchester -- Pierné, Gabriel, Komponist -- Prokofiev, Sergey, Komponist -- Rignold, Hugo -- Rosenthal, Manuel, Komponist -- Satie, Erik, Komponist -- Scholz, Alfred -- Siegel, Lawrence -- Sieghart, Martin -- Skrowaczewski, Stanisław -- South German Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchester -- Stravinsky, Igor, Komponist -- Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra, Orchester -- Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Il'yich, Komponist -- Vienna Volksoper Orchestra, Orchester -- Westchester Symphony Orcherstra, Orchester
  • Person(en): Adam, Adolphe [Komposition] ; Antill, John [Komposition] ; Debussy, Claude [Komposition] ; Delibes, Léo [Komposition] ; Falla, Manuel de [Komposition] ; Ginastera, Alberto [Komposition] ; Glière, Reinhold [Komposition] ; Gounod, Charles-François [Komposition] ; Khachaturian, Aram Il'yich [Komposition] ; Pierné, Gabriel [Komposition] ; Prokofiev, Sergey [Komposition] ; Rosenthal, Manuel [Komposition] ; Satie, Erik [Komposition] ; Stravinsky, Igor [Komposition] ; Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Il'yich [Komposition]
  • Organisation(en): Ballet Francais Orchestre, Le ; Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra ; Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra (Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin) ; Berlin Symphony Orchestra ; London New Philharmonia Orchestra ; London Philharmonic Orchestra ; London Symphony Orchestra ; Luxembourg Radio Orchestra ; Minnesota Orchestra ; New York Stadium Symphony Orchestra ; South German Philharmonic Orchestra ; Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra ; Vienna Volksoper Orchestra ; Westchester Symphony Orcherstra
  • Umfang: Online-Ressource
  • Erschienen: Menuetto Classics, 2019
  • Anmerkungen: Schwanensee Suite op. 20a: I. Scene; II. Waltz; III. Dance of the Swans; IV. Scene; Scene: Finale; ... 00:25:19 -- Die Nussknacker Suite op. 71a: II. Danses caractéristiques: March; II. Danses caractéristiques: Dance of the Sugar-plum Fairy; II. Danses caractéristiques: Russian Dance, "Trepak"; II. Danses caractéristiques: Chinese Dance; II. Danses caractéristiques: Dance of the Reeds; ... 00:21:30 -- Dornröschen Suite op. 66a: I. Introduction - The Lilac Fairy; II. Adagio - Pas d'action; IV. Panorama; V. Waltz; X. Finale - Apotheosis (Tempo di Mazurka); ... 00:18:02 -- Gaîté Parisienne (after J. Offenbach): Overture (La vie parisienne); Polka (La Voyage dans la lune); Entree du Bresilien; Valse lente; Duel; ... 00:16:00 -- Coppelia: Ballettsuite: Czardas; Festival of the Clocks and Dance of the Hours; Notturno 00:12:58 -- Sylvia Suite: III. Pizzicati; IV. Cortege de Bacchus; II. Intermezzo - Valse lente 00:11:58 -- Cydalise et le chevre-pied 00:01:57 -- Gayane Suite No. 1 00:02:29 -- Gayane Suite Nr. 3 00:03:09 -- Gayane Suite No. 1 00:05:19 -- Gayane Suite Nr. 2 00:05:36 -- Faust: Ballet Music: I. Allegretto (Tempo di valse); Ballet Music: III. Allegretto; Ballet Music: VII. Allegro vivo; Ballet Music: II. Adagio; Ballet Music: VI. Allegretto; ... 00:12:49 -- La boite a joujoux (bearb. von A. Caplet für Orchester): Tableau 1: Le magasin de jouets (The Toy Shop); Tableau 2: Le champ de bataille (The Field of Battle); Tableau 3: La bergerie a vendre (The Sheepfold for Sale); Tableau 4: Apres fortune faite (After Making a Fortune) 00:29:19 -- Romeo und Julia Suite Nr. 2 op. 64ter: I. Montagues and Capulets; VI. Dance of the Antilles Girls; IV. Dance; II. The Young Juliet; III. Friar Laurence; ... 00:32:00 -- Cinderella Suite (after S. Prokofiev): I. Fairy of Spring - Fairy of Summer; II. Cinderella Goes to the Ball; III. Cinderella in the Castle; IV. Cinderella and the Prince; V. Cinderella's Waltz - Midnight; ... 00:23:34 -- Daphnis et Chloé Suite No. 1, "Fragments symphoniques": I. Nocturne; II. Interlude; III. Danse guerriere 00:12:48 -- Daphnis et Chloé Suite No. 2: I. Lever du jour; II. Pantomime; III. Danse générale 00:18:01 -- Der Feuervogel Suite: IV. Danse infernale du roi Kastchei (King Kastchei's Infernal Dance); VII. Finale 00:07:33 -- Le sacre du printemps (Das Frühlingsopfer): Part I: Adoration of the Earth: The Augurs of Spring - Dances of the Young Girls -; Part I: L'Adoration de la Terre: Jeux des cités rivales 00:04:48 -- Petrushka (Fassung von 1911): Tableau 1: The Shrovetide Fair; Tableau 1: Russian Dance; Tableau 4: Death of Petrushka; Tableau 4: Peasant and Bear; Police and the Juggler; ... 00:17:39 -- Apollo (Überarbeitung von 1947): Tableau II: Apotheosis: Apollo and the Muses; Tableau II: Variation of Calliope; Tableau II: Variation of Polymnia; Tableau II: Variation of Terpsichore; Tableau II: Variation of Apollo; ... 00:12:37 -- El sombrero de tres picos (Der Dreispitz): Part I: The Miller's Wife; Part II: The Neighbors' Dance: Seguidillas; Part II: Dance of the Corregidor; Part II: Final Dance: Jota 00:17:44 -- Panambí Suite, Op. 1a: I. Claro de luna sobre el parana; II. Invocacion a los espiritus poderosos; III. Lamento de las doncellas; VI. Danza de los guerreros 00:12:41 -- Estancia Suite op. 8a: I. Los trabajadores agricolas: Tempo giusto; II. Danza del trigo: Tranquillo; III. Les peones de hacienda: Mosso e ruvido; IV. Malambo: Allegro - Tempo di malambo 00:11:51 -- Corroboree: I. Welcome Ceremony; II. Dance to the Evening Star; III. A Rain Dance; VII. Procession of the Totems and Closing Ceremony 00:16:48 -- Parade: Petite fille Americaine; Acrobates; Final 00:06:58 -- The Red Poppy Suite op. 70: VI. Russian Sailor's Dance; I. Heroic Coolie Dance; IV. Phoenix 00:12:15 -- Giselle: Act II: Andantino non troppo; (Akt I) Nr. 7 - Allegro marcato; V. Adagio: Valse; Presto - Lento 00:14:25 -- El amor brujo (Der Liebeszauber): Dance of Terror; El círculo mágico (The Magic Circle); Danza ritual del fuego; Danza del juego de amor (Dance of the Game of Love); Final: Las campanas del amanecer (Finale: The Bells of Sunrise); ... 00:13:20 --