WAKE UP WITH CLASSICAL MUSIC! (Gosser, Kussmaul, Robison, A. Schmidt, Budapest Philharmonic, Slovak Philharmonic, Pešek, Sieghart)

- Titel: WAKE UP WITH CLASSICAL MUSIC! (Gosser, Kussmaul, Robison, A. Schmidt, Budapest Philharmonic, Slovak Philharmonic, Pešek, Sieghart). Adolph, Henry -- Alfvén, Hugo, Komponist -- Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel, Komponist -- Ballet Francais Orchestre, Le, Orchester -- Bamberg Symphony Orchestra, Orchester -- Bartók, Béla, Komponist -- Becker, Gerhard -- Benjamin, Arthur, Komponist -- Berlin Symphony Orchestra, Orchester -- Bizet, Georges, Komponist -- Budapest Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchester -- Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach Chamber Orchestra, Orchester -- Cooper, Kenneth, Cembalo -- Copland, Aaron, Komponist -- Corelli, Arcangelo, Komponist -- Doráti, Antal -- Downes, Edward -- Dvořák, Antonín, Komponist -- Egger, Georg, Violine -- Gaigg, Michi -- Glinka, Mikhail Ivanovich, Komponist -- Gluck, Christoph Willibald, Komponist -- Gosser, Hans, Flöte -- Grieg, Edvard, Komponist -- Haenchen, Hartmut -- Hahn, Klaus-Peter -- Handel, George Frideric, Komponist -- Haupt, Eckart, Flöte -- Iain Sutherland Concert Orchestra, Orchester -- Keitel, Wilhelm -- Košler, Zdeněk -- Kussmaul, Rainer -- Lehrndorfer, Franz, Orgel -- London Festival Orchestra, Orchester -- London Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchester -- London Symphony Orchestra, Orchester -- Michalski, Carl -- Montiel, Pierre -- Moscow State Radio and Television Symphony Orchestra, Orchester -- Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, Komponist -- Muckel, Jakoba, Violine -- Orfeo Baroque Orchestra, L', Orchester -- Pešek, Libor -- Rameau, Jean-Philippe, Komponist -- Robison, Paula, Flöte -- Rosenthal, Manuel, Komponist -- Sandor, Janos -- Schmidt, Andreas, Bariton -- Scholz, Alfred -- Schubert, Franz, Komponist -- Sieghart, Martin -- Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchester -- Smetana, Bedřich, Komponist -- South German Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchester -- South West German Chamber Orchestra, Pforzheim, Orchester -- Southwest German Chamber Orchestra, Orchester -- Strauss II, Johann, Komponist -- Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra, Orchester -- Susskind, Walter -- Sutherland, Iain -- University of North Carolina School of the Arts Symphony Orchestra, Orchester -- Vienna State Opera Orchestra, Orchester -- Vivaldi, Antonio, Komponist -- Wich, Günther -- Zehnacker, Serge
- Person(en): Alfvén, Hugo [Komposition] ; Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel [Komposition] ; Bartók, Béla [Komposition] ; Benjamin, Arthur [Komposition] ; Bizet, Georges [Komposition] ; Copland, Aaron [Komposition] ; Corelli, Arcangelo [Komposition] ; Dvořák, Antonín [Komposition] ; Glinka, Mikhail Ivanovich [Komposition] ; Gluck, Christoph Willibald [Komposition] ; Grieg, Edvard [Komposition] ; Handel, George Frideric [Komposition] ; Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus [Komposition] ; Rameau, Jean-Philippe [Komposition] ; Rosenthal, Manuel [Komposition] ; Schubert, Franz [Komposition] ; Smetana, Bedřich [Komposition] ; Strauss II, Johann [Komposition] ; Vivaldi, Antonio [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Ballet Francais Orchestre, Le ; Bamberg Symphony Orchestra ; Berlin Symphony Orchestra ; Budapest Philharmonic Orchestra ; Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach Chamber Orchestra ; Iain Sutherland Concert Orchestra ; London Festival Orchestra ; London Philharmonic Orchestra ; London Symphony Orchestra ; Moscow State Radio and Television Symphony Orchestra ; Orfeo Baroque Orchestra, L' ; Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra ; South German Philharmonic Orchestra ; South West German Chamber Orchestra, Pforzheim ; Southwest German Chamber Orchestra ; Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra ; University of North Carolina School of the Arts Symphony Orchestra ; Vienna State Opera Orchestra
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Menuetto Classics, 2019
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Peer Gynt Suite Nr. 1 op. 46 00:03:52 -- Sinfonie Nr. 5 B-Dur D 485 00:04:32 -- Concerto grosso D-Dur op. 6 Nr. 4 00:03:32 -- Midsommarvaka (Midsummer Vigil), Op. 19, "Swedish Rhapsody No. 1" (arr. P. Faith) 00:03:02 -- Jamaican Rumba 00:02:24 -- Konzert für Flöte F-Dur op. 10 Nr. 5 RV 434 00:02:05 -- Orfeo ed Euridice: Overture 00:03:16 -- Tritsch-Tratsch-Polka op. 214 00:02:38 -- Konzert für Streicher G-Dur RV 151 "Alla Rustica" 00:01:22 -- Tanzsuite BB 86a 00:03:01 -- Zaïs, Act II: Symphony 00:01:18 -- Konzert für Flöte A-Dur Wq. 168 H. 438 00:05:01 -- Prodaná nevesta (Die verkaufte Braut) 00:04:46 -- Sonate für Flöte h-Moll op. 1 Nr. 9 HWV 367b 00:01:55 -- Appalachian Spring Suite 00:02:53 -- Gaîté Parisienne (after J. Offenbach) 00:01:56 -- Carmen Suite Nr. 1 00:02:15 -- Le nozze di Figaro (Die Hochzeit des Figaro) KV 492: Ouvertüre 00:04:00 -- Ruslan und Ludmilla op. 5: Ouvertüre 00:05:20 -- Slawische Tänze Serie 1 op. 46 B. 83 00:03:41 --
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