BETHLEHEM SONGS (Kühn Children's Choir, Prague Wind Quintet, Chvála)

- Titel: BETHLEHEM SONGS (Kühn Children's Choir, Prague Wind Quintet, Chvála). Blažejová, Ivana, Gesang -- Chvala, Jiri -- Gruber, Franz Xaver, Komponist -- Kuèerová, Kateøina, Gesang -- Kühn Children's Choir, Chor -- Machulová, Barbora, Gesang -- Mohr, Josef, Dichter/Text -- Prague Wind Quintet, Ensemble
- Person(en): Gruber, Franz Xaver [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Kühn Children's Choir ; Prague Wind Quintet
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Supraphon, 1991
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Nesem vám noviny (Bringing the Good News Yo You) (arr. J. Seidel for choir and wind quintet) 00:02:27 -- Půjdem spolu do betléma (On Our Way to Bethlehem) (arr. J. Seidel for choir and wind quintet) 00:01:42 -- Dej bůh štětí (May the Lord Bless You) (arr. J. Seidel for choir and wind quintet) 00:00:50 -- Dva kapuni (Two Capons) (arr. J. Seidel for choir and wind quintet) 00:03:25 -- Ejhle chasa naše (Behold the Fellows) (arr. J. Seidel for choir and wind quintet) 00:01:03 -- Hlehle, tamhle v betlémě (See There in Bethlehem) (arr. J. Seidel for choir and wind quintet) 00:01:37 -- Zezulka v lese vylítla (The Cuckoo It Flew Out of the Wood) (arr. J. Seidel for choir and wind quintet) 00:02:03 -- Já bych rád k betlému (To Bethlehem I'd Gladly Go) (arr. J. Seidel for voice, choir and wind quintet) 00:01:04 -- Já malý přicházím (A Little Boy, I'm Coming Too) (arr. J. Seidel for voice and wind quintet) 00:01:04 -- Jak jsi krásné nevinátko (How Sweer Thou Art, Innocent Child) (arr. J. Seidel for choir and wind quintet) 00:01:53 -- Ej, panenka (Hey, Pretty Maid) (arr. J. Seidel for choir) 00:01:13 -- Narodil se syn boží (The Son Of God Is Born) (arr. J. Seidel for voice and wind quintet) 00:03:06 -- Sem pojd´te (Come Hither) (arr. J. Seidel for choir and wind quintet) 00:01:41 -- Rychle bratří (Hurry Brothers) (arr. J. Seidel for choir and wind quintet) 00:01:37 -- Poslyš Andráši (Hark, Andrew) (arr. J. Seidel for choir and wind quintet) 00:01:10 -- Zelená se louka (The Mead Is Turning Green) (arr. J. Seidel for choir and wind quintet) 00:01:15 -- Veselé vánoční hody (Merry Feast of Yuletide) (arr. J. Seidel for choir and wind quintet) 00:01:03 -- Chtíc aby spal (Lullaby) (arr. J. Seidel for choir and wind quintet) 00:05:11 -- U Betléma na Salašu (In a Shepherd's Hut By Bethlehem) (arr. J. Seidel for choir and wind quintet) 00:01:28 -- Veselte se, radujte se (Rejoice You All) (arr. J. Seidel for choir and wind quintet) 00:00:34 -- Vondráši Matoši (Andrew Matthew) (arr. J. Seidel for choir and wind quintet) 00:00:48 -- Přišlo jsi k nám (Thou Art Come) (arr. J. Seidel for choir and wind quintet) 00:01:11 -- Radostně budem zpívati (We Shall Sing In Joy) (arr. J. Seidel for choir and wind quintet) 00:01:28 -- Vim já kostelíček (I Know of a Church) (arr. J. Seidel for choir and wind quintet) 00:02:14 -- Co se tak svítí (Whence All This Brightness) (arr. J. Seidel for choir and wind quintet) 00:02:11 -- Co se ten slavíček (The Nightingale) (arr. J. Seidel for choir and wind quintet) 00:03:56 -- Narodil se pán (The Lord Is Born) (arr. J. Seidel for choir and wind quintet) 00:01:07 -- Tichá noc (Silent Night) (arr. J. Seidel for choir and wind quintet) 00:02:49 -- Pásli ovce valaši (The Shepherd's Song) (arr. J. Seidel for choir and wind quintet) 00:01:11 -- Narodil se Kristus pán (The Lord Jesus Is Born) (arr. J. Seidel for choir and wind quintet) 00:02:37 --
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