Russian Folk Songs) (Red Star Red Army Chorus)

- Titel: Russian Folk Songs) (Red Star Red Army Chorus) / Choral Music (Russian) - GLINKA, M.I. / SOLOV'YOV-SEDOY, V.P. / MUSSORGSKY, M.P. (Moskauer Nächte. Akulenko, Pavel, Komponist -- Alexandrov, Alexander, Komponist -- Bazhalkin, Anatoly Nikolajewitsch -- Belyaev, Evgeny, Tenor -- Blanter, Matvey Isaakovich, Komponist -- Brahms, Johannes, Komponist -- Deshko, Vladimir, Tenor -- Dolukhanyan, Alexander, Komponist -- Dzhemelinsky, Sergei, Bariton -- Glinka, Mikhail Ivanovich, Komponist -- Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, Dichter/Text -- Helemsky, Yakov Alexandrovich, Dichter/Text -- Isakovsky, H., Dichter/Text -- Matusovsky, Mikhail, Dichter/Text -- Mussorgsky, Modest Petrovich, Komponist -- Nizienko, Nikolai, Bass -- Novicov, Anatoly, Komponist -- Parfenov, Pyotr Semyonovich, Dichter/Text -- Prishelets, Anton, Dichter/Text -- Red Star Red Army Chorus, Chor -- Red Star Red Army Ensemble, Ensemble -- Shvedov, Yakov, Dichter/Text -- Solov'yov-Sedoy, Vasily Pavlovich, Komponist -- Swiecicki, Waclaw, Komponist -- Yantchik, Vyatcheslav, Tenor -- Zazhigin, Valery, Balalaika
- Person(en): Akulenko, Pavel [Komposition] ; Alexandrov, Alexander [Komposition] ; Blanter, Matvey Isaakovich [Komposition] ; Brahms, Johannes [Komposition] ; Dolukhanyan, Alexander [Komposition] ; Glinka, Mikhail Ivanovich [Komposition] ; Mussorgsky, Modest Petrovich [Komposition] ; Novicov, Anatoly [Komposition] ; Solov'yov-Sedoy, Vasily Pavlovich [Komposition] ; Swiecicki, Waclaw [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Red Star Red Army Chorus ; Red Star Red Army Ensemble
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Warner Classics, 2018
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Russian [Patrioticheskaya pesnya (The Patriotic Song)] (1990-2000) 00:01:19 -- Happy Girl 00:04:41 -- Moskauer Nächte 00:03:29 -- Suliko 00:05:03 -- Oh, You Nightingale 00:02:33 -- Oh, You Rye 00:04:50 -- Dvenadsat' razboynikov (Twelve Robbers) (arr. for choir) 00:04:28 -- Varshavianka (arr. V. Bely for choir) 00:04:12 -- 28 Variations on a Theme by Paganini, Op. 35 (arr. for balalaika) 00:07:14 -- Pesnya Mefistofelya v pogrebke Auerbakha (Mephistopheles's Song in Auerbach's Cellar), "Song of the Flea" 00:03:06 -- A Birch Tree Stood in a Meadow 00:03:50 -- Stenka Razin 00:06:01 -- Across the Valleys and the Mountains 00:02:42 -- Motherland 00:02:42 -- The Mother-in-Law Had Seven Sons-in-Law (Sung in Russian) 00:03:39 -- It's Good For Us, Soldiers 00:02:37 -- In dem Wald bei der Kampflinie 00:04:29 -- Sports March 00:03:21 --
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