Pavanes, Pastorales and Serenades - BOZZA, E. / CACCINI, G. / DOKTORSKI, H. / FIOCCO, J.H. / LEGG, J. / KELLY, R. (Gorton, Van Hoesen)

- Titel: Pavanes, Pastorales and Serenades - BOZZA, E. / CACCINI, G. / DOKTORSKI, H. / FIOCCO, J.H. / LEGG, J. / KELLY, R. (Gorton, Van Hoesen). Bozza, Eugène, Komponist -- Caccini, Giulio, Komponist -- Doktorski, Henry, Komponist -- Fiocco, Joseph Hector, Komponist -- Gorton, James, Oboe -- Kelly, Robert, Komponist -- Legg, James, Komponist -- Saint-Saëns, Camille, Komponist -- Samuel-Rousseau, Marcel, Komponist -- Soulage, Marcelle, Komponist -- Templeton, Alec, Komponist -- Van Hoesen, Gretchen, Harfe
- Person(en): Bozza, Eugène [Komposition] ; Caccini, Giulio [Komposition] ; Doktorski, Henry [Komposition] ; Fiocco, Joseph Hector [Komposition] ; Kelly, Robert [Komposition] ; Legg, James [Komposition] ; Saint-Saëns, Camille [Komposition] ; Samuel-Rousseau, Marcel [Komposition] ; Soulage, Marcelle [Komposition] ; Templeton, Alec [Komposition]
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Soundset Recordings, 1996
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Pavane pour une infante défunte (arr. for oboe and harp) 00:05:47 -- Le tombeau de Couperin: No. 1. Prélude (arr. for oboe and harp) 00:04:55 -- Oboe and Harp Suite: I. Introduction; II. Ricercare; III. Epitaph; IV. Lullaby; V. Dance; ... 00:12:20 -- Pastorale, Op. 15 00:04:04 -- Siciliana (arr. for oboe and harp) 00:01:30 -- Scherzo Caprice 00:01:50 -- Ave Maria (arr. for oboe and harp) 00:04:31 -- Oboe and Harp Sonata, Op. 27: I. Moderato; II. Slow; III. Fast and Steady 00:13:05 -- Fantaisie italienne (arr. for oboe and harp) 00:04:52 -- 24 Pieces de clavecin, Op. 1: Suite No. 1 (arr. for oboe and harp): IX. Adagio; X. Allegro 00:06:14 -- Chanson pour bercer (arr. for oboe and harp) 00:03:04 -- Serenade (version for oboe and harp) 00:03:24 -- Carnival of the Animals: XIII. Le Cygne (The Swan) (arr. for oboe and harp) 00:02:38 --
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