Spirit of Liberty (The)

- Titel: Spirit of Liberty (The) / AMERICAN LEGION BAND OF THE TONAWANDAS. American Legion Band of the Tonawandas, Ensemble -- Bagley, Edwin Eugene, Komponist -- Barker, Warren, Komponist -- Boskerck, Francis Saltus van, Komponist -- Cohan, George M., Komponist -- Crawford, Robert MacArthur, Komponist -- Gould, Morton, Komponist -- Greenwood, Lee, Komponist -- Gruber, Edmund L., Komponist -- Knox, Thomas, Komponist -- Meacham, Frank W., Komponist -- Miles, Alfred Hart, Dichter/Text -- Offenbach, Jacques, Komponist -- Pendleton, Henry, Gesang -- Sousa, John Philip, Komponist -- Steiger, Brad, Erzähler -- Ward, Samuel A., Komponist -- Weikert, William -- Zimmerman, Charles A., Komponist
- Person(en): Bagley, Edwin Eugene [Komposition] ; Barker, Warren [Komposition] ; Boskerck, Francis Saltus van [Komposition] ; Cohan, George M. [Komposition] ; Crawford, Robert MacArthur [Komposition] ; Gould, Morton [Komposition] ; Greenwood, Lee [Komposition] ; Gruber, Edmund L. [Komposition] ; Knox, Thomas [Komposition] ; Meacham, Frank W. [Komposition] ; Offenbach, Jacques [Komposition] ; Sousa, John Philip [Komposition] ; Ward, Samuel A. [Komposition] ; Zimmerman, Charles A. [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): American Legion Band of the Tonawandas
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Mark Records, 2021
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: US Field Artillery 00:03:15 -- American Pageant 00:07:46 -- The Marines' Hymn 00:01:31 -- American Salute 00:04:59 -- American Patrol 00:04:11 -- The U.S. Air Force, "Off We Go Into the Wild Blue Yonder" 00:02:16 -- America the Beautiful (bearb. von C. Dragon) 00:04:26 -- National Emblem 00:03:18 -- Star Spangled Spectacular 00:05:21 -- Semper Paratus (Always Ready) 00:02:23 -- In the Miller Mood (after J. Garland, G. Miller and H. Warren) 00:11:00 -- Anchors Aweigh 00:03:10 -- God Bless the USA (bearb. für Bläserensemble) 00:03:59 --
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