Tal, Yaara - ACHRON, J. / BLOCH, E. / DELIUS, F. / EISLER, H. / HAUER, J.M. / JANÁČEK, L. / KLEIN, F.H. / MOMPOU, F. (1923)

- Titel: Tal, Yaara - ACHRON, J. / BLOCH, E. / DELIUS, F. / EISLER, H. / HAUER, J.M. / JANÁČEK, L. / KLEIN, F.H. / MOMPOU, F. (1923) / Piano Recital. Achron, Joseph, Komponist -- Bloch, Ernest, Komponist -- Delius, Frederick, Komponist -- Eisler, Hanns, Komponist -- Groethuysen, Andreas, Klavier -- Hauer, Josef Matthias, Komponist -- Janáček, Leoš, Komponist -- Jaques-Dalcroze, Émile, Komponist -- Klein, Fritz Heinrich, Komponist -- Mompou, Federico, Komponist -- Schoenberg, Arnold, Komponist -- Tal, Yaara, Klavier -- Tansman, Alexandre, Komponist
- Person(en): Achron, Joseph [Komposition] ; Bloch, Ernest [Komposition] ; Delius, Frederick [Komposition] ; Eisler, Hanns [Komposition] ; Hauer, Josef Matthias [Komposition] ; Janáček, Leoš [Komposition] ; Jaques-Dalcroze, Émile [Komposition] ; Klein, Fritz Heinrich [Komposition] ; Mompou, Federico [Komposition] ; Schoenberg, Arnold [Komposition] ; Tansman, Alexandre [Komposition]
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Sony Classical, 2023
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: 3 Präludien: No. 1. Scherzando; No. 2. Quick; No. 3. Con moto 00:03:26 -- 2 Pieces, Op. 56: No. 1. Chalom (Dream): Trasognato; No. 2. Birkat-Shalom (Welcome): Allegro affabile 00:08:34 -- Nirvana 00:07:11 -- 60 Kleine Stücke op. 25: No. 1. Your waves played about me; No. 5. Like a blessing, smilingly the Ether leant over silver clouds; No. 6. Springs pass away, one year displaces the other; No. 7. Now rests in its fullness the autumn day; No. 11. Full of stars comes the enraptured Night; ... 00:09:31 -- 5 Klavierstücke op. 23 00:02:53 -- Sonate für Klavier Nr. 2 op. 6 00:09:25 -- Die Maschine: Eine extonale Selbstsatire, Op. 1 (version for piano four hands) 00:10:33 -- Malostransky palac (Andante), JW VIII/31 00:01:27 -- Con moto, JW VIII/26 00:00:32 -- Jen Slepy osud?, JV VIII/33/3 00:01:01 -- Dialogues: Dialog I; Dialog II 00:04:58 -- 4 Tanzminiaturen: No. 1. Gavotte; No. 2. Menuet; No. 3. Mazurka a la Chopin; No. 4. Petite marche 00:05:00 -- 3 Entrées dansantes: No. 1. L'ingénue; No. 2. L'oncle Tom (rag-time); No. 3. Le fox-trot angoissé 00:06:28 --
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