SPATIAL AUDIO - The 3D Film Music Collection (Dasch, Juillard, Strasbourg Philharmonic, Letonja)

- Titel: SPATIAL AUDIO - The 3D Film Music Collection (Dasch, Juillard, Strasbourg Philharmonic, Letonja). Badelt, Klaus, Komponist -- Barry, John, Komponist -- Bernstein, Elmer, Komponist -- Dasch, Annette, Sopran -- Edelman, Randy, Komponist -- Elfman, Danny, Komponist -- Giacchino, Michael, Komponist -- Herrmann, Bernard -- Jarre, Maurice, Komponist -- Jones, Trevor, Viola -- Juillard, Charlotte, Violine -- Korngold, Erich Wolfgang, Komponist -- Letonja, Marko -- McCartney, Paul, Dichter/Text -- Morricone, Ennio, Komponist -- Rota, Nino, Komponist -- Rózsa, Miklós, Komponist -- Shore, Howard, Komponist -- Silvestri, Alan, Komponist -- Steiner, Max, Komponist -- Strasbourg Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchester -- Williams, John -- Zimmer, Hans, Komponist
- Person(en): Badelt, Klaus [Komposition] ; Barry, John [Komposition] ; Bernstein, Elmer [Komposition] ; Edelman, Randy [Komposition] ; Elfman, Danny [Komposition] ; Giacchino, Michael [Komposition] ; Jarre, Maurice [Komposition] ; Korngold, Erich Wolfgang [Komposition] ; Morricone, Ennio [Komposition] ; Rota, Nino [Komposition] ; Rózsa, Miklós [Komposition] ; Shore, Howard [Komposition] ; Silvestri, Alan [Komposition] ; Steiner, Max [Komposition] ; Zimmer, Hans [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Strasbourg Philharmonic Orchestra
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Warner Classics, 2021
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: The Sea Hawk 00:02:38 -- Gone with the Wind 00:04:32 -- Rhapsody in Blue: Overture; Love Theme of Ben-Hur 00:09:49 -- North by Northwest 00:02:50 -- Vertigo 00:06:02 -- Psycho: Prelude; The Murder; Finale 00:07:25 -- 8 1/2 00:05:33 -- Der Pate: Kay; Love Theme; End title 00:09:44 -- The Magnificent Seven 00:04:45 -- Lawrence von Arabien 00:04:14 -- Spiel mir das Lied vom Tod: Once upon a time; The Man with the Harmonica 00:07:49 -- The Untouchables – Die Unbestechlichen 00:02:21 -- Cinema Paradiso 00:03:49 -- Dr. No.: James Bond Theme (arr. J. Tyzik) 00:01:42 -- Thunderball (arr. J. Tyzik) 00:03:13 -- Live and Let Die (arr. J. Tyzik) 00:01:57 -- Jaws 00:03:03 -- Star Wars: Main Title 00:05:59 -- Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark: Raiders March; Marion's Theme 00:09:31 -- Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade 00:03:28 -- Jurassic Park 00:05:52 -- Back to the Future 00:03:26 -- Batman 00:02:24 -- The Last of the Mohicans: Main Title; The Kiss 00:06:41 -- Der Herr der Ringe: Die Gefährten: Hauptthema 00:02:53 -- The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King 00:05:30 -- Pirates of the Caribbean: He's a Pirate 00:05:57 -- Mission: Impossible 3 00:05:42 --
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