Mikado (The) / The Pirates of Penzance / HMS Pinafore / Trial by Jury [Operettas] (Welsh National Opera Chorus and Orchestra, Mackerras)

- Titel: Mikado (The) / The Pirates of Penzance / HMS Pinafore / Trial by Jury [Operettas] (Welsh National Opera Chorus and Orchestra, Mackerras) / SULLIVAN, A.. Adams, Donald, Bass -- Ainsley, John Mark, Tenor -- Allan, Richard van, Bass -- Allen, Thomas, Bariton -- Archer, Neill, Tenor -- Banks, Barry, Tenor -- Davies, Gareth-Rhys, Bariton -- Evans, Rebecca, Sopran -- Folwell, Nicholas, Bass -- Gilbert, W.S., Dichter/Text -- Gossage, Julie, Mezzosopran -- Hoare, Peter, Tenor -- Howells, Anne, Sopran -- Knight, Gillian, Mezzosopran -- Lloyd-Evans, Philip, Bariton -- Mackerras, Charles -- Mason, Ralph, Gesang -- Maxwell, Donald, Bariton -- McLaughlin, Marie, Sopran -- Mellor, Alwyn, Sopran -- O'Neill, Claire, Gesang -- Palmer, Felicity, Alt -- Rolfe-Johnson, Anthony, Tenor -- Savidge, Peter, Bass -- Stephen, Pamela Helen, Mezzosopran -- Stuart, Richard, Bariton -- Sullivan, Arthur, Komponist -- Watson, Janice, Sopran -- Welsh National Opera Chorus, Chor -- Welsh National Opera Orchestra, Orchester -- Williams, Jenevora, Mezzosopran
- Person(en): Sullivan, Arthur ; Sullivan, Arthur [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Welsh National Opera Chorus ; Welsh National Opera Orchestra
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Telarc, 1999
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: The Mikado: Act I: If you want to know who we are (Chorus); Act I: Behold the Lord high executioner; Act I: Three little maids from school (Yum-Yum, Peep-Bo, Pitti-Sing); Act II: Braid the raven hair (Pitti-Sing, Chorus of Girls); Act II: The flowers that bloom in the spring (Nanki-Poo, Ko-Ko, Yum-Yum, Pitti-Sing, Pooh-Bah); ... / Sullivan, Arthur 01:18:59 -- The Yeomen of the Guard: Act I: Song: Is life a boon? If so, it must befall (Fairfax); Act I: Duet: I have a song to sing, O! (Point, Elsie); Act I: Were I thy bride; Act II: Oh! a private buffoon; Act II: Quarter: When a wooer goes a-wooing (Elsie, Fairfax, Phoebe, Point); ... / Sullivan, Arthur 01:29:40 -- Trial by Jury: Song: When I, good friends … (Judge, All, Chorus); Sestet and Chorus: A nice dilemna we have here (Judge, Counsel, Defendant, Plaintiff, All, Usher); Finale: Oh joy unbounded (Plaintiff, Counsel, Defendant, Usher, All, Judge); Solo and Chorus: Hark, the hour of ten is sounding (Usher, Chorus); Is this the Court of the Exchequer? (Defendant, All, Chorus of Jurymen); ... / Sullivan, Arthur 00:31:23 -- The Pirates of Penzance: Act I: Climbing over rocky mountain (Female Chorus, Edith, Kate, Isabel); Act I: Poor wandering one! (Mabel, Female Chorus); Act I: How beautifully blue he sky (Female Chorus, Mabel, Frederic); Act I: I am the very model of a modern Major-General (General, Chorus); Act II: When the foeman bears his steel (Sergeant, Police, Mabel, Female Chorus, Edith); ... / Sullivan, Arthur 01:18:08 -- HMS Pinafore (The Lass that Loved a Sailor): Act I: We sail the ocean blue (Male Chorus); Act I: I'm called Little Buttercup (Little Buttercup); Act I: My gallant crew, good morning (Captain, Chorus); Act I: When I was a lad (Sir Joseph, Hebe, Chorus); Act II: Things are seldom what they seem (Little Buttercup, Captain); ... / Sullivan, Arthur 01:13:30 --
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