HOME, SWEET HOME - Victorian Songs and Ballads, Vol. 2 (Tear, Luxon, Previn)

- Titel: HOME, SWEET HOME - Victorian Songs and Ballads, Vol. 2 (Tear, Luxon, Previn). Allitsen, Frances, Komponist -- Anewick, G.C., Dichter/Text -- Bishop, Henry, Komponist -- Blockley, John, Komponist -- Challinor, Frederick Arthur, Komponist -- Cherry, John William, Komponist -- Clay, Frederick, Komponist -- Davies, Vincent, Komponist -- Fitzball, Edward, Dichter/Text -- Lewin, Lionel H., Dichter/Text -- Loder, Edward James, Komponist -- Luxon, Benjamin, Bariton -- Parry, John Orlando, Komponist -- Payne, John Howard, Dichter/Text -- Penn, William H., Komponist -- Petrie, George, Dichter/Text -- Previn, André, Komponist -- Smith, Harry B., Dichter/Text -- Sullivan, Arthur, Komponist -- Tear, Robert, Tenor -- Thompson, G. Douglas, Dichter/Text -- Wallace, William Vincent, Komponist -- Watson, William, Dichter/Text -- Wills, W.G., Dichter/Text
- Person(en): Allitsen, Frances [Komposition] ; Bishop, Henry [Komposition] ; Blockley, John [Komposition] ; Challinor, Frederick Arthur [Komposition] ; Cherry, John William [Komposition] ; Clay, Frederick [Komposition] ; Davies, Vincent [Komposition] ; Loder, Edward James [Komposition] ; Parry, John Orlando [Komposition] ; Penn, William H. [Komposition] ; Previn, André [Komposition] ; Sullivan, Arthur [Komposition] ; Wallace, William Vincent [Komposition]
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Warner Classics, 1976
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Flow Gently, Deva / Previn, André 00:04:52 -- The Lute Player (version in C Minor) / Previn, André 00:04:08 -- The Snowy Breasted Pearl (arr. A. Moffat for voice and piano) / Previn, André 00:02:51 -- Pansy Faces / Previn, André 00:03:13 -- Once again / Previn, André 00:03:42 -- The Diver / Previn, André 00:04:30 -- List, to the Convent Bells / Previn, André 00:03:58 -- Watchman, What of the Night? / Previn, André 00:06:54 -- Home Sweet Home / Previn, André 00:03:39 -- Creep-Mouse / Previn, André 00:03:25 -- Maritana (arr. for voice and piano) / Previn, André 00:02:24 -- Will-o'-the-Wisp / Previn, André 00:04:31 -- I'll sing thee songs of Araby / Previn, André 00:03:14 -- Wee Cooper O'Fife (arr. A. Moffat for voice and piano) / Previn, André 00:01:54 --
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