Songs (How the Rose First Grew Red) (Munderloh, Tecardi, Behr)

- Titel: Songs (How the Rose First Grew Red) (Munderloh, Tecardi, Behr) / LAWES, H.. Behr, Julian, Theorbe -- Browne, William, Dichter/Text -- Herrick, Robert, Dichter/Text -- Hughes, Henry, Dichter/Text -- Lawes, Henry, Komponist -- Lawes, William, Komponist -- Munderloh, David, Tenor -- Stroud, W., Dichter/Text -- Tecardi, Silvia, Viole -- Wilson, John, Komponist
- Person(en): Lawes, Henry [Komposition] ; Lawes, William [Komposition] ; Wilson, John [Komposition]
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Passacaille, 2018
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Amarillis, By a Spring 00:01:28 -- I'll Tell You How the Rose Did First Grow Red 00:01:12 -- 30 Präludien 00:00:58 -- In Celia's Face a Question Did Arise 00:01:33 -- Dear, Turn Away Thine Eyes so Bright 00:00:57 -- Come, Cloris, Hie We to Thy Bow'r 00:01:19 -- 30 Präludien 00:01:48 -- Slide Soft, You Silver Floods 00:01:51 -- Sweet Lady and Sole Mistress of my Love 00:01:23 -- A Willow Gardland 00:01:13 -- 30 Präludien 00:01:09 -- Sabrina 00:01:10 -- How Cool and Temp'rate I Am Grown 00:01:46 -- Sweet Death, Come Visit My Sick Heart 00:02:02 -- Almain 00:02:10 -- Courant 1 00:01:19 -- Courant 2 00:01:35 -- Hither We Come into this World of Woe 00:01:26 -- 30 Präludien 00:01:22 -- I Burn 00:03:45 -- Ayres and Dialogues, Book 3 (text by H. Hughes) 00:01:33 -- Hence, Vain Intruder 00:01:16 -- 30 Präludien 00:00:42 -- Sorrow, in Vain Why Dost Thou Seek to Tempt 00:02:41 -- 30 Präludien 00:02:33 -- Ayres and Dialogues, Book 1 (text by W. Stroud) 00:02:14 -- Oh, Let Me Still and Silent Lie 00:02:57 -- I rise and grieve 00:04:00 -- Allemande for Viol 00:03:35 -- Unto the Soundless Vaults of Hell Below 00:01:44 -- Pale Ink, Thou Art Not Black Enough of Hue 00:01:33 -- 30 Präludien 00:01:56 -- My Wand'ring Thoughts Have Travelled 'Round 00:02:10 --
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