Choral Music - BERNSTEIN, L. / BRITTEN, B. / DALEY, E. / BAINTON, E. (Homeward Bound) (Mansfield University Concert and Alumni Choirs, P. Dettwiler)

- Titel: Choral Music - BERNSTEIN, L. / BRITTEN, B. / DALEY, E. / BAINTON, E. (Homeward Bound) (Mansfield University Concert and Alumni Choirs, P. Dettwiler). Ames, Jefferey L., Komponist -- Aquinas, Thomas, Dichter/Text -- Bainton, Edgar Leslie, Komponist -- Bernstein, Leonard -- Best, Timothy, Tenor -- Bible, Dichter/Text -- Bible - New Testament, Dichter/Text -- Bible - Old Testament, Dichter/Text -- Boulanger, Lili, Komponist -- Britten, Benjamin, Komponist -- Browne, Michael Dennis, Dichter/Text -- Cummings, E. E., Dichter/Text -- Daley, Eleanor, Komponist -- Dettwiler, Peggy -- Diemer, Emma Lou, Komponist -- Fields, Victor, Tenor -- Fulton, Kenneth -- Greene, Jennifer, Komponist -- Hatfield, Stephen, Komponist -- Holdren, Katie, Alt -- Keen, Marta, Komponist -- Layaou, Malcolm, Bass -- Lotti, Antonio, Komponist -- Luther, Martin, Dichter/Text -- Mansfield University Alumni Choir, Chor -- Mansfield University Chamber Singers, Chor -- Mansfield University Combined Choirs, Chor -- Mansfield University Concert Choir, Chor -- Mass Text, Dichter/Text -- Memley, Kevin, Komponist -- Mendelssohn, Felix, Komponist -- Messiaen, Olivier, Komponist -- Monteverdi, Claudio, Komponist -- Moro, Maurizio, Dichter/Text -- Noyes, Zoe M., Alt -- Parry, Hubert, Komponist -- Paulus, Stephen, Komponist -- Polinski, Sarah, Mezzosopran -- Runestad, Jake, Komponist -- Rusk, Kyle, Klavier -- Sauls, Eli, Tenor -- Scrivener, Dale, Tenor -- Sensenig, Mitchell, Bass -- Shakespeare, William, Dichter/Text -- Silvestri, Charles Anthony, Dichter/Text -- Stanford, Charles Villiers, Komponist -- Story, Brian S., Komponist -- Thompson, Randall, Komponist -- Vaughan Williams, Ralph, Komponist -- Whitacre, Eric, Komponist -- Wilson, Jake, Tenor -- Woodton, Tayana, Sopran -- Zinkan, Cassie, Sopran
- Person(en): Ames, Jefferey L. [Komposition] ; Bainton, Edgar Leslie [Komposition] ; Boulanger, Lili [Komposition] ; Britten, Benjamin [Komposition] ; Daley, Eleanor [Komposition] ; Diemer, Emma Lou [Komposition] ; Greene, Jennifer [Komposition] ; Hatfield, Stephen [Komposition] ; Keen, Marta [Komposition] ; Lotti, Antonio [Komposition] ; Memley, Kevin [Komposition] ; Mendelssohn, Felix [Komposition] ; Messiaen, Olivier [Komposition] ; Monteverdi, Claudio [Komposition] ; Parry, Hubert [Komposition] ; Paulus, Stephen [Komposition] ; Runestad, Jake [Komposition] ; Stanford, Charles Villiers [Komposition] ; Story, Brian S. [Komposition] ; Thompson, Randall [Komposition] ; Vaughan Williams, Ralph [Komposition] ; Whitacre, Eric [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Mansfield University Alumni Choir ; Mansfield University Chamber Singers ; Mansfield University Combined Choirs ; Mansfield University Concert Choir
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Mark Records, 2016
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Laudar Vollio, No. 36 [Laudario di Cortona] 00:03:59 -- Beati quorum via 00:04:00 -- O sacrum convivium! 00:03:49 -- Jubilate Deo 00:03:07 -- And I saw a new Heaven 00:05:19 -- Psalm 24, "La terre appartient a l'Eternel" 00:04:34 -- O salutaris Hostia 00:03:34 -- O magnum mysteruim 00:04:56 -- 3 Madrigals: No. 1. O Mistress Mine, Where Are You Going; No. 2. Take, O Take these Lips Away; No. 3. Sigh No More, Ladies, Sigh No More 00:04:45 -- Requiem: In Remembrance 00:03:12 -- Madrigals, Book 4 (Il quarto libro de madrigali), SV 75-93 (arr. K. Fulton for choir) 00:04:16 -- I've Been in the Storm So Long (arr. J. Ames for choir) 00:04:43 -- Don't Bend Down 00:04:56 -- I was glad when they said unto me, Op. 51, "Psalm 122" 00:05:31 -- I Carry Your Heart 00:03:01 -- Bernstein's House (Take Care of This House, Build My House) 00:04:46 -- Homeward Bound (arr. M. Wilberg for voice, choir and piano) 00:05:52 -- Alleluia 00:03:08 -- Alleluia 00:05:26 -- Crucifixus 00:03:17 -- Motetten op. 23 Nr. 1-3 MWV SD7 00:08:06 -- Sleep 00:04:48 -- The Road Home (version for voice and mixed choir) 00:04:02 -- The Battle of Jericho (arr. M. Hogan) 00:02:24 -- O how amiable 00:04:43 --
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