Mansfield University Concert Choir - BACH, J.S. / HASSLER, H.L. / CASTELNUOVO-TEDESCO, M. / BERNSTEIN, L. (Cantemus - Let Us Sing!)

- Titel: Mansfield University Concert Choir - BACH, J.S. / HASSLER, H.L. / CASTELNUOVO-TEDESCO, M. / BERNSTEIN, L. (Cantemus - Let Us Sing!) / Choral Concert. Bach, Johann Sebastian, Komponist -- Barber, Samuel, Komponist -- Bardos, Lajos, Komponist -- Basler, Paul, Komponist -- Bernstein, Leonard -- Bible - New Testament, Dichter/Text -- Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario, Komponist -- DeVaul, Wendy, Horn -- Delbo, Amanda, Sopran -- Dettwiler, Peggy -- Dickau, David, Komponist -- Dickinson, Emily, Dichter/Text -- Dietz, Howard, Dichter/Text -- Edenroth, Anders, Komponist -- Ellington, Duke, Komponist -- Fox, Stephen -- García Lorca, Federico, Dichter/Text -- George, Don, Dichter/Text -- Gresko, Ryan, Pauke -- Hamilton, Mikael, Bass -- Hassler, Hans Leo, Komponist -- Heveningham, Henry, Dichter/Text -- Hodges, Johnny, Komponist -- Jacobs, Elizabeth -- James, Harry, Komponist -- Joel, Billy, Komponist -- Mansfield University Concert Choir, Chor -- Mansfield University Men's Chorus, Chor -- Mansfield University Women's Chorus, Chor -- Mansfieldians, Chor -- Mass Text, Dichter/Text -- Monkelien, Sheryl -- Mulholland, James Quitman, Komponist -- Schwartz, Arthur, Komponist -- Slotkin, Matthew, Gitarre -- Sondheim, Stephen, Dichter/Text -- Spender, Stephen, Dichter/Text -- Vaughan Williams, Ralph, Komponist -- Weelkes, Thomas, Komponist
- Person(en): Bach, Johann Sebastian [Komposition] ; Barber, Samuel [Komposition] ; Bardos, Lajos [Komposition] ; Basler, Paul [Komposition] ; Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario [Komposition] ; Dickau, David [Komposition] ; Edenroth, Anders [Komposition] ; Ellington, Duke [Komposition] ; Hassler, Hans Leo [Komposition] ; Hodges, Johnny [Komposition] ; James, Harry [Komposition] ; Joel, Billy [Komposition] ; Mulholland, James Quitman [Komposition] ; Schwartz, Arthur [Komposition] ; Vaughan Williams, Ralph [Komposition] ; Weelkes, Thomas [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Mansfield University Concert Choir ; Mansfield University Men's Chorus ; Mansfield University Women's Chorus ; Mansfieldians
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Mark Records, 2015
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Cantemus! 00:02:09 -- Neue teutsche Gesäng nach Art der welschen Madrigalien und Canzonetten 00:02:38 -- Messe h-Moll BWV 232: Gloria in excelsis Deo (Chorus); Cum Sancto Spiritu (Chorus); Et in terra pax (Chorus) 00:10:44 -- Messe g-Moll 00:03:56 -- Shenandoah (bearb. von J. Erb für Chor) 00:03:54 -- Magnificent Horses (bearb. von J. Ling-Tam) 00:01:58 -- 3 Liebeslieder 00:03:52 -- A Stopwatch and an Ordnance Map 00:06:40 -- Hosanna to the Son of David 00:01:56 -- Romancero Gitano op. 152: V. Memento; VI. Baile; VII. Crotalo 00:05:23 -- Acapella in Acapulco 00:03:52 -- The Band Wagon (bearb. von P. Mattson für Chor) 00:03:40 -- Just the Way You Are (bearb. von P. Mattson für Chor) 00:04:46 -- I'm Beginning to See the Light (bearb. von P. Mattson für Chor und Klavier) 00:02:52 -- West Side Story (bearb. von R. Edgerton für Chor) 00:03:40 -- Missa Kenya 00:02:18 -- This Little Light of Mine (arr. M. Hogan for 2 voices and choir) 00:04:39 -- If Music Be the Food of Love 00:04:53 --
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