Treasury of English Church Music

- Titel: Treasury of English Church Music. All Saints Boys Chor, Chor -- Ambrosian Singers, Chor -- Anderson, Gordon, Tenor -- Bairstow, Edward C., Komponist -- Barrow, John, Bariton -- Barston, John, Männlicher Sopran -- Battishill, Jonathan, Komponist -- Bax, Clifford, Dichter/Text -- Bennett, William Sterndale, Komponist -- Bible, Dichter/Text -- Bible - New Testament, Dichter/Text -- Bible - Old Testament, Dichter/Text -- Birch, John, Orgel -- Blow, John, Komponist -- Bower, John Dykes -- Bowman, James, Countertenor -- Boyce, William, Komponist -- Bramma, Harry, Orgel -- Britten, Benjamin, Komponist -- Burgess, Grayston, Countertenor -- Byrd, William, Komponist -- Chesterton, Frances, Dichter/Text -- Chichester Cathedral Choir, Chor -- Child, William, Komponist -- Cleverdon, Roger, Bass -- Copcutt, Paul, Countertenor -- Cornysh (II), William, Dichter/Text -- Crossland, Anthony, Orgel -- Crotch, William, Komponist -- Damett, Thomas, Komponist -- Davies, Peter Maxwell, Komponist -- Davies, Howard, Knaben-Sopran -- Dering, Richard, Komponist -- Dunstable, John, Komponist -- English, Gerald, Tenor -- Excetre, J., Komponist -- Farrant, Richard, Komponist -- Fleming, Michael -- Frye, Walter, Komponist -- Gabb, Harry, Orgel -- Gibbons, Orlando, Komponist -- Goss, John, Komponist -- Greene, Maurice, Komponist -- Grice, Ian Le, Orgel -- Guest, Douglas, Komponist -- Guildford Cathedral Choir, Chor -- Guildford Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra, Orchester -- Hammersley, Robert, Tenor -- Hampstead Parish Church Choir, Chor -- Harvey, Frederick William, Dichter/Text -- Heber, Reginald, Dichter/Text -- Holst, Gustav, Komponist -- Holt, Anthony, Bariton -- Howells, Herbert, Komponist -- Humfrey, Pelham, Komponist -- Hunnis, Christopher, Dichter/Text -- Ireland, John, Komponist -- Jaye Consort of Viols, Ensemble -- Joubert, John, Komponist -- Kay, Brian, Bass -- Lansley, Harvey, Tenor -- Leighton, Kenneth, Komponist -- Lough, Robin, Knaben-Sopran -- Luther, Martin, Dichter/Text -- Mass Text, Dichter/Text -- Merbecke, John, Komponist -- Mindenhall, Philip, Bass -- Morehen, John, Orgel -- Morley, Thomas, Komponist -- Moultrie, Gerard, Dichter/Text -- Mundy, William, Komponist -- Nares, James, Komponist -- New English Singers, Chor -- Noble, Tertius, Komponist -- Nott, Timothy, Knaben-Sopran -- Osborne, Noel, Bariton -- Ouseley, Frederick Arthur Gore, Komponist -- Parsons, Robert, Komponist -- Philips, Peter, Komponist -- Pope Innocent VI, Dichter/Text -- Pouncey, Denys -- Preston, Simon, Orgel -- Purcell, Henry, Komponist -- Queldryk,, Komponist -- Redford, John, Dichter/Text -- Robinson, Christopher -- Rootham, Cyril, Komponist -- Rose, Barry -- Seal, Richard, Orgel -- Sidwell, Martindale -- St. Paul's Cathedral Choir, Chor -- Stanford, Charles Villiers, Komponist -- Tallis, Thomas, Komponist -- Temple Church Choir, Chor -- Tomkins, Thomas, Komponist -- Travers, John, Komponist -- Vaile, Michael, Countertenor -- Vaughan Williams, Ralph, Komponist -- Walmisley, Thomas Attwood, Komponist -- Walton, William, Komponist -- Warlock, Peter, Komponist -- Watts, Isaac, Dichter/Text -- Weelkes, Thomas, Komponist -- Wells Cathedral Choir, Chor -- Wesley, Samuel Sebastian, Komponist -- Westminster Abbey Choir, Chor -- White, Robert, Komponist -- Whitworth, John, Alt -- Williams, Gavin, Orgel -- Winkworth, Catherine, Dichter/Text -- Worcester Cathedral Choir, Chor
- Person(en): Bairstow, Edward C. [Komposition] ; Battishill, Jonathan [Komposition] ; Bennett, William Sterndale [Komposition] ; Blow, John [Komposition] ; Boyce, William [Komposition] ; Britten, Benjamin [Komposition] ; Byrd, William [Komposition] ; Child, William [Komposition] ; Crotch, William [Komposition] ; Damett, Thomas [Komposition] ; Davies, Peter Maxwell [Komposition] ; Dering, Richard [Komposition] ; Dunstable, John [Komposition] ; Excetre, J. [Komposition] ; Farrant, Richard [Komposition] ; Frye, Walter [Komposition] ; Gibbons, Orlando [Komposition] ; Goss, John [Komposition] ; Greene, Maurice [Komposition] ; Guest, Douglas [Komposition] ; Holst, Gustav [Komposition] ; Howells, Herbert [Komposition] ; Humfrey, Pelham [Komposition] ; Ireland, John [Komposition] ; Joubert, John [Komposition] ; Leighton, Kenneth [Komposition] ; Merbecke, John [Komposition] ; Morley, Thomas [Komposition] ; Mundy, William [Komposition] ; Nares, James [Komposition] ; Noble, Tertius [Komposition] ; Ouseley, Frederick Arthur Gore [Komposition] ; Parsons, Robert [Komposition] ; Philips, Peter [Komposition] ; Purcell, Henry [Komposition] ; Queldryk, [Komposition] ; Rootham, Cyril [Komposition] ; Stanford, Charles Villiers [Komposition] ; Tallis, Thomas [Komposition] ; Tomkins, Thomas [Komposition] ; Travers, John [Komposition] ; Vaughan Williams, Ralph [Komposition] ; Walmisley, Thomas Attwood [Komposition] ; Walton, William [Komposition] ; Warlock, Peter [Komposition] ; Weelkes, Thomas [Komposition] ; Wesley, Samuel Sebastian [Komposition] ; White, Robert [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): All Saints Boys Chor ; Ambrosian Singers ; Chichester Cathedral Choir ; Guildford Cathedral Choir ; Guildford Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra ; Hampstead Parish Church Choir ; Jaye Consort of Viols ; New English Singers ; St. Paul's Cathedral Choir ; Temple Church Choir ; Wells Cathedral Choir ; Westminster Abbey Choir ; Worcester Cathedral Choir
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Warner Classics - Parlophone, 2011
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Einleitende Rede von Dr. Herbert Howells 00:09:26 -- Sancte Dei pretiose [1100-1545] 00:03:55 -- Perspice Christicola (1100-1545) 00:01:11 -- Salve sancta Parens 00:04:09 -- Sanctus - Benedictus (1100-1545) 00:01:41 -- Alleluia Psallat 00:01:09 -- Ave miles caelestis curiae 00:02:41 -- Conditor alme siderum [1100-1545] 00:03:17 -- Gloria 00:02:36 -- Sanctus - Benedictus 00:03:22 -- Beata Dei genitrix 00:03:19 -- Veni Sancte Spiritus JD 32 00:05:19 -- Salve virgo mater pia 00:04:30 -- Ave Maria mater Dei 00:03:41 -- The Booke of Common praier noted: Nunc dimittis 00:01:33 -- Psalmsequenz für Weihnachten 00:02:56 -- Nolo mortem peccatoris 00:03:25 -- Ave verum corpus 00:04:15 -- First Great Service 00:03:14 -- Gloria in excelsis Deo 00:03:28 -- Factum est silentium 00:03:23 -- O God, wherefore art thou absent 00:02:20 -- Cantiones sacrae, pro praecipuis festis totius anni et communi sanctorum Buch 1 00:02:41 -- Out of the Deep 00:04:30 -- Fourth Service 00:04:08 -- Ah, Helpless Wretch 00:04:06 -- Short Service 00:02:14 -- Psalm 27 "Hide not thou thy face from us, O Lord" 00:01:57 -- Sing joyfully unto God our strength 00:02:43 -- Christe qui lux es 4 00:03:25 -- O clap your hands 00:05:13 -- This is the record of John 00:04:56 -- Out of the Deep 00:04:58 -- All people clap your hands 00:01:50 -- O how amiable are thy dwellings 00:03:07 -- Lord, to thee I make my moan 00:02:35 -- Alleluia, I heard a voice 00:02:29 -- Victimae paschali laudes 00:03:30 -- My beloved spake 00:05:32 -- Thou knowest, Lord Z 58C 00:02:25 -- O Lord my God 00:13:18 -- I will give thanks unto Thee, O Lord Z 20 00:09:21 -- O clap your hands together 00:04:16 -- Psalm 96 "Ascribe Unto the Lord" 00:10:00 -- The Heavens Declare 00:13:13 -- Salvator mundi 00:04:18 -- Psalm 46 "God Is our Hope and Strength" 00:03:18 -- Remember not, Lord, our offences Z 50 00:03:22 -- O Lord God of Hosts Z 37 00:05:17 -- Hear my prayer, O Lord Z 15 00:02:54 -- The Souls of the Righteous 00:02:35 -- 6 Anthems and 10 Chants 00:05:00 -- Lo! star-led chiefs 00:04:49 -- If we believe that Jesus died 00:03:54 -- O Saviour of the world 00:02:36 -- Abendgottesdienst d-Moll: Magnificat; Nunc dimittis 00:04:51 -- Cast me not away from thy presence 00:04:33 -- Wash Me Throughly 00:04:36 -- The Woman of Samaria op. 44 00:03:02 -- Abendgottesdienst h-Moll op. 6 00:03:08 -- Morgen-, Kommunions- und Abendgottesdienste B-Dur op. 10 00:06:45 -- 3 Latin Motets, Op. 38 (text from the Bible) 00:03:47 -- Communion Service in the Phrygian Mode 00:02:10 -- O Taste and See 00:01:41 -- Let all mortal flesh keep silence 00:03:36 -- Anglikanische Volksmesse über Hymnenmelodien der Eingeborenen 00:03:11 -- 3 festliche Chöre op. 36a 00:04:19 -- Greater love hath no man 00:06:11 -- Magnificat und Nunc Dimittis "Collegium Regale" 00:05:14 -- Set me as a seal upon thine heart 00:03:23 -- Ave Maria 00:02:48 -- Give me the wings of faith 00:05:35 -- O hearken Thou op. 64 00:03:38 -- Psalm 29 op. 74 "Give unto the Lord" 00:08:21 -- I Saw a Fair Maiden 00:04:29 -- A Spotless Rose 00:03:32 -- Sing Lullaby 00:03:47 -- Here is the little door 00:03:36 -- There Is No Rose op. 14 00:02:19 -- A Hymn to the Virgin 00:03:54 -- Te Deum 00:06:55 -- Magnificat und Nunc dimittis e-Moll: Magnificat; Nunc dimittis 00:06:13 -- Abendgottesdienst C-Dur: Magnificat; Nunc dimittis 00:04:19 -- Blessed are the pure in heart 00:01:21 -- Jubilate G-Dur 00:03:26 --
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