100x Klassik zum Valentinstag

- Titel: 100x Klassik zum Valentinstag. Abel, David -- Academy of St. Martin in the Fields Orchestra, Orchester -- Aler, John, Tenor -- Alexeev, Dmitri, Klavier -- Argerich, Martha, Klavier -- Augér, Arleen, Sopran -- Bach, Johann Sebastian, Komponist -- Baltsa, Agnes, Mezzosopran -- Barber, Samuel, Komponist -- Barbier, Jules, Dichter/Text -- Barbirolli, John -- Barrueco, Manuel, Gitarre -- Bath Festival Orchestra, Orchester -- Bean, Hugh, Violine -- Beethoven, Ludwig van, Komponist -- Bellini, Vincenzo, Komponist -- Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchester -- Biondi, Fabio, Violine -- Bizet, Georges, Komponist -- Blaze, Robin, Countertenor -- Bloch, Nikolaj, Synthesizer -- Boult, Adrian -- Bournemouth Symphony Chorus, Chor -- Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra, Orchester -- Bowman, James, Countertenor -- Brahms, Johannes, Komponist -- Brown, Iona, Violine -- Bruch, Max, Komponist -- Brussels National Opera Chorus, Chor -- Brussels National Opera Symphony Orchestra, Orchester -- Callas, Maria, Sopran -- Cambreling, Sylvain -- Camerata Lysy Gstaad, Ensemble -- Canteloube, Joseph, Komponist -- Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario, Komponist -- Chang, Han-Na, Violoncello -- Chopin, Fryderyk, Komponist -- City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, Orchester -- City of London Sinfonia, Orchester -- Cleobury, Stephen -- Collard, Jean-Philippe, Klavier -- Consortium Musicum, Ensemble -- Constable, John, Orgel -- Crayford, Marcia, Violine -- Da Ponte, Lorenzo, Dichter/Text -- Daniel, Paul -- Debussy, Claude, Komponist -- Delibes, Léo, Komponist -- Donohoe, Peter, Klavier -- Dresden Staatskapelle, Orchester -- Du Pré, Jacqueline, Violoncello -- Dutoit, Charles -- Dvořák, Antonín, Komponist -- Ellis, Philip -- English Chamber Orchestra, Orchester -- Ennio Morricone Orchestra, Orchester -- Europa Galante, Orchester -- Farr, Stephen, Orgel -- Fauré, Gabriel, Komponist -- Fischer, Annie, Klavier -- Forzano, Giovacchino, Dichter/Text -- Foster, Lawrence -- Franck, Salomo, Dichter/Text -- French National Orchestra, Orchester -- Galway, James, Flöte -- Gambill, Paul -- Garrett, Lesley, Sopran -- Gavrilov, Andrei, Klavier -- Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, Chor -- Giazotto, Remo, Komponist -- Gibson, Simon, Orgel -- Gilchrist, Jane, Sopran -- Gille, Philippe, Dichter/Text -- Gluck, Christoph Willibald, Komponist -- Gondinet, Edmond, Dichter/Text -- Gonnenwein, Wolfgang -- Grieg, Edvard, Komponist -- Haitink, Bernard -- Hallé Orchestra, Orchester -- Handel, George Frideric, Komponist -- Helmis, Fritz, Harfe -- Herbert, Sally -- Highcliffe Junior Choir, Chor -- Hill, David -- Holst, Gustav, Komponist -- Horner, James, Komponist -- Hough, Stephen, Klavier -- Hungarian Quartet, Ensemble -- Ibsen, Henrik, Dichter/Text -- Isbin, Sharon, Gitarre -- Izzy,, Sopran -- Jahn, Martin, Dichter/Text -- Jansons, Mariss -- Jenkins, Karl, Komponist -- Kalafusz, Hans, Violine -- Karajan, Herbert von -- Kashif, Tolga -- King's College Choir, Cambridge, Chor -- Koopman, Ton, Orgel -- Kovacevich, Stephen, Klavier -- Kurtz, Efrem -- Kvapil, Jaroslav, Dichter/Text -- Lane, Piers, Klavier -- Lausanne Chamber Orchestra, Orchester -- Lennon, John, Komponist -- Lesne, Gérard, Countertenor -- Liszt, Franz, Komponist -- Little, Tasmin, Violine -- Lloyd Webber, Andrew, Komponist -- Lombard, Alain -- London Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchester -- London Philharmonic Orchestra Wind Ensemble, Ensemble -- London Session Orchestra, Orchester -- London Symphony Orchestra, Orchester -- Lott, Felicity, Sopran -- Lympany, Moura, Klavier -- Lysy, Alberto -- Mackerras, Charles -- Mahler, Gustav, Komponist -- Maksymiuk, Jerzy -- Marriner, Neville -- Marshall, Margaret, Sopran -- Mascagni, Pietro, Komponist -- Mass Text, Dichter/Text -- Massenet, Jules, Komponist -- Maurer, Sonia, Mandoline -- Maxwell, Donald, Bariton -- McCartney, Paul, Dichter/Text -- Mendelssohn, Felix, Komponist -- Menuhin, Yehudi, Violine -- Mesplé, Mady, Sopran -- Meyer, Sabine, Klarinette -- Milan Teatro alla Scala Chorus, Chor -- Milan Teatro alla Scala Orchestra, Orchester -- Millet, Danielle, Mezzosopran -- Minato, Nicolo, Dichter/Text -- Montréal Symphony Orchestra, Orchester -- Morricone, Ennio, Komponist -- Morris, Gareth, Flöte -- Morse, Steve, Gitarre -- Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, Komponist -- Munich Radio Symphony Orchestra, Orchester -- Murdoch, Jane, Violine -- Murray, Ann, Mezzosopran -- Muti, Riccardo -- Myers, Stanley, Komponist -- Nashville Chamber Orchestra, Orchester -- National Youth Choirs of Great Britain National Youth Choir, Chor -- New Philharmonia Orchestra, Orchester -- New World Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchester -- Newman, Thomas, Komponist -- Nicolai, Philipp, Dichter/Text -- Norman, Jessye, Sopran -- Nyman, Michael, Komponist -- Offenbach, Jacques, Komponist -- Ogdon, John, Klavier -- Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, Orchester -- Orff, Carl, Komponist -- Ormandy, Eugene -- Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchester -- Ousset, Cécile, Klavier -- Ozawa, Seiji -- Pachelbel, Johann, Komponist -- Paris Conservatoire Choir, Chor -- Paris Conservatoire Orchestra, Orchester -- Paris Opera-Comique Orchestra, Orchester -- Parkening, Christopher, Gitarre -- Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista, Komponist -- Philadelphia Orchestra, Orchester -- Philharmonia Orchestra, Orchester -- Pope Innocent III, , Dichter/Text -- Popp, Lucia, Sopran -- Puccini, Giacomo, Komponist -- Pujol, Emilio, Komponist -- Queffélec, Anne, Klavier -- Rachmaninov, Sergey, Komponist -- Racine, Jean, Dichter/Text -- Rattle, Simon -- Rees, Jonathan, Violine -- Rigutto, Bruno, Klavier -- Rodrigo, Joaquín, Komponist -- Rolandi, Gianna, Sopran -- Romani, Felice, Dichter/Text -- Rossi, Giacomo, Dichter/Text -- Rostal and Schaefer, Ensemble -- Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchester -- Rutter, John -- Saint-Saëns, Camille, Komponist -- Saklatvala, Edward, Sopran -- Satie, Erik, Komponist -- Savall, Jordi, Viola da gamba -- Scaramuzzino, Giovanni, Mandoline -- Schubert, Franz, Komponist -- Schumann, Robert, Komponist -- Scottish Ensemble, Ensemble -- Seminario Musicale, Il, Ensemble -- Serafin, Tullio -- Shostakovich, Dmitry, Komponist -- Sinfonia of London, Orchester -- Slatkin, Leonard -- Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra, Orchester -- Soltesz, Stefan -- South German Madrigal Choir, Chor -- Stockholm Chamber Choir, Chor -- Studio orchestra, Orchester -- Stuttgart Radio Symphony Orchestra, Orchester -- Susskind, Walter -- Sutherland, Iain -- Swedish Radio Chorus, Chor -- Thirlwell, Fergus, Sopran -- Thomson, Bryden -- Thornton, Julia, Harfe -- Tipo, Maria, Klavier -- Todi, Jacopone da, Dichter/Text -- Tortelier, Yan Pascal -- Trevor, Kirk -- Ungar, Jay, Komponist -- Van Dam, José, Bass -- Varga, Laszlo, Violoncello -- Vaughan Williams, Ralph, Komponist -- Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchester -- Vienna String Sextet, Ensemble -- Vivaldi, Antonio, Komponist -- Vonk, Hans -- Walden, Peter, Horn -- Watson, Ian, Orgel -- Watson, Janice, Sopran -- Waynflete Singers, Chor -- Williams, Jonathan, Violoncello -- Williams, John -- Winchester Cathedral Choristers, Chor
- Person(en): Bach, Johann Sebastian [Komposition] ; Barber, Samuel [Komposition] ; Beethoven, Ludwig van [Komposition] ; Bellini, Vincenzo [Komposition] ; Bizet, Georges [Komposition] ; Brahms, Johannes [Komposition] ; Bruch, Max [Komposition] ; Canteloube, Joseph [Komposition] ; Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario [Komposition] ; Chopin, Fryderyk [Komposition] ; Debussy, Claude [Komposition] ; Delibes, Léo [Komposition] ; Dvořák, Antonín [Komposition] ; Fauré, Gabriel [Komposition] ; Giazotto, Remo [Komposition] ; Gluck, Christoph Willibald [Komposition] ; Grieg, Edvard [Komposition] ; Handel, George Frideric [Komposition] ; Holst, Gustav [Komposition] ; Horner, James [Komposition] ; Jenkins, Karl [Komposition] ; Lennon, John [Komposition] ; Liszt, Franz [Komposition] ; Lloyd Webber, Andrew [Komposition] ; Mahler, Gustav [Komposition] ; Mascagni, Pietro [Komposition] ; Massenet, Jules [Komposition] ; Mendelssohn, Felix [Komposition] ; Morricone, Ennio [Komposition] ; Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus [Komposition] ; Myers, Stanley [Komposition] ; Newman, Thomas [Komposition] ; Nyman, Michael [Komposition] ; Offenbach, Jacques [Komposition] ; Orff, Carl [Komposition] ; Pachelbel, Johann [Komposition] ; Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista [Komposition] ; Puccini, Giacomo [Komposition] ; Pujol, Emilio [Komposition] ; Rachmaninov, Sergey [Komposition] ; Rodrigo, Joaquín [Komposition] ; Saint-Saëns, Camille [Komposition] ; Satie, Erik [Komposition] ; Schubert, Franz [Komposition] ; Schumann, Robert [Komposition] ; Shostakovich, Dmitry [Komposition] ; Ungar, Jay [Komposition] ; Vaughan Williams, Ralph [Komposition] ; Vivaldi, Antonio [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Academy of St. Martin in the Fields Orchestra ; Bath Festival Orchestra ; Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra ; Bournemouth Symphony Chorus ; Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra ; Brussels National Opera Chorus ; Brussels National Opera Symphony Orchestra ; Camerata Lysy Gstaad ; City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra ; City of London Sinfonia ; Consortium Musicum ; Dresden Staatskapelle ; English Chamber Orchestra ; Ennio Morricone Orchestra ; Europa Galante ; French National Orchestra ; Geoffrey Mitchell Choir ; Hallé Orchestra ; Highcliffe Junior Choir ; Hungarian Quartet ; King's College Choir, Cambridge ; Lausanne Chamber Orchestra ; London Philharmonic Orchestra ; London Philharmonic Orchestra Wind Ensemble ; London Session Orchestra ; London Symphony Orchestra ; Milan Teatro alla Scala Chorus ; Milan Teatro alla Scala Orchestra ; Montréal Symphony Orchestra ; Munich Radio Symphony Orchestra ; Nashville Chamber Orchestra ; National Youth Choirs of Great Britain National Youth Choir ; New Philharmonia Orchestra ; New World Philharmonic Orchestra ; Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment ; Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra ; Paris Conservatoire Choir ; Paris Conservatoire Orchestra ; Paris Opera-Comique Orchestra ; Philadelphia Orchestra ; Philharmonia Orchestra ; Rostal and Schaefer ; Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra ; Scottish Ensemble ; Seminario Musicale, Il ; Sinfonia of London ; Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra ; South German Madrigal Choir ; Stockholm Chamber Choir ; Studio orchestra ; Stuttgart Radio Symphony Orchestra ; Swedish Radio Chorus ; Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra ; Vienna String Sextet ; Waynflete Singers ; Winchester Cathedral Choristers
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Warner Classics - Parlophone, 2012
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Rhapsodie auf ein Thema von Paganini, Op. 43 00:02:57 -- Nocturne No. 2 in E-Flat Major, Op. 9, No. 2 00:05:15 -- Liebestraume, S541/R211 00:04:27 -- Albumblatt a-Moll WoO 59 "Für Elise" 00:03:19 -- Titanic: My Heart Will Go On (arr. for orchestra) 00:04:19 -- The Piano: The Heart Asks Pleasure First - The Promise 00:03:11 -- Mandolin Concerto in C Major, RV 425: II. Largo (arr. P. Russ for guitar and orchestra) 00:03:50 -- Boléro 00:16:07 -- Thais, Akt II: Meditation 00:05:05 -- Klavierkonzert Nr. 21 in C-Dur, K. 467, "Elvira Madigan" 00:06:45 -- Norma 00:05:33 -- Aria mit 30 Veränderungen BWV 988 "Goldberg-Variationen" 00:03:03 -- Gianni Schicchi 00:02:34 -- Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K. 622 00:06:35 -- Stabat Mater 00:03:54 -- Klavierkonzert Nr. 2 in c-moll, Op. 18 00:04:28 -- Streichquintett in C-Dur, Op. 163, D. 956 00:04:36 -- Cavatina (arr. for 2 guitars) 00:03:15 -- Sinfonie Nr. 5 cis-Moll 00:03:06 -- Adagio für Streicher 00:06:20 -- American Beauty: Any Other Name 00:04:01 -- Theme aus Schindler's Liste 00:05:02 -- The Mission 00:02:12 -- 3 Gymnopédies 00:03:30 -- 3 Gnossiennes 00:03:22 -- Berceuse Des-Dur op. 57 00:04:26 -- Klavierkonzert in a-moll, Op. 16 00:06:28 -- Kinderszenen op. 15 (für Klavier) 00:02:37 -- Etüden, Op. 10 00:04:12 -- 16 Waltzes, Op. 39 00:01:37 -- Piano Concerto No. 1 in E Minor, Op. 11 00:03:51 -- Préludes, Book 1 00:02:35 -- 24 Preludes, Op. 28 00:06:06 -- Suite bergamasque 00:04:54 -- Dolly Suite, Op. 56 00:02:34 -- Klavierkonzert Nr. 2 in F-Dur, Op. 102 00:06:06 -- Was mir behagt, ist nur die muntre Jagd!, BWV 208, "Hunt Cantata" (arr. N. Marriner for orchestra) 00:04:33 -- Kanon und Gigue 00:04:59 -- Overture (Suite) No. 3 in D Major, BWV 1068 00:03:31 -- Die vier Jahreszeiten: Violinkonzert in f-moll, Op. 8, Nr. 4, RV 297, "L'inverno" (Winter) 00:02:05 -- Serse (Xerxes) HWV 40 00:02:38 -- Concerto Grosso in B Minor, Op. 6, No. 12, HWV 330 * 00:04:12 -- Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben, BWV 147 00:03:28 -- Keyboard Suite No. 4 (Set II) in D Minor, HWV 437 00:02:59 -- Konzert für Cembalo, Streicher und Basso continuo Nr. 5 f-Moll BWV 1056 00:03:24 -- Concerto for 2 Mandolins in G Major, RV 532 00:02:48 -- Konzert für 2 Violinen und Streicher in d-moll, BWV 1043 00:06:49 -- Rinaldo HWV 7a 00:04:34 -- Orfeo ed Euridice 00:06:15 -- Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, BWV 140 00:03:25 -- Wassermusik: Suite Nr. 1 in F-Dur, HWV 348 00:04:40 -- Guitar Concerto No. 1 in D Major, Op. 99 (arr. E. Pujol) 00:06:50 -- Viola da Gamba Sonata in G Minor, BWV 1029 00:02:30 -- Adagio in G Minor (attrib. to Albinoni) * 00:05:49 -- Serenade Nr. 13 G-Dur KV 525 "Eine kleine Nachtmusik" 00:05:43 -- Concerto for Flute and Harp in C Major, K. 299 00:03:57 -- Cosi fan tutte, KV 588 00:03:19 -- Sonate für Klavier Nr. 11 A-Dur KV 331 (300i) 00:01:45 -- Cosi fan tutte, KV 588 00:04:42 -- Klavierkonzert Nr. 20 in d-moll, K. 466 00:06:13 -- Die Hochzeit des Figaro (Höhepunkte) 00:03:30 -- Clarinet Quintet in A Major, K. 581 00:06:27 -- Ave verum corpus in D-Dur, KV 618 00:03:23 -- Serenade No. 10 in B-Flat Major, K. 361, "Gran Partita" 00:06:10 -- Sonate für Klavier Nr. 14 cis-moll op. 27 Nr. 2 "Mondscheinsonate" 00:03:55 -- 6 Minuets, WoO 10 00:02:51 -- Piano Concerto No. 5 in E-Flat Major, Op. 73, "Emperor": II. Adagio un poco mosso (arr. for harp) 00:06:59 -- Sonate für Klavier Nr. 8 c-Moll op. 13 "Pathétique" 00:05:32 -- Sinfonie Nr. 6 F-Dur op. 68 "Pastorale" 00:06:41 -- Carmen 00:02:33 -- Cantique de Jean Racine, Op. 11 00:05:46 -- Ein Sommernachtstraum op. 61 MWV M13 00:05:51 -- Requiem, Op. 48 00:03:44 -- Carnival of the Animals (Karneval der Tiere) 00:03:15 -- Cellokonzert in e-moll, Op. 85 00:05:14 -- Violinkonzert Nr.1 in g-moll, Op. 26 00:04:23 -- Peer Gynt, Op. 23 00:04:14 -- Pavane, Op. 50 00:06:46 -- Violin Concerto in E Minor, Op. 64, MWV O14 00:04:26 -- Lakmé 00:03:27 -- Sinfonie Nr. 9 e-Moll op. 95 B. 178 "Aus der neuen Welt" 00:04:42 -- Les contes d'Hoffmann (The Tales of Hoffmann) 00:04:20 -- Variations on an Original Theme, Op. 36, "Enigma" 00:03:54 -- Rusalka, Op. 114, B. 203 00:05:53 -- Cavalleria Rusticana 00:03:41 -- The Armed Man, "A Mass for Peace" 00:03:39 -- Carmina Burana 00:02:41 -- Fantasie von Greensleeves 00:04:39 -- Chants d’Auvergne (Auswahl) 00:06:40 -- Ashokan Farewell 00:05:07 -- Requiem 00:03:30 -- Concierto de Aranjuez 00:10:53 -- Requiem: Pie Jesu (arr. for soprano, treble, organ and orchestra) 00:02:49 -- The Gadfly Suite, Op. 97a (arr. for violin and piano) 00:03:12 -- The Crying Game 00:03:35 -- Chants d'Auvergne, Vol. 3 (arr. T. Kashif) 00:03:43 -- The Lark Ascending 00:06:21 -- Michelle (arr. R. Goodwin) 00:03:19 -- Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis 00:07:30 -- The Planets, Op. 32, "Planetensuite" 00:07:26 --
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