Mass of Life (A) / Songs of Sunset / String Quartet / HOWELLS, H.: Hymnus Paradisi / HADLEY, P.: The Hills (British Composers)

- Titel: The Hills (British Composers) / DELIUS, F.. Bach Choir, The, Chor -- Baker, Janet, Mezzosopran -- Bible - Old Testament, Dichter/Text -- Boult, Adrian -- Britten Quartet, Ensemble -- Cambridge University Musical Society Chorus, Chor -- Cameron, Alexander, Violoncello -- Chambers, John, Viola -- Delius, Frederick, Komponist -- Dowson, Ernest, Dichter/Text -- Grier, Francis, Orgel -- Groves, Charles -- Growcott, Robert, Violine -- Hadley, Patrick, Komponist -- Harper, Heather, Sopran -- Howells, Herbert, Komponist -- Jacobsen, Jens Peter, Dichter/Text -- King's College Choir, Cambridge, Chor -- Lancelot, James, Orgel -- Ledger, Philip, Klavier -- Lloyd, Robert, Bass -- London Philharmonic Choir, Chor -- London Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchester -- Luxon, Benjamin, Bariton -- New Philharmonia Orchestra, Orchester -- Nietzsche, Friedrich, Dichter/Text -- Palmer, Felicity, Alt -- Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Choir, Chor -- Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchester -- Shirley-Quirk, John, Bass -- Simons, Dennis, Violine -- Tear, Robert, Tenor -- Watts, Helen, Alt
- Person(en): Delius, Frederick [Komposition] ; Hadley, Patrick [Komposition] ; Howells, Herbert [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Bach Choir, The ; Britten Quartet ; Cambridge University Musical Society Chorus ; King's College Choir, Cambridge ; London Philharmonic Choir ; London Philharmonic Orchestra ; New Philharmonia Orchestra ; Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Choir ; Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Warner Classics - Parlophone, 2011
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Songs of Sunset: No. 4. Exceeding sorrow consumeth my sad heart! (Mezzo-Soprano); No. 5. By the sad waters of separation (Baritone); No. 6. See how the trees and osiers lithe (Mezzo-Soprano, Baritone, Chorus); No. 7. I was not sorrowful, I could not weep (Baritone); No. 8. They are not long, the weeping and the laughter (Mezzo-Soprano, Baritone, Chorus); ... 00:29:31 -- Eine Arabeske 00:11:38 -- A Mass of Life: Part I: O Du mein Wille! (Chorus); Part I: Erhebt eure Herzen (Baritone); Part I: In dein Auge schaute ich jungst (Chorus, Tenor, Soprano, Mezzo-Soprano, Baritone); Part I: Wehe mir! (Baritone, Chorus); Part I: Nacht ist es (Chorus, Baritone); ... 01:39:45 -- Fantasie Streichquartett op. 25 00:13:21 -- Streichquartett Nr. 3 "In Gloucestershire ": IV. Allegro vivace, assai ritmico; III. Slow in pace, with much feeling; II. Fairly quick, but always rhythmical; I. With easy and flexible movement 00:30:25 -- Streichquartett (überarbeitete Fassung von 1917): IV. Very quick and vigorously; III. Late Swallows: Slow and wistfully; II. Quick and lightly; I. With animation 00:28:44 -- Hymnus Paradisi: V. I Heard a Voice from Heaven (Tenor, Chorus, Soprano); VI. Holy is the True Light (Chorus, Soprano, Tenor); IV. Sanctus: I will lift up mine eyes (Chorus, Soprano, Tenor); II. Requiem aeternam (Chorus, Soprano); I. Preludio; ... 00:45:31 -- Konzert für Streicher: I. Allegro, assai vivace; II. Quasi lento: teneramente; III. Allegro vivo: ritmico e giocoso 00:28:09 -- My Beloved Spake 00:02:55 -- I Sing of a Maiden 00:02:38 -- The Hills: The Hills in Spring: Now Climb, Climb on Aloft (Soprano, Tenor, Chorus); Interlude: In Taxal Woods (Tenor, Soprano); Wedding: Clatter Poo, Billy Bally (Chorus); Wedding: Hail The Bride and Bridegroom, and Farewell! (Chorus, Soprano, Tenor); Wedding: Do I Wake or Dream? (Bass); ... 00:36:02 --
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