Pas de Deux

- Titel: Pas de Deux. Adam, Adolphe, Komponist -- Ambrosian Singers, Chor -- Chopin, Fryderyk, Komponist -- Copenhagen Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchester -- Doráti, Antal -- Drigo, Riccardo, Komponist -- Elizabethan Trust Melbourne Orchestra, Orchester -- Helsted, Edvard, Komponist -- Hérold, Ferdinand, Komponist -- Irving, Robert -- Kern, Terrence -- Lanchbery, John -- London Festival Ballet Orchestra, Orchester -- London Festival Orchestra, Orchester -- London Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchester -- London Symphony Orchestra, Orchester -- Mackerras, Charles -- Minkus, Ludwig, Komponist -- Paulli, Holger Simon, Komponist -- Philharmonia Orchestra, Orchester -- Previn, André, Komponist -- Prokofiev, Sergey, Komponist -- Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchester -- Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchester -- Schmidt, Ole -- Strauss II, Johann, Komponist -- Sydney Symphony Orchestra, Orchester -- Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Il'yich, Komponist -- Truman, Robert, Violoncello -- Verdi, Giuseppe, Komponist -- Warren-Green, Christopher, Violine -- Wordsworth, Barry -- Zhelobinsky, Valery, Komponist
- Person(en): Adam, Adolphe [Komposition] ; Chopin, Fryderyk [Komposition] ; Drigo, Riccardo [Komposition] ; Helsted, Edvard [Komposition] ; Hérold, Ferdinand [Komposition] ; Minkus, Ludwig [Komposition] ; Paulli, Holger Simon [Komposition] ; Previn, André [Komposition] ; Prokofiev, Sergey [Komposition] ; Strauss II, Johann [Komposition] ; Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Il'yich [Komposition] ; Verdi, Giuseppe [Komposition] ; Zhelobinsky, Valery [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Ambrosian Singers ; Copenhagen Philharmonic Orchestra ; Elizabethan Trust Melbourne Orchestra ; London Festival Ballet Orchestra ; London Festival Orchestra ; London Philharmonic Orchestra ; London Symphony Orchestra ; Philharmonia Orchestra ; Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra ; Royal Philharmonic Orchestra ; Sydney Symphony Orchestra
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Warner Classics - Parlophone, 2010
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Le Corsaire: Pas de deux (bearb. von J. Lanchberry): 1. Adagio; II. Allegro: Tempo di Valse: Men's Variation; III. Variation 2; IV. Coda 00:06:40 -- Don Quixote: Akt III: Flower Waltz; Akt III: Entree; Akt III: Quiteria's Variation; Act III: Kitri's Solo; Akt III: Coda; ... 00:07:07 -- La Bayadere: Pas De Deux; Pas De Deux - Nikiya's Solo; Finale; Solor's Solo 00:08:11 -- Don Quixote 00:03:05 -- Giselle: Act I: Variation de Giselle; Act II: Entree de Loys - Pas de deux; Act I: Peasant pas de deux (Burgmuller): Adagio; Act I: Peasant pas de deux (Burgmuller): Variation I; Act I: Peasant pas de deux (Burgmuller): Variation II; ... 00:16:23 -- La fille mal gardee: Act I: Introduction; Act I Fanny Elssler: No. 16. Pas de deux: Girl's Solo; Act I Fanny Elssler: No. 16. Pas de deux: Adage; Act I Fanny Elssler: No. 16. Pas de deux: Man's Solo; Act I Fanny Elssler: No. 16. Pas de deux: Coda; ... 00:18:29 -- Walzer Nr. 7 cis-Moll op. 64 Nr. 2 (bearb. von R. Douglas für Orchester) 00:04:33 -- Kirchweihfest in Brügge "Die drei Geschenke": Opening Duet; Variation 1; Variation 2; Variation 3; Coda; ... 00:07:23 -- Blumenfest in Genzano: Pas de deux: Entrance; Adage; Variation 1; Variation 2; Variation 3; ... 00:09:00 -- Schwanensee op. 20: Act II By a Lake: No. 13. Dances of the swans: V. Andante - Allegro; Act I The terrace in front of the palace of Prince Siegfried: No. 5. Pas de deux: I. Tempo di valse ma non troppo vivo, quasi moderato; Act I The terrace in front of the palace of Prince Siegfried: No. 5. Pas de deux: II. Andante - Allegro; Act I The terrace in front of the palace of Prince Siegfried: No. 5. Pas de deux: III. Tempo di valse; Act I The terrace in front of the palace of Prince Siegfried: No. 5. Pas de deux: IV. Coda: Allegro molto vivace; ... 00:18:48 -- Dornröschen op. 66: Act II The Vision: Pas d'action: Coda (Presto); Act II The Vision: Scene (Allegro agitato); Act II The Vision: Panorama (Andantino: The Awakening); Act III The Wedding: Pas de deux (Aurora and Florimund): II. Entree (Allegretto - Allegro moderato); Act III The Wedding: Pas de deux (Aurora and Florimund): III. Adagio (Andante non troppo); ... 00:16:52 -- Der Nussknacker op. 71: Act II Tableau 3: Pas de deux: The Prince and the Sugar-Plum Fairy; Act II Tableau 3: Variation 1: Tarantella; Act II Tableau 3: Variation 2: Dance of the Sugar-Plum Fairy; Act II Tableau 3: Final waltz and apotheosis 00:14:01 -- Eugene Onegin op. 24 00:08:29 -- Romeo und Julia op. 64: Act I: Balcony Scene; Act I: Romeo's Variation; Act I: Love Dance 00:10:53 -- Cinderella op. 87 00:04:45 -- Abschlussball (bearb. von A. Dorati) 00:03:41 -- The Lady and the Fool (bearb. von C. Mackerras) 00:04:48 --
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