Ohio State University Men's Glee Club - COBB, N.H. / SCHUBERT, F. / NANCE, R. / DALEY, E. / MCCARTNEY, P. (We Sing)

- Titel: Ohio State University Men's Glee Club - COBB, N.H. / SCHUBERT, F. / NANCE, R. / DALEY, E. / MCCARTNEY, P. (We Sing) / Choral Concert. Andersson, Benny, Akkordeon -- Barnes, Eric Lane, Komponist -- Cobb, Nancy Hill, Komponist -- Cornell, Fred, Komponist -- Creatore, Luigi, Komponist -- Crumit, Frank, Komponist -- Cundick, Robert, Komponist -- Daley, Eleanor, Komponist -- Ebright, Matthew, Klavier -- Emerson, Ralph Waldo, Dichter/Text -- Goldoni, Carlo, Dichter/Text -- Hood, Thomas, Dichter/Text -- Horn, Trevor, Komponist -- Housman, A.E., Dichter/Text -- Linda, Solomon Popoli, Komponist -- Masefield, John, Dichter/Text -- Mass Text, Dichter/Text -- Mayrhofer, Johann Baptist, Dichter/Text -- McCartney, Paul, Dichter/Text -- Nance, Richard, Komponist -- Ohio State University Men's Glee Club, Chor -- Peretti, Hugo, Komponist -- Rabin, Trevor, Komponist -- Sarsany, Tim -- Schubert, Franz, Komponist -- Sled, Bruce, Komponist -- Smail, Ron, Dichter/Text -- Squire, Chris, Komponist -- St. Mokranjac, Stevan, Komponist -- Stanton, Albert, Komponist -- Ulvaeus, Bjorn, Komponist -- Ward, Robert J. -- Weiss, George David, Komponist -- Willan, Healey, Komponist -- Wonder, Stevie, Komponist
- Person(en): Barnes, Eric Lane [Komposition] ; Cobb, Nancy Hill [Komposition] ; Cornell, Fred [Komposition] ; Creatore, Luigi [Komposition] ; Crumit, Frank [Komposition] ; Cundick, Robert [Komposition] ; Daley, Eleanor [Komposition] ; Horn, Trevor [Komposition] ; Linda, Solomon Popoli [Komposition] ; Nance, Richard [Komposition] ; Peretti, Hugo [Komposition] ; Rabin, Trevor [Komposition] ; Schubert, Franz [Komposition] ; Sled, Bruce [Komposition] ; Squire, Chris [Komposition] ; St. Mokranjac, Stevan [Komposition] ; Stanton, Albert [Komposition] ; Ulvaeus, Bjorn [Komposition] ; Weiss, George David [Komposition] ; Willan, Healey [Komposition] ; Wonder, Stevie [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Ohio State University Men's Glee Club
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Mark Records, 2007
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Sea Fever 00:02:55 -- Der Gondelfahrer op. 28 D. 809 00:02:36 -- Loveliest of trees, the cherry now 00:02:14 -- Tebe poyem (bearb. von M. Tadov) 00:01:58 -- The Stars Are With the Voyager 00:03:06 -- La pastorella al prato D. 528 (bearb. für Chor) 00:02:05 -- Take a Chance on Me (bearb. von T. Sarsany) 00:03:20 -- Terminus 00:02:22 -- Maybe I'm Amazed (bearb. für Chor) 00:05:27 -- Jin-ga-lye-ah 00:01:59 -- The West Wind 00:04:39 -- Leave It! (bearb. von T. Sarsany) 00:03:26 -- Missa Brevis Nr. 11, "Sancti Johannis Baptistae", Op. 226: Kyrie; Sanctus - Benedictus qui venit 00:04:00 -- Don't You Worry 'bout a Thing (bearb. von K. Marsh) 00:03:25 -- Lambscapes 00:02:16 -- Wimoweh "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" (bearb. von R. Smail) 00:04:32 -- The Buckeye Battle Cry - Campus Echoes - Carmen Ohio - Hang on Sloopy (bearb. von R. Heine, T. Sarsany und N. Staiger) 00:06:48 --
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