UNDER THE BIG TOP - Circus Marches by the United States Military Bands

- Titel: UNDER THE BIG TOP - Circus Marches by the United States Military Bands. Air Combat Command Heritage of America Band, Ensemble -- Alexander, Russell, Komponist -- Band of the United States Air Force Reserve Jazz Ensemble, Ensemble -- Barnhouse, Charles Lloyd, Komponist -- Bledsoe, Kelly -- Chevallard, Philip C. -- Clark, N. Alan, Komponist -- Cupero, Edward Victor, Komponist -- Duble, Charles E., Komponist -- Farrar, Orion R., Komponist -- Fillmore, Henry, Komponist -- Foley, Timothy W. -- Fučík, Julius, Komponist -- Gambone, Ralph M. -- Gilkes, H. Bruce -- Graham, Lowell -- Heed, John Clifford, Komponist -- Huffine, Getty Herschel, Komponist -- Jewell, Fred, Komponist -- King, Karl, Komponist -- Klohr, John, Komponist -- Lamb, Gary F. -- Phillips, William -- President's Own United States Marine Band, The, Orchester -- President's Own United States Marine Band, members, Ensemble -- United States Air Force Academy Band, Ensemble -- United States Air Force Air Mobility Command Band of the Golden West, Ensemble -- United States Air Force Band, Orchester -- United States Air Force Band of the Rockies, Ensemble -- United States Air Force Band of the Rockies (Falconaires Jazz Ensemble), Ensemble -- United States Air Force Heartland of America Band, Ensemble -- United States Air Force Heritage of America Band, Ensemble -- United States Army Band "Pershing's Own", Ensemble -- United States Coast Guard Band, The, Ensemble -- United States Navy Band, The, Ensemble
- Person(en): Alexander, Russell [Komposition] ; Barnhouse, Charles Lloyd [Komposition] ; Clark, N. Alan [Komposition] ; Cupero, Edward Victor [Komposition] ; Duble, Charles E. [Komposition] ; Farrar, Orion R. [Komposition] ; Fillmore, Henry [Komposition] ; Fučík, Julius [Komposition] ; Heed, John Clifford [Komposition] ; Huffine, Getty Herschel [Komposition] ; Jewell, Fred [Komposition] ; King, Karl [Komposition] ; Klohr, John [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Air Combat Command Heritage of America Band ; Band of the United States Air Force Reserve Jazz Ensemble ; President's Own United States Marine Band, The ; President's Own United States Marine Band, members ; United States Air Force Academy Band ; United States Air Force Air Mobility Command Band of the Golden West ; United States Air Force Band ; United States Air Force Band of the Rockies ; United States Air Force Band of the Rockies (Falconaires Jazz Ensemble) ; United States Air Force Heartland of America Band ; United States Air Force Heritage of America Band ; United States Army Band "Pershing's Own" ; United States Coast Guard Band, The ; United States Navy Band, The
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Altissimo, 2013
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Einzug der Gladiatoren op. 68 "Triumphmarsch" 00:02:39 -- Barnum and Bailey's Favorite 00:02:27 -- Honey Boys on Parade 00:02:01 -- The Klaxon 00:02:52 -- The Battle of Shiloh March 00:02:50 -- Invictus 00:02:11 -- Bravura 00:03:00 -- Miss Trombone - A Slippery Rag 00:02:21 -- The Screamer 00:02:07 -- Hosts of Freedom (Marsch) 00:01:51 -- Bombasto 00:02:35 -- The Circus Bee 00:02:26 -- Them Basses 00:03:01 -- The Melody Shop 00:02:01 -- Olympia Hippodrome March 00:03:03 -- The Billboard 00:02:22 -- In Storm and Sunshine 00:03:04 -- The Big Cage 00:01:27 -- Battle Royal 00:01:55 -- Rolling Thunder March 00:02:04 --
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