SPIRIT OF '76 - 76 Essential Patriotic Songs

- Titel: SPIRIT OF '76 - 76 Essential Patriotic Songs. Anderson, Leroy, Komponist -- Bagley, Edwin Eugene, Komponist -- Baker, Henry, Komponist -- Berlin, Irving, Komponist -- Boskerck, Francis Saltus van, Komponist -- Chambers, William Paris, Komponist -- Cohan, George M., Komponist -- Crawford, Robert MacArthur, Komponist -- Dykes, John Bacchus, Komponist -- Egner, Philip, Komponist -- Fillmore, Henry, Komponist -- Goldman, Edwin Franko, Komponist -- Gould, Morton, Komponist -- Greenwood, Lee, Komponist -- Gruber, Edmund L., Komponist -- Guthrie, Woody, Komponist -- Hall, Robert Browne, Komponist -- Hamilton, Mary, Dichter/Text -- Hummel, Silas E., Komponist -- Isham, Mark, Komponist -- Jacobs, Al, Komponist -- Key, Francis Scott, Komponist -- King, Karl, Komponist -- Knoener, Ronald C., Komponist -- McCoy, Earl, Komponist -- Moe-Miranda, Sharon, Komponist -- Pascuzzi, Gregory, Komponist -- President's Own United States Marine Band, The, Orchester -- President's Own United States Marine Band, members, Ensemble -- Pryor, Arthur, Komponist -- Sanderson, James, Komponist -- Saverino, Louis, Komponist -- Schuman, William, Komponist -- Scott, Raymond, Komponist -- Smith, John Stafford, Komponist -- Sousa, John Philip, Komponist -- Steffe, William, Komponist -- Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Il'yich, Komponist -- Textor, Keith, Komponist -- United States Air Force Academy Band, Ensemble -- United States Air Force Band, Orchester -- United States Air Force Band of the Golden West, Ensemble -- United States Air Force Band of the Rockies, Ensemble -- United States Air Force Concert Band, Ensemble -- United States Air Force Heritage of America Band, Ensemble -- United States Air Force Singing Sergeants, Chor -- United States Armed Forces Bicentennial Band, Ensemble -- United States Army Band, Ensemble -- United States Army Chorus, Chor -- United States Army Field Band, Ensemble -- United States Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps, Ensemble -- United States Coast Guard Band, The, Ensemble -- United States Military Academy Band, Ensemble -- United States Navy Band, The, Ensemble -- United States Navy Band Sea Chanters Chorus, Chor -- Ward, Samuel A., Komponist -- Warren, George William, Komponist -- Whiting, William, Dichter/Text -- Williams, John -- Zimmerman, Charles A., Komponist
- Person(en): Anderson, Leroy [Komposition] ; Bagley, Edwin Eugene [Komposition] ; Baker, Henry [Komposition] ; Berlin, Irving [Komposition] ; Boskerck, Francis Saltus van [Komposition] ; Chambers, William Paris [Komposition] ; Cohan, George M. [Komposition] ; Crawford, Robert MacArthur [Komposition] ; Dykes, John Bacchus [Komposition] ; Egner, Philip [Komposition] ; Fillmore, Henry [Komposition] ; Goldman, Edwin Franko [Komposition] ; Gould, Morton [Komposition] ; Greenwood, Lee [Komposition] ; Gruber, Edmund L. [Komposition] ; Guthrie, Woody [Komposition] ; Hall, Robert Browne [Komposition] ; Hummel, Silas E. [Komposition] ; Isham, Mark [Komposition] ; Jacobs, Al [Komposition] ; Key, Francis Scott [Komposition] ; King, Karl [Komposition] ; Knoener, Ronald C. [Komposition] ; McCoy, Earl [Komposition] ; Moe-Miranda, Sharon [Komposition] ; Pascuzzi, Gregory [Komposition] ; Pryor, Arthur [Komposition] ; Sanderson, James [Komposition] ; Saverino, Louis [Komposition] ; Schuman, William [Komposition] ; Scott, Raymond [Komposition] ; Smith, John Stafford [Komposition] ; Sousa, John Philip [Komposition] ; Steffe, William [Komposition] ; Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Il'yich [Komposition] ; Textor, Keith [Komposition] ; Ward, Samuel A. [Komposition] ; Warren, George William [Komposition] ; Zimmerman, Charles A. [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): President's Own United States Marine Band, The ; President's Own United States Marine Band, members ; United States Air Force Academy Band ; United States Air Force Band ; United States Air Force Band of the Golden West ; United States Air Force Band of the Rockies ; United States Air Force Concert Band ; United States Air Force Heritage of America Band ; United States Air Force Singing Sergeants ; United States Armed Forces Bicentennial Band ; United States Army Band ; United States Army Chorus ; United States Army Field Band ; United States Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps ; United States Coast Guard Band, The ; United States Military Academy Band ; United States Navy Band, The ; United States Navy Band Sea Chanters Chorus
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Altissimo, 2014
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: The Star Spangled Banner 00:01:21 -- Olympische Fanfare "Bugler's Dream" 00:04:21 -- Semper Fidelis 00:02:44 -- The Marine's Hymn 00:00:56 -- American Salute 00:04:31 -- Americans We 00:02:35 -- Spirit of America 1995 00:11:08 -- Spirit of America 1990 00:10:50 -- God of Our Fathers 00:04:09 -- Ye Boston Tea-Party 00:02:35 -- God Bless America 00:01:56 -- National Emblem 00:03:03 -- Anchors Aweigh 00:01:10 -- Eternal Father, strong to save (Tune: Melita) 00:02:15 -- The Glory of the Yankee Navy 00:03:24 -- God Bless the USA (bearb. für Bläserensemble) 00:02:49 -- The Liberty Bell 00:03:45 -- Liberty Fanfare 00:04:13 -- Amerikanische Festouvertüre 00:04:40 -- Hail to the Chief 00:00:43 -- You're a Grand Old Flag 00:01:17 -- The Black Horse Troop 00:03:17 -- Army Strong 00:02:41 -- The Army Goes Rolling Along 00:01:07 -- Shenandoah - Blow the Man Down 00:03:59 -- The Washington Post March 00:02:36 -- Chester Overture 00:05:55 -- The Boys of the Old Brigade 00:02:07 -- Drum Roll 00:01:27 -- Hellcat Reveille Routine 00:00:25 -- To The Colors 00:00:45 -- Tattoo 00:01:04 -- Chimes of Liberty 00:03:33 -- The Caisson Song 00:02:47 -- Amerikanische Fanfare 00:03:03 -- Official West Point March 00:03:51 -- Semper Paratus (bearb. von W. Schoenfeld für Sinfonische Band) 00:03:08 -- Boy Scouts of America 00:02:39 -- Yankee Doodle 00:02:41 -- The High School Cadets 00:02:33 -- The Invincible Eagle 00:03:34 -- Lord Guard and Guide, "The Air Force Hymn" 00:03:07 -- The U.S. Air Force, "Off We Go Into the Wild Blue Yonder" 00:02:46 -- Hands Across the Sea 00:00:47 -- My Country 'tis of Thee "America" 00:01:14 -- Hail to the Spirit of Liberty 00:03:18 -- Auld Lang Syne 00:00:41 -- Solid Men to the Front 00:03:50 -- Garry Owen 00:02:55 -- This Land Is Your Land 00:02:36 -- America the Beautiful 00:03:20 -- The Flag Still Flies High 00:02:49 -- This is My Country 00:02:04 -- Lights Out 00:03:02 -- Honor with Dignity 00:02:45 -- Arms of America (Marsch) 00:02:30 -- On Dress Parade 00:02:37 -- The Gallant Seventh 00:03:15 -- Independentia March 00:03:28 -- National Spirit March 00:03:06 -- Battle Hymn of the Republic 00:05:20 -- March von the Women Marines 00:02:37 -- Easter Monday on the White House Lawn 00:02:29 -- Echo Taps 00:01:05 -- Taps (Orchestrierte Fassung) 00:00:56 -- Bugler's Holiday (bearb. für Bläserensemble) 00:02:17 -- Yorktown Centennial March 00:03:35 -- The Thunderer 00:02:47 -- The US Air Force 00:00:53 -- Amazing Grace 00:01:39 -- Amazing Grace 00:04:43 -- US Public Health Service March 00:02:15 -- Military Life 00:02:36 -- Armed Forces Medley (bearb. von F. van Boskerck für Sinfonische Band) 00:03:30 -- 1812 Festival Ouvertüre op. 49 (bearb. von K. Singleton für Bläserensemble) 00:15:36 -- The Stars and Stripes Forever 00:04:06 --
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