
- Titel: AMERICAN CLASSICS FOR PRESIDENT'S DAY. Bagley, Edwin Eugene, Komponist -- Berlin, Irving, Komponist -- Campbell, Verne D. -- Chambers, William Paris, Komponist -- Cohan, George M., Komponist -- Douglas, William, Dichter/Text -- Egner, Philip, Komponist -- Fillmore, Henry, Komponist -- Foley, Timothy W. -- Foster, Stephen C., Dichter/Text -- Goldman, Edwin Franko, Komponist -- Graham, Lowell -- Hall, Robert Browne, Komponist -- Hewitt, James, Komponist -- Holtan, Timothy J. -- Howe, Julia Ward, Dichter/Text -- Klein, Jack F. -- Kline, Jack T. -- Layendecker, Dennis M. -- MSG Moser,, Komponist -- Megan, Kenneth W. -- Monroe, Douglas -- Paine, John Knowles, Komponist -- Phile, Philip, Komponist -- Phillips, William -- President's Own United States Marine Band, The, Orchester -- President's Own United States Marine Band, members, Ensemble -- Price, Daniel L. -- Roberts, Daniel, Dichter/Text -- Rodgers, Richard, Komponist -- Rotondi Jr., Thomas -- SFC Reilly,, Komponist -- SSG Creadon,, Komponist -- SSG Jones,, Komponist -- Sanderson, James, Komponist -- Santelmann, William H., Komponist -- Schoepper, Albert F. -- Schofield Jr., Donald E. -- Schuman, William, Komponist -- Shelburne Jr., L. Bryan -- Slatkin, Leonard -- Smith, Claude T., Komponist -- Smith, John Stafford, Komponist -- Smith, Samuel Francis, Komponist -- Sousa, John Philip, Komponist -- Steffe, William, Komponist -- Thompson, George -- Ticheli, Frank, Komponist -- United States Air Force Academy Band, Ensemble -- United States Air Force Band, Orchester -- United States Air Force Band of Mid-America, Ensemble -- United States Air Force Heritage of America Band, Ensemble -- United States Air Force Orchestra, Ensemble -- United States Air Force Reserve Band, Ensemble -- United States Army Band, Ensemble -- United States Army Chorus, Chor -- United States Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps, Ensemble -- United States Coast Guard Band, The, Ensemble -- United States Military Academy Band, Ensemble -- United States Navy Band, The, Ensemble -- Ward, Samuel A., Komponist -- Warren, George William, Komponist -- Watrous, Roy, Komponist -- Wilhousky, Peter J., Dichter/Text -- Woodin, William Hartman, Komponist
- Person(en): Bagley, Edwin Eugene [Komposition] ; Berlin, Irving [Komposition] ; Chambers, William Paris [Komposition] ; Cohan, George M. [Komposition] ; Egner, Philip [Komposition] ; Fillmore, Henry [Komposition] ; Goldman, Edwin Franko [Komposition] ; Hall, Robert Browne [Komposition] ; Hewitt, James [Komposition] ; MSG Moser, [Komposition] ; Paine, John Knowles [Komposition] ; Phile, Philip [Komposition] ; Rodgers, Richard [Komposition] ; SFC Reilly, [Komposition] ; SSG Creadon, [Komposition] ; SSG Jones, [Komposition] ; Sanderson, James [Komposition] ; Santelmann, William H. [Komposition] ; Schuman, William [Komposition] ; Smith, Claude T. [Komposition] ; Smith, John Stafford [Komposition] ; Smith, Samuel Francis [Komposition] ; Sousa, John Philip [Komposition] ; Steffe, William [Komposition] ; Ticheli, Frank [Komposition] ; Ward, Samuel A. [Komposition] ; Warren, George William [Komposition] ; Watrous, Roy [Komposition] ; Woodin, William Hartman [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): President's Own United States Marine Band, The ; President's Own United States Marine Band, members ; United States Air Force Academy Band ; United States Air Force Band ; United States Air Force Band of Mid-America ; United States Air Force Heritage of America Band ; United States Air Force Orchestra ; United States Air Force Reserve Band ; United States Army Band ; United States Army Chorus ; United States Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps ; United States Coast Guard Band, The ; United States Military Academy Band ; United States Navy Band, The
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Altissimo, 2015
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: The Star Spangled Banner 00:03:02 -- The President's March (Hail Columbia) 00:01:40 -- George Washington Bicentennial 00:03:29 -- Royal American Medley 00:05:24 -- Americans We 00:02:35 -- You're a Grand Old Flag (bearb. von J. Villanueva für Bläserensemble) 00:01:18 -- Hail to the Chief 00:00:43 -- The Black Horse Troop 00:03:17 -- Amazing Grace 00:04:43 -- National Emblem 00:00:00 -- Yankee Doodle 00:00:48 -- Thomas Jefferson March 00:02:35 -- Easter Monday on the White House Lawn 00:02:29 -- Official West Point March 00:03:51 -- Drum Feature: The Rage of Cornwallis 00:02:06 -- The Liberty Bell 00:03:32 -- Independentia March 00:03:28 -- The Battle of Trenton 00:08:02 -- God of Our Fathers (bearb. von C. Smith) 00:07:02 -- Yorktown Centennial March 00:03:35 -- Fife Feature: Lowland's Away - Trenton (bearb. von SSG Safarian) 00:01:37 -- Drum Feature II 00:01:05 -- On Dress Parade 00:02:37 -- George Washington Bridge 00:07:26 -- The Washington Post March 00:02:34 -- God Bless America 00:02:04 -- Chimes of Liberty 00:03:33 -- Trauermarsch in Gedenken an Präsident Lincoln op. 9 "Solemn March" 00:05:40 -- Annie Laurie 00:02:43 -- Susanna (Oh! Susanna) 00:01:19 -- Beautiful Dreamer 00:02:01 -- Camptown Races 00:01:35 -- The Glory of the Yankee Navy 00:03:24 -- President's March 00:02:28 -- The Presidential Polonaise 00:04:21 -- Col. Roosevelt's Rough Riders 00:02:19 -- President Garfield's Inauguration March 00:06:20 -- America the Beautiful 00:03:20 -- In Memoriam (bearb. von G. Corrie) 00:02:54 -- Hands Across the Sea 00:02:47 -- Battle Hymn of the Republic (bearb. von P. Wilhousky für Chor und Orchester) 00:05:20 -- Franklin D. Roosevelt March 00:02:20 -- The Gallant Seventh 00:03:15 -- America, My Country Tis of Thee 00:01:14 -- The Invincible Eagle 00:03:35 -- Victory at Sea: Guadalcanal March (bearb. von R. R. Russell) 00:02:29 -- New England Triptych (Fassung für Bläserensemble): I. Be Glad Then, America; II. When Jesus Wept; III. Chester 00:16:55 -- The Stars and Stripes Forever 00:03:17 --
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