
- Titel: 25 FAMOUS MARCHES, Vol. 4. Air Combat Command Heritage of America Band, Ensemble -- Alford, Kenneth J., Komponist -- Band of the United States Air Force Reserve Jazz Ensemble, Ensemble -- Blankenburg, Hermann Louis, Komponist -- Boskerck, Francis Saltus van, Komponist -- Crawford, Robert MacArthur, Komponist -- Farrar, Orion R., Komponist -- Fillmore, Henry, Komponist -- Fučík, Julius, Komponist -- Goldman, Edwin Franko, Komponist -- Hall, Robert Browne, Komponist -- Hanssen, Johannes, Komponist -- Hummel, Silas E., Komponist -- Jewell, Fred, Komponist -- King, Karl, Komponist -- Meacham, Frank W., Komponist -- National Concert Band of America, Ensemble -- Offenbach, Jacques, Komponist -- Panella, Frank, Komponist -- President's Own United States Marine Band, The, Orchester -- Seitz, Roland, Komponist -- Sousa, John Philip, Komponist -- Studio conductor, -- United States Air Force Band, Orchester -- United States Air Force Band of the Rockies, Ensemble -- United States Air Force Concert Band, Ensemble -- United States Air Force Heritage of America Band, Ensemble -- United States Air Force Singing Sergeants, Chor -- United States Air Force Tactical Air Command Band, Ensemble -- United States Air Forces in Europe Band, Ensemble -- United States Army Band, Ensemble -- United States Army Field Band, Ensemble -- United States Coast Guard Band, The, Ensemble -- United States Military Academy Band, Ensemble -- United States Navy Band, The, Ensemble -- Wagner, Josef Franz, Komponist -- Walton, William, Komponist -- Willson, Meredith, Komponist -- Zehle, Wilhelm, Komponist
- Person(en): Alford, Kenneth J. [Komposition] ; Blankenburg, Hermann Louis [Komposition] ; Boskerck, Francis Saltus van [Komposition] ; Crawford, Robert MacArthur [Komposition] ; Farrar, Orion R. [Komposition] ; Fillmore, Henry [Komposition] ; Fučík, Julius [Komposition] ; Goldman, Edwin Franko [Komposition] ; Hall, Robert Browne [Komposition] ; Hanssen, Johannes [Komposition] ; Hummel, Silas E. [Komposition] ; Jewell, Fred [Komposition] ; King, Karl [Komposition] ; Meacham, Frank W. [Komposition] ; Offenbach, Jacques [Komposition] ; Panella, Frank [Komposition] ; Seitz, Roland [Komposition] ; Sousa, John Philip [Komposition] ; Wagner, Josef Franz [Komposition] ; Walton, William [Komposition] ; Willson, Meredith [Komposition] ; Zehle, Wilhelm [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Air Combat Command Heritage of America Band ; Band of the United States Air Force Reserve Jazz Ensemble ; National Concert Band of America ; President's Own United States Marine Band, The ; United States Air Force Band ; United States Air Force Band of the Rockies ; United States Air Force Concert Band ; United States Air Force Heritage of America Band ; United States Air Force Singing Sergeants ; United States Air Force Tactical Air Command Band ; United States Air Forces in Europe Band ; United States Army Band ; United States Army Field Band ; United States Coast Guard Band, The ; United States Military Academy Band ; United States Navy Band, The
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Altissimo, 2012
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Florentiner-Marsch op. 214 00:05:50 -- Semper Paratus (Always Ready) 00:01:49 -- Salutation 00:01:59 -- The U.S. Air Force, "Off We Go Into the Wild Blue Yonder" 00:01:12 -- Eagle Squadron 00:03:42 -- Valdres-Marsch 00:03:42 -- Officer's Center - Officer of the Day March 00:02:15 -- The Gallant Seventh 00:03:12 -- National Spirit March 00:03:06 -- Viscount Nelson 00:02:44 -- E Pluribus Unum 00:03:22 -- Men of Ohio 00:02:24 -- A Warrior Bold 00:02:47 -- Bombasto 00:02:34 -- Crown Imperial 00:08:28 -- Die Hymne der Marines 00:00:55 -- The Thunderer 00:02:49 -- The Music Man: Seventy-Six Trombones 00:05:50 -- Unter dem Doppeladler op. 159 00:02:41 -- The Big Cage 00:01:28 -- Brooke's Chicago Marine Band 00:03:00 -- On the Campus 00:02:37 -- Der Abschied des Gladiators 00:03:26 -- American Patrol 00:04:18 -- The Stars and Stripes Forever 00:03:35 --
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