
- Titel: Journeys / UNITED STATES NAVY BAND. Barnwell, Ysaye M., Komponist -- Bates, Katharine Lee, Dichter/Text -- Bono,, Gesang -- Brackett Jr., Joseph, Komponist -- Carrington, Simon, Kontrabass -- Clayton, Adam, Komponist -- Copland, Aaron, Komponist -- Dykes, John Bacchus, Komponist -- Grolnick, Don, Komponist -- Hammerstein II, Oscar, Dichter/Text -- Hayes, Mark, Komponist -- Howe, Julia Ward, Dichter/Text -- Joel, Billy, Komponist -- Leavitt, John, Komponist -- Lowry, Robert, Dichter/Text -- McGurry, John G., Komponist -- Mercury, Freddie, Komponist -- Morley, Thomas, Komponist -- Mullen, Larry, Komponist -- Rodgers, Richard, Komponist -- Stanford, Charles Villiers, Komponist -- Steffe, William, Komponist -- Taylor, James, Komponist -- The Edge,, Komponist -- Thurston, Robert, Komponist -- United States Navy Band, The, Ensemble -- United States Navy Band Sea Chanters Chorus, Chor -- Ward, Samuel A., Komponist -- Whiting, William, Dichter/Text -- Wilhousky, Peter J., Dichter/Text
- Person(en): Barnwell, Ysaye M. [Komposition] ; Brackett Jr., Joseph [Komposition] ; Clayton, Adam [Komposition] ; Copland, Aaron [Komposition] ; Dykes, John Bacchus [Komposition] ; Grolnick, Don [Komposition] ; Hayes, Mark [Komposition] ; Joel, Billy [Komposition] ; Leavitt, John [Komposition] ; McGurry, John G. [Komposition] ; Mercury, Freddie [Komposition] ; Morley, Thomas [Komposition] ; Mullen, Larry [Komposition] ; Rodgers, Richard [Komposition] ; Stanford, Charles Villiers [Komposition] ; Steffe, William [Komposition] ; Taylor, James [Komposition] ; The Edge, [Komposition] ; Thurston, Robert [Komposition] ; Ward, Samuel A. [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): United States Navy Band, The ; United States Navy Band Sea Chanters Chorus
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Altissimo, 2006
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: MLK (bearb. von B. Chilcott) 00:02:21 -- Shed A Little Light (bearb. von R. Thurston) 00:03:49 -- Quick! we have but a second 00:00:43 -- A lieta vita (Sing wee and chaunt it) 00:01:29 -- Deep River (bearb. von J. Leavitt) 00:02:52 -- Old American Songs I: Nr. 4 Simple Gifts (bearb. von I. Fine) 00:01:22 -- Old American Songs II: Nr. 4. At the River (bearb. von R. Wilding-White) 00:03:01 -- Zion's Walls (bearb. von G. Koponen) 00:01:41 -- Takeda no komoiuta (Takeda-Wiegenlied) (bearb. von B. Ives) 00:03:50 -- Seaside Rendezvous (bearb. von P. Hart) 00:02:35 -- Wanting Memories 00:04:44 -- And So It Goes (bearb. von B. Chilcott) 00:03:25 -- That Lonesome Road (bearb. von S. Carrington) 00:03:02 -- It's A Grand Night for Singing (bearb. von M. Huff) 00:02:27 -- Grace (arr. M. Hayes) 00:04:05 -- Eternal Father, strong to save "Melita" (bearb. von B. Kidd) 00:01:56 -- Battle Hymn of the Republic (bearb. von P. Wilhousky für Chor und Orchester) 00:05:17 -- America the Beautiful (bearb. von C. Dragon für Chor) 00:02:51 --
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