Such Brave Defenders

- Titel: Such Brave Defenders / UNITED STATES AIR FORCE BAND. Ascione, Matthew G., Gitarre -- Baylock, Alan, Komponist -- Berlin, Irving, Komponist -- Carrell, James, Komponist -- Clapton, Eric, Komponist -- Clayton, David, Komponist -- Coonrod, Regina, Gesang -- Henley, John, Komponist -- Howe, Julia Ward, Dichter/Text -- Humphrey, Travis James, Komponist -- Jackson, Joe, Komponist -- Kirkey, Adrienne, Komponist -- Kosky, Chris, Komponist -- Layendecker, Dennis M. -- McPherson, Jonathan -- Newton, John, Komponist -- Ostrowski, Ira, Gesang -- Richards, Eric, Komponist -- Sims, Tommy, Komponist -- Steffe, William, Komponist -- United States Air Force Band, Orchester -- Ward, Samuel A., Komponist -- Wroble, Paige, Gesang
- Person(en): Baylock, Alan [Komposition] ; Berlin, Irving [Komposition] ; Carrell, James [Komposition] ; Clapton, Eric [Komposition] ; Clayton, David [Komposition] ; Henley, John [Komposition] ; Humphrey, Travis James [Komposition] ; Jackson, Joe [Komposition] ; Kirkey, Adrienne [Komposition] ; Kosky, Chris [Komposition] ; Newton, John [Komposition] ; Richards, Eric [Komposition] ; Sims, Tommy [Komposition] ; Steffe, William [Komposition] ; Ward, Samuel A. [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): United States Air Force Band
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Altissimo, 2008
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: That's Why 00:03:20 -- Holding On 00:05:06 -- Rock This House 00:04:09 -- Free 00:04:48 -- When They Come Home 00:04:24 -- Up High 00:03:59 -- God Bless America (bearb. von J. Fluck) 00:02:53 -- Amazing Grace (arr. A. Baylock) 00:06:21 -- Battle Hymn of the Republic (bearb. von E. Richards) 00:05:22 -- Change the World (bearb. von J. Jackson) 00:06:55 -- Sally Ann (bearb. von D. Hoffmann) 00:05:01 -- The Silence of this Moment 00:03:49 -- Let Freedom Swing (bearb. von J. McPherson) 00:02:12 -- America the Beautiful (bearb. von J. McPherson) 00:04:43 --
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