
- Titel: Whispering / HITS OF THE 1920s, Vol. 1 (1920). Ball, Ernest R., Komponist -- Bayes, Nora, Komponist -- Ben Selvin Novelty Orchestra, Orchester -- Berlin, Irving, Komponist -- Bernard, Felix, Komponist -- Black, Johnny S., Komponist -- Bowers, Robert Hood, Komponist -- Brown, Lew, Komponist -- Burr, Henry, Gesang -- Campbell, Albert, Gesang -- Cantor, Eddie, Gesang -- Charles A. Prince Orchestra, Orchester -- Day, Irene, Gesang -- De Sylva, Buddy G., Dichter/Text -- Egan, Raymond B., Dichter/Text -- Gershwin, George, Komponist -- Handy, William Christopher, Komponist -- Hanley, James F., Dichter/Text -- Harris, Marion, Gesang -- Harrison, Charles, Gesang -- Hirsch, Louis Achille, Komponist -- Jolson, Al, Komponist -- Josef Pasternack Orchestra, Orchester -- Kentucky Serenaders, Ensemble -- Lewis, Ted -- Munro, Billy, Komponist -- Murray, Billy, Gesang -- Nelson, Ed, Komponist -- Paul Whiteman Ambassador Orchestra, Orchester -- Pinkard, Maceo, Komponist -- Rosario Bourdon Orchestra, Orchester -- Rose, Vincent, Komponist -- Schoenberger, John, Komponist -- Schoenberger, Marvin, Komponist -- Steel, John, Gesang -- Studio orchestra, Orchester -- Ted Lewis Jazz Band, Ensemble -- Tierney, Harry Austin, Komponist -- Tilzer, Albert von, Komponist -- Van & Schenck, Ensemble -- Whiteman, Paul -- Whiting, Richard A., Komponist -- Wiedoeft, Rudy, Komponist -- Williams, Bert, Erzähler -- Young, Margaret, Gesang
- Person(en): Ball, Ernest R. [Komposition] ; Bayes, Nora [Komposition] ; Berlin, Irving [Komposition] ; Bernard, Felix [Komposition] ; Black, Johnny S. [Komposition] ; Bowers, Robert Hood [Komposition] ; Brown, Lew [Komposition] ; Gershwin, George [Komposition] ; Handy, William Christopher [Komposition] ; Hirsch, Louis Achille [Komposition] ; Jolson, Al [Komposition] ; Munro, Billy [Komposition] ; Nelson, Ed [Komposition] ; Pinkard, Maceo [Komposition] ; Rose, Vincent [Komposition] ; Schoenberger, John [Komposition] ; Schoenberger, Marvin [Komposition] ; Tierney, Harry Austin [Komposition] ; Tilzer, Albert von [Komposition] ; Whiting, Richard A. [Komposition] ; Wiedoeft, Rudy [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Ben Selvin Novelty Orchestra ; Charles A. Prince Orchestra ; Josef Pasternack Orchestra ; Kentucky Serenaders ; Paul Whiteman Ambassador Orchestra ; Rosario Bourdon Orchestra ; Studio orchestra ; Ted Lewis Jazz Band ; Van & Schenck
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Naxos Nostalgia, 2002
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Whispering 00:03:17 -- The Japanese Sandman 00:03:04 -- Capitol Revue: Swanee 00:02:37 -- I'll See You in Cuba 00:02:43 -- Alice Blue Gown 00:02:56 -- Ziegfeld Follies of 1919 00:03:09 -- Rose of Washington Square - Jazz Babies' Ball 00:03:08 -- I'll Be with You In Apple Blossom Time 00:02:56 -- St. Louis Blues (bearb. von C. Norman) 00:03:01 -- After You Get What You Want, You Don't Want It 00:02:49 -- When My Baby Smiles at Me 00:02:46 -- The Love Nest 00:03:19 -- Wait Till You Get Them Up In The Air, Boys 00:03:01 -- Pretty Kitty Kelly 00:02:55 -- Saxophobia 00:02:43 -- The Moon Shines On The Moonshine 00:03:05 -- Avalon 00:02:56 -- Oh, by Jingo 00:03:23 -- Let The Rest Of The World Go By 00:03:04 -- Dardanella 00:03:21 --
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