Orchestral Works, Vol. 4 (Beecham) (1946-1952)

- Titel: Orchestral Works, Vol. 4 (Beecham) (1946-1952) / DELIUS. Delius, Frederick, Komponist -- Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchester
- Person(en): Delius, Frederick ; Delius, Frederick [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Great Conductors, 2005
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Marche Capriccio / Delius, Frederick 00:03:33 -- Brigg Fair (Englische Rhapsodie) / Delius, Frederick 00:16:11 -- North Country Sketches: No. 1. Autumn, the Wind Soughs in the Trees; No. 2. Winter Landscape; No. 3. Dance; No. 4. The March of the Spring / Delius, Frederick 00:24:16 -- Over the Hills and Far Away / Delius, Frederick 00:13:45 -- 2 Stücke für kleines Orchester / Delius, Frederick 00:06:29 -- Tanzrhapsodie Nr. 1 / Delius, Frederick 00:11:57 --
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